Couch to 5k, Week 1

Welcome, Sunshine!

Firstly, thank you for taking part in this program! I’m excited to actually be joining you in it. Yes, I’m a run & triathlon coach, but I’ve also got 2 brand new knees, so we’re gonna build in slowly!

How does this work?

Each week I’ll send you the plan. Please add my email to your address book so it gets noticed.

I strongly suggest you track what you are doing, as part of getting the discount code for the GoodLife 5k is showing me that you are doing the program. MapMyRun is a simple app on your phone that can track what you do. A smart watch is fine. Strava, Garmin, etc will also allow you to screenshot each week and send it to me. 

There are 3 total run/walks per week. Most days there will be time based workouts to be done anywhere convenient, for others, I’ll give you a segment to include in your activity. Not required, but it lets you explore different areas. So let’s go with “strongly suggested”.

Can you do more? Sure, as long as you are able to recover. If you find your toast (overdid it) after a bit, back off. Talk to me. We’ll figure it out. If you’ve not been active, I suggest you stick with 3 days. 

Your days should be evenly spaced over the week… I suggest Tu/Th/Sat or Sun, maybe W/F/Su… get the idea? It needs to fit it into your schedule. You could do M/W/F, but you’ll eventually need a little bit more time on one of those days.  

So go ahead, right now, and actually put it on your calendar for the rest of this week and next.  I’ll wait…. 

Each week can be different. The important thing is to get it in. 

What if you want to just walk?

Perfectly fine. On the segments labeled as “run”, walk with your arms bent to 90 degrees at the elbow. You’ll notice it picks up your pace without you even trying.

The Plan for this week

I’m including 1 for next week in case you’re doing one on Monday – my normal day to send out this email.

  • Day 1: 20 min walk
  • Day 2: 5 min walk, then alternate running for 1 min/walking for 2 min until you reach a total time of 20 min.

Week 2

  • Day 1: 20 min walk

I’ll schedule a Zoom call for next week so we can all chat in person. 


  • Reply all to this email, and say when you are doing your 2 run/walks between now & Sunday. Be specific. Include when, where and when.Here’s mine: “Friday 6a, on my treadmill, and Sunday, 6a, on my treadmill”. 
  • At the end of Sunday, text or FB message me a pic of your walk data. 

Got questions? Please ask!

Now let’s get those happy feet ready to go!