I know, I know… I’m even late for me! I’ve been working, working on EOY accounting, playing with chicks & fluffyfluffys… can’t blame training this time, as I’m only running & strength training. This year has flown by. I’ve seen the Studio grow, my athletes succeed, and my life find some semblance of normal. I am working Dec 31, and there are openings if you need.
May the Spirit of the Season remain with you
May your Love of Life show
May your life force be as radiant as the Sun.
But on to news. Firstly, since I’m spending less time on the computer, I’m gonna reserve these news updates for when I’ve got something to share, instead of trying to do it monthly. Hopefully this will make them shorter, easier for me to manage, quicker for you to read. With that said, if you want to keep up to date as much as possible, please like the Amber Moon Studio facebook page, and the page dedicated to the Fluffys. No, I’m not creating one for the chicks, but I do think “What the Flock?” would be a great name!
Second: I’ve got 2 new items I’m offering: Bindegewebsmassage and Lightarian Attunements. More on each of these below – and links, cuz why reinvent what’s already been written about them? Each of these have their own line item on my online scheduler now, so feel free to book them specifically if you want to give them a try.
Third: Pilates class update: There will be no class Dec 31 or Jan 7, but resumes on Jan 14 at a new time: 12-1p. I’m finding I just need my Monday mornings off to get stuff done & be prepared for the week. We’re gonna try this slot for 5 weeks, and see how it goes. I’ll be off Feb 18 & 25, then we will resume in March, time TBA. Please sign up to make sure you get your slot!
Fourth: You may have noticed I’m getting into a lot of DIY for around the house – you’ve already been using Homemade Goodness in the hand soap in the bathroom & the face lotion for massage. I’ve made laundry & dishwasher detergent, dish soap, bar soap (think ZumBar), bath truffles, body lotion, and a working list of things I still want to try. I’ve got a lot of other stuff I’ll be working on, and might have some available to sell, let me know. There will be a separate email list for you.
Fifth: Yep, I now feel it necessary to have both cat and chicken jpgs….

Yes, another really cool massage modality that has origins in Germany, where it’s actually part of the health care system (way more alternative than the US system). Similar to CST, it works to get you out of fight or flight and put you back into the “relax & repose” mode. You may have noticed there is now a massage chair in the office. This is where it’s done. It is excellent for migraines, menstrual cramps, insomnia, RLS, asthma, and more! Here’s a link for more info, but I only do this technique in the chair.
I’ve scheduled it as a 30 min appt, and it takes about 15-20 min to do the technique. I want you to have time to process what we’re doing, and ask questions. Most of the work is done at the base of your spine, directly on the skin. This can be done within an appt you already have (realize it will take the 20 min or so out of whatever we normally do), or before/after it. You may also schedule it separately, but if you’re already coming & want to try, drop me a note to see if I can add it before or after your current scheduled time. Sometimes I have flexibility. And, we’ll work on you being able to pronounce the name correctly, until then, “Binde” works too.
Cost is $25/session, or book 4 weeks in a row for $80 package price (limited time offer). There is a cumulative effect, so regular sessions at the front end help you most, and then taper out to “tune ups”, typically after 8 sessions.
Lightarian Attunement Facilitator
Similar to a Reiki attunement, but totally different in effect. I’m gonna let their website tell you more about it. I am also a Reiki Master and do Shaman work, I just don’t advertise it, as that component is not my calling. Everyone gets a little energy work when you’re here anyway, you’re just not aware of it. If you’re ready to move to a better energetic state, this is for you. Sessions can be done in person or by phone. My scheduler has both listed.
At the moment, I can do the Lightarian Ray Program, and Clearings 1-3. As I receive the other Clearings & Attunements, I can do them immediately after. Cost is $45/attunement. I can also Attune you to give these to others. There is a fee for your manual if you want to be able to do this. Contact me for more info.
Studio hours
- Mon 12-5p
- Tues 745a-245p
- Wed 2-5p
- Thurs 845-415p
- Fri 730a-1145a
- any appointments outside these hours may subject to a $30 after-hours fee.
Upcoming dates the Studio will be closed for 2019:
- Jan 1, New Years’ Day
- May 27, Memorial Day
- July 4, Independence Day
- Sept 2, Labor Day
- Dec 25, Christmas Day
- Jan 1, 2020
- other dates may come up as I start being a Teaching Assistant for the Upledger Institute, as well as for travel/recovery from various races.