Your guide to everything under the Amber Moon, the week of 7/28/21

I recently returned to a weekly mountain bike session – and it’s just what I needed. Outside, amongst the trees. Very present in the moment. I think I was last on bike trail before I moved. It’s taken my schedule a while to settle down and create a block of time to come in to Austin for this. I missed it.
I consider myself a “fledgling” – not a newbie, just someone that understand the limits of herself, her bike, and what she does for a living. If I get hurt, it can affect my work. No bueno. My bike – my beloved Hunts with Hawks – is a Trek 800 that I won while still living in Oxford MS (thank you Power Bar) and commuting up the NSA Mid-South (north of Memphis) for my job as Fitness Director. As a free bike, there are no bells and whistles. Most good mountain bikes have shocks. Nope, not on mine. So I pick routes that I can complete and not be in serious need of them. There are a few that are bumpy, courtesy of stones (I call them “bones” cuz they look like them as they get worn down with bikes & people & nature). I’ve learned where I need to dismount, walk thru, and then go again. I’m OK with this.
I find that mountain biking really improves my bike handling skills when I’m on the road, and I know my knee has gotten stronger because of the variability. It just seems to complete my training. As does hiking – same idea – more stabilization & variety required to get to where I’m going.
It’s a VERY fun way to cross train.
Massage: The Driveway Series
For my regulars, I’m going to stop requiring the COVID & Massage form. I think you get it by now. You’ve been good. If you’re an irregular, or once a month, I’ll still have you do it. Please keep in mind that even though folks are using the phrase “post-pandemic” – we are not. At least at Amber Moon Studio. All COVID protocols remain in place.
- July 28: RCN Days – 315 is currently open
- Aug 4: Great Hills area – 230p is open
- Aug 11: RCN Days
- Aug 18: Great Hills area
- Aug 25: RCN Days
- Sept 1: Great Hills area
- Sept 8 RCN Days
- Mon Sept 13 – PENDING: Great Hills area. Studio will be close 9/15- 24; debating addition of Monday to make up for that Wed.
- Mon Sept 27 -PENDING: RCN Days to make up for previous week.
All dates are Wed unless otherwise noted. Open slots are subject to change.
If you’re interested in coming on an RCN Days Wed, it is now open on my scheduler.
Group schedule for this week
- 530a: Tuesday Track/Speed work (Austin)
- 11a: Pilates Mat
- 430p: Everything Under the Moon
- 615p: Walk-to-Run (Taylor)
- 1030a: Viniyoga
- 1145a: DIY Reformer
- 11a: Pilates & BOSU
- 145p: Viniyoga >> Meditation
- 430p: Everything Under the Moon
- 615p: Walk-to-Run (Taylor)
- 530a: Friday Run – Birthday Hills (Austin) – use code BDHills & Get $3 off the drop in rate – for today only!
- 11a: Viniyoga
- No run this week due to Birthday hills – please join us Friday morning!