I’m intentionally getting this November update out late. The OilMan 70.3 was this past weekend, and instead of waiting til December to tell you about it, I decided to hold this. And because I was busy and not on the computer much in October. I just want to say how proud I am of these athletes (see pic) – and my relay team didn’t even know they were going to be doing these distances (the first for each) until about 5 weeks before.
The race started out wet – not only because we swam first, but because it rained overnight and into the early morning at the time transition opened (530a) for us to rack our bikes, lay our stuff out, and get over to the swim start. My philosophy – I’m gonna get wet anyway, I may as well have FUN! Water temp was a bit on the cool side – 67.4F on race morning. I was loving it! Barton Springs is supposed to be 68 degrees. This felt warmer then that. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the water. I was faster last year, but that’s ok. I still won a bet, beat another friend, and won Farrah a beer. The things I do for my friends!
I know at least 2 of these athletes were tearing up as they crossed the finish line. And they should. I’ts a BIG accomplishment. I know I did when I finished in 2011. We’ve got a few already committed to doing it next year! I’ll be happy to relay the run next year 🙂

And I’m gonna give a huge shout out to Farrah here, for this was her 4th triathlon ever, she finished 2nd in her age group, AND she ran the last little bit and across the finish line with Elizabeth & Traci. Cuz 70.3 miles wasn’t enough. A true teammate. This whole group of athletes has been like this as we’ve trained the past 18 months with Oilman as our goal. I’m so proud to be a part of what is being created here.
Be kind, be germ free!
As we delve farther into the fall/winter, please take a moment and really check in with how you are feeling, and if you’re sick, starting to catch something, and you’re not 100% certain it’s “just allergies”, please take a moment and cancel your appointment. I know a massage would feel good, and I typically advocate light exercise if you’re under the weather (it does help boost the immune system, if you can handle it), but those pesky germs… they hang around even when you start feeling better. Remember if you are receiving a massage, I’m in direct contact with you & all your germs. If you’re doing Pilates, you’re touching equipment that others will also be touching. I can sanitize all I want, but it only takes a small germ, and many people could be affected. And consider that I’m self-employed – I don’t get sick days. So if I’m out, I don’t make money.
At the beginning of October, I ended up with a little 24h bug, and I cancelled 2 days worth of sessions so that I didn’t end up passing the germs on to anyone else. Like schools, I ask of you – and myself – to be symptom free for 24 hours.
What you carry in with you
Aside from germs, everyone has the potential to bring in an energetic footprint. It could be pain, illness, whatever is going on that day. You can bring it in without even knowing. Like physical energy, this “psychic” energy is on a grid. Sometimes it gets stuck. Sometimes it moves on. Sometimes it needs a little help. You give off psychic energy, and you can also take in the positive/calming/healing vibe I’ve created in this house.
I’ve had a lot of people comment that this house is very calming, very relaxing. They like being here for the energy it gives off. I’ve worked to create this atmosphere here. Before I even moved into this house, I had some of my energy worker friends come over and we did a clearing to “get rid of the old ghosts”. People can leave these footprints, these imprints on places. We got rid of what was here – good or bad – and invited in the energy I wanted: Healing, Joy, Happiness, Love, Abundance.
And then I was introduced to Stacy Davenport, The Energy Catalyst. Just like I’m a Reiki Master, she is a Feng Shui expert (I’m gonna call her a Master). She blows my mind. We both do energy work, but from a totally different perspective. Stacy has helped me keep my house clear of the energies that get brought in, taught me how to keep it clear, and given me pointers & things to do along the way to help maintain what I want this house, this Studio, to be. Three to four times a year, she comes over & gets the stuck stuff unstuck, and brings in the good mojo. I also do weekly clearings that she has taught me.
So if you’re concerned about the stuff you bring with you sticking, its ok. I’ve got it covered.
Studio updates
I’m opening up Dec 24 & 31 for my regular Monday & Tuesday clients to get their sessions in. I’ll be getting an email out shortly to my weekly clients regarding these 2 weeks soon. Still closed Dec 25 & Jan 1.
I’m also adding in a Thursday 845a slot thru the end of the year. I’ve not settled on my race plan or training for 2019 yet, so once I do that slot may be open, or may be gone. I’ll just have to wait and see. I know I’ve been a bit booked up of late, so working on opening up a few more slots.