Couch to 5k, Week 3

Hopefully you’ve completed the first 2 weeks’ of activity. If not, it’s okay. You may find you also want to redo a week. Consistency is key. If you really like a workout I give, let me know, I can style more like that.

Check in

What is 1 thing you’ve learned so far? Anything related to the program is fair game.

Here’s mine: I figured out my knees need me to do a run, then a walk, then a run session… if I try to run, run, walk… they protest. So I’m going out of order from what I write. Goal is to get them done, in any order.

What is 1 thing that is a challenge for you so far?

Here’s mine: I am still in the mindset of workouts should last an hour. It’s what I’ve done for so long. I’m getting there, and actually enjoying the shorter sessions for where I am right now. The shorter session also fits better in my schedule with everything I’m doing at the moment.

If you’re up for it, hit reply all and let the group know. I bet others are also having similar findings. Let’s start conversations around these answers.


Maybe we should call it “habit forming”? In the meeting video I talked about 2 things that can help with habit forming/motivation. One is The CALM Method, developed by Austin local Ryan Lanier. Her book, is a guide to ditching last minute living. She’s not ADD, but she, personally, is all over the place. I’ve seen her grow thru the process of this book. Please refer to her website for more info, oh, and she’s got a FB group, The CALM Collaborative, if you want more interaction on this. It’s free.

Another option – Atomic Habits. I mentioned this book in the meeting video. Break your habit down to the smallest thing you need to do to get it done. Putting on your shoes, for the purposes of this program is probably a good one.

Now combine the 2… setting it in your schedule, and setting your shoes out. Let’s see if this creates even greater success.

A few other things you can do:

  • invite a friend to join you
  • we’re here for accountability… use the email group to help you
  • invite someone from this group to join you
  • sign up for a free 15 min “meet & greet” to chat about how to get these things in around life (you get 1 between now & Good Life 5k, if you so choose to use it).

The Plan

Note: as you get farther into this, you may notice you need a longer warm up. Please lengthen it out as YOU need. Up to 15 min is good. Keep the cool down to about 5.

Week 3, Day 1: 25-35 min walk. The first & last 5 minutes, take it easy.

Week 3, Day 2: 5 min warm up walk. 6 x 1.5 min run/2 min recovery walk. 5 min cool down

Week 3, Day 3: Hills! We did 1 repeat on Dellinger this past week… so now we are on to 2 repeats, from North to Bull Branch. Add in 5 continuous minutes of running, just once, somewhere in the session – need not be on the hill. Slower pace than you’ve been going. Learn to be consistent. Next week, we’ll do a different hill.

My week: I’m doing M @ 8a, W @ 845a, and Th @ 830a this week, all starting from my house. Sunday I’ll be in Austin, and will get in some yummy hills.

Race Course: if you want to start getting specific on training, you can begin to incorporate segments of the 5k course. We’ll have you doing the full thing as we get into September, so if it’s not convenient, no worries. We’ll get you there. It’s flat except for Dellinger.

Action items

  1. Email ‘reply all’ the responses to the check in questions.
  2. Include specifics on when you’ll be getting in your 3 sessions this week.
  3. You may also include last week’s sessions or you can send that to me directly.
  4. Ask ONE question, please.