ahhh December. The end of something, and soon the beginning of something new. I’m updating my online calender regularly as my weekly clients let me know their holiday plans, so let me know if you need a little more #AmberMoonMagic in your life this month! Feel free to book for any of your family that will be in town too!
Gift Certficates are available for all services.
Pilates Class Special, now thru Dec 24, 2016: 10 classes for $120. total savings; $30, must be used in 4 month time frame. Can be given as Gift Certificate. Contact me for more details. Please use the online scheduler to save your spot as space is limited. If you know you’re going to miss a class or so a month, this is your best deal! Only offered in December.
Yoga class update: I’m struggling finding a spot, but potentially on Tuesdays. either 1015a or 12n. Depends on clients, training, ability to shift clients around. Stay tuned. Give me feedback. I need at least 6 people interested for this to happen.
Pilates class on Thursdays, 10a & 530p
Rgistration is now open for December, January & February.
- $15/class drop in; Holiday special: 10 sessions for $120
- December Pilates: $36 for 3, or $60 for 5
- flexibility if you’re not going to be here for Catmas.
- January Pilates: $36 for 3
- No Class January 19… i’ll be at a CST training
- no refunds for missed classes if PIF.
- please register (full month or drop in) to make sure of enough equipment & space!
Put me in, Coach!
Run Technique Tip: Shin Splints, nasty buggers. Typically this is from weak shin muscles. Easy exercises – toe taps. Just sit there & tap your toes until you start to feel the burn. Really. Shouldn’t take long unless you already do Tibialis Anterior work. I’d also start working on toe mobility. Curling the toes, spreading the toes. If you’re feet don’t work right, nothing is gonna work right. Please be entertained by my “Cats in Spaaaaace” leggings.
Run Technique Tip #2: (cuz we gotta prep for those of you wanting to start in January!) Get the glutes going! Many of the runners that come to me are running from the hip flexors (front of hips) which creates knee pain in the long run. Learn to run from your glutes. If you do, then your leg should swing forward instead of you always pulling it up. Take a moment to check out an easy exercise to get you started! If you want some help, come join my Run Classes at the Y!
Swim Technique Tip: Consistency is the key to improving your swim because is it soooooo technique oriented. Especially if you are starting out, less is more in terms of total duration… but get in the pool 3-5 days a week. As technique improves you can go to 2-3 days per week. During Tri season, most my athletes are swimming 3-4 days per week, with a different emphasis each day.
Wellness Coaching Tip: Stay on target! Post your daily/weekly/month goals around the house/office and ask your family & friends for help. Holiday parties are not an excuse for missing your workouts, for getting off your eating pattern, etc. Also start taking stock of what you achieved this year. What accomplishments are you proud of? What do you need/want to work on?
Schedule updates
Please always check my online scheduler first, then let me know if you don’t find anything. I try to keep it as updated as possible.
- Monday – closed
- Tuesday – 8a- 4p
- YMCA Run Class, 530a, location TBA weekly
- Wednesday – 8a-1015a
- YMCA Run Class, 630p at Ready to Run, Dec 7 & 14 only. Resumes in January on Tuesdays
- Thursday – 10a-630p (Pilates class 10-11a & 530-630p)
- Friday – 9a-12n, 230-330p
- Austin Y-Tri Drills on Hills, 530a (YTri Club membership required).
- Since I’m already closed on Mondays, Catmas & New Years do not affect hours.
Juice Plus & Tower Garden
So I’ve moved my Tower Garden off the back patio, and I’ve got peeps now asking if I put it in storage for winter. Absolutely not! I moved it down to the stony area so it can get light. Evidently the patio is going to be the summer spot. Winter veggies are growing – in this case, brussel sprouts & kale. Its not full this year, cuz I was slacking & had nothing else going on this Sept/Oct when I should have been starting new seedlings. The only change to the TG set up, aside from location, is the timing of the water running – instead of 15 min on/15 min off, its now 15 min on/30 min off. Colder weather = less water. How’s your winter garden doing?
This was Kim’s garden just before she started her very late winter garden. Tomatillos and Ground Cherries love the Tower Garden!