Your Couch to 5k

Here we are, end of August, end of phase 1, and getting ready to rock & roll.

Please take this survey to give me feedback on 1) how this program has been so far, and 2) how you plan to continue. This will also help me send emails only to those that are continuing.

This first month has been your “initial phase of conditioning“, since this program assumed you weren’t active or were slightly active. I know some of you are more active, so maybe it’s been a period of something different, increasing intensity, or trying something new.

How was your recovery week? How was running/power walking up those inclines? I did 2 sets. The 2nd set felt much better. My knees just weren’t feeling warmed up the first set, and I even made sure I walked at least 20 min before I ran.

Ready to add more running in? If you’re a walker, we’re gonna up your power walking.

After this week, we shift. The intent of this program is that you now attend the Tues/Thurs 630p Track sessions (Memorial field track). You get some in-person attention, work on form & technique, and how to build a better warm up. And a community.

I realize this doesn’t work for some of you. Again, please take the survey.

There will still be emails. There will still be a weekly plan. How you get it though, may be changing.

Please reply to this email to get your GoodLife 5k discount code. Remember, to submit your required weekly updates on your training to get the code… you can still submit them now if you need.

Week 5 Training

Reminder: If I say run, it may mean “power walk” for those of you walking.

Day 1: 5-10 min warm up walk. 6 x 2 min run/3 min recovery walk. 3-5 min cool down. Please note this may be a 45-55 min walk.

Day 2: 10 min walk warm up, 10 min easy running*, 5 min walk, 5 min easy running*, 10 min easy walk as cool down. (40 min total)

  • easy is “Zone 2” from last week’s email, or, whatever your natural pace is, go a little slower.

Day 3: 60 min of movement, and include the driveaway at Naomi Pasemann Elementary at least 3 times. For extra fun, RUN the uphill. I tried it today, the west side straight part took me 30s.

Action items

  • Take the survey
  • If coming on Tues and/or Thurs, buy your City of Taylor Fitness Punch Pass. I will have punch cards on 9/3. Please be prepared to show me your receipt. As I’m typing this, they have not updated our program on the website yet, but you can get the pass.

Thank you

I appreciate each of you taking part in this program, whether or not you completed it. It’s a learning for all of us. Timing sometimes isn’t right. It was hot. It was August. Hopefully you learned something about yourself!