Hello, Sunshine!
Now this is what I’m talking about. August 1 just happened at a busy time, so I’m getting my ducks in a row now… they were at a rave last week. (hahahaha)
Virtual meeting
Thursday, 8/8, 630p. Please use the link for this Zoom session. I’ve got a small agenda, and lots of Q&A time. Feel free to send me questions in advance, topics you’d like addressed, etc. I’ve also invited you via my google calendar, so look for that if you like an easy life.
Can’t make it? I’ll record & send the link next week.
Each of these emails is online, so you can easily go review them anytime, if you like to keep your inbox clean. Please bookmark www.ambermoonstudio.com/updates. Look for our title, & that pic up above. Zoom & program specific links will not be available on the website.
Checkin’ in…
So how’d you do last week? Please remember to send me a screenshot of your walk/run activities.
How’d it feel? Easy? Hard? Just enough? Ready for more?
Just something to think about
If you were walking, did you play with your arm position like I suggested?
If you are on a treadmill, put 1% incline on there. Let your hands be in a natural walking position (avoid holding on). It’s ok hold on occasionally, but majority of the time should be hands free. You can take it up to 2% as you get used to it. This is “equivalent to outside”. If you’re at 0, it’s kinda like going downhill.
If you’re outside, how did the surface you were on feel? Next time you’re out, notice. Concrete is one of 2 surfaces that does not give your body feedback on how it’s doing. And… the GoodLife 5k will be on mostly asphalt. Yes, there’s safety to be aware of, and sometimes the concrete is just easier, just be aware, please. If things start to talk (knees, ankles, hips, etc), try switching off concrete as much as you can. Save it for the 5k.
The Plan: Week 2
Please remember you have the ability to move these days around as fits best for you. They can be done in any order, and preferably spread out throughout the week.
Day 1: 20-30 min walk. Yep, nice and easy, just go. Enjoy. The first 5 min, take it easy (‘warm up’), ditto for the last 5 (‘cool down’).
Day 2: 5 min walk, 5x 1.5 min run/2 min recovery walk, 5 min walk. If you have a Garmin, you can actually program your watch to tell you when to run & when to recover.
Day 3: 30 total min of walking, but include 1 trip up & down Dellinger Dr. And I mean all the way up to North, all the way down to Bull Branch Park. The first 5 min, take it easy (‘warm up’), ditto for the last 5 (‘cool down’). Feel free to add a loop around Bull Branch too. The intensity of this take place of running today. Why? Cuz this is the 1 hill in the GoodLife 5k. Let’s start practicing it now.
Week 3, Day 1 (in case you have Monday as a do it day): 25-35 min walk. The first 5 min, take it easy (‘warm up’), ditto for the last 5 (‘cool down’).
Action items
- Put this week’s walk/runs on your calendar now. You may already have done it from last week. Great! Do the following week. If you’re digital, give all of this its own special color.
- Send me when you’re doing your training this week, AND the screenshots from last week
- Stay hydrated, wear breathable light colored clothing if outside. It’s about to get hot again.
- Send me this week’s walk/runs after they are all done.