Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 1/18/24.

Yes, you’re right.
I’m a week late with this Hello Sunshine. I was outside prepping my gardens, chickens, & house for that winter weather we had last week. I didn’t even realize until Tuesday I had missed it.
Everyone survived! I’ve still have a garden! Except for the 1 chicken that was molting (she was about half naked), they managed. That one, Angel, got to spend about 2 days in the garage with a little higher protein food & a heat lamp to help her with the molting. She’s been good outdoors since.

I harvested my first ever broccoli crown right before that arctic blast (hand in inset pic for size reference), and I’ve got 3 more growing, waiting for me. I’ve still got onions, cabbage, swiss chard, and some mystery plants from last spring growing (likely brussels, more broccoli & …. uhhh…) as well.
A little about YOU, my clients
Last update I mentioned that I had 10 new clients – let me tell you a little more about YOU, my existing clients:
- A few of you have been with me since I started at the Y (2006) – with personal training, then Viniyoga & Pilates classes.
- I asked for guinea pigs among the Northwest YMCA staff as I started massage school in 2007. Many of those guinea pigs are still with me.
- Sometimes, you opt to change the service you use at Amber Moon Studio. Or do more than 1 thing at a time. Massage becomes Pilates. Pilates becomes CST. How about Personal Training AND Massage? It depends on what YOU need.
Knee update
The biggest thing I’ve noticed the past few weeks is that my creativity is back. My knee isn’t taking so much attention & energy.
During the arctic blast, I was out creating more wind block for the flock, and managed to slip on a slick cinder block stair coming out of my shed. I landed on my side more than my knees – I know because I had 2 eggs in that pocket that got crushed. My SI joint got a little tweak, knees were good, no bruises. Everything was a little tender. Took it easy the rest of the day, got a chiropractic adjustment once everything opened again, & I’m good now. That was a big *whew*. I’ve since leveled the block, and cousin Amy got me some anti-slip tape to put on top. That’s not gonna happen again!
I switched physical therapy facilities with the new year/new insurance, so it’s taken a little bit to get that going. Every physical therapist sees things differently, so I’ve a few new daily exercises added in that have been making a difference. I’m doing short intervals biking & walking, keeping it about 35-40 min. Beyond that total time, I’ve noticed my knee doth protest. My strength training (therapy & beyond) is coming along quite nicely. Loving playing with my training & progressions.
Amber Eats: Playing with my food. Again.
I happened upon a new single serve “bread” recipe. It’s pretty much fiber, protein & seasoning. Depending on how you make it, this could also be a muffin. The original recipe called it an English muffin.

You decide.
Flax bread/muffin recipe
- 1/4 c ground flax
- 1 egg
- 1 tsp baking powder
- options: sweetener (just a touch), seasonings
Mix all together, choose your container – I actually mix in the one I choose – and microwave for 90 seconds. Prefer a sammich? Pick a flatter container (I use a shallow bowl). You a muffin person? Use a mug or 3 cup ramekin. Maybe divide it in 2 smaller ones. With the high flax content it stays moist. Remove from container & enjoy immediately!
I’ve used a small amount of agave & a few berries for a muffin.
For bread, I typically add garlic & black pepper. Pictured above it’s an egg salad sammich (slice the shallow container bread in half the easy way).
Be creative. You do you!
Taylor & Virtual openings
- Tues, 1/23/24, 4p (30 or 45 min), contact me to schedule
- Thurs, 1/25/24, 1p (30 or 45 min) or 315 (30 or 45 min)
- Tues, 1/30/24, open from 2p-430p (contact me if you don’t see an opening)

Last minute openings happen. Keep an eye on my schedule or reach out if you need something not showing.
Austin openings
- Wed, 1/24/24, 445 or 5p
- Wed, 2/21/24, 230p (30 or 45 min)
- Fri, 3/1/24, 315p
Last minute openings happen. Check back on the calendar regularly, or reach out and let me know you’re looking. I also post on FB & IG when these happen, since they are more infrequent.
Virtual Classes
I’m taking off from coaching Taylor Track Time until March – I don’t like standing out in the cold, to be honest. It’ll be virtual classes until then – sign up online, and purchase your package for the best pricing!

Thanks for reading all this way down here!
If you read something that inspired you, or you tried the recipe, I’d love to hear – drop me an email, text, DM.