Running running running, happiness & furry overlords

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 9/1/2024

My days are full again. I’m getting more comfortable with how I want to be as a middle school cross country coach. I’m up to 24 minutes of running. I’m about to sign up for my first 10k of the season, one of my old favorites, Spicewood Vineyards. It all makes me very happy.

The cats, aka the furry overlords, have a slightly different opinion. My lap is not available nearly enough, as evidenced by when I do actually sit in my recliner ‘static cat’ happens (in human words, I’ve suddenly got several on my lap – think ‘static cling’ but with cats).

all those studio bath colors!

I realized just last week that the hall/studio bath now makes me happy. Really happy. So much fun & color. No more beige. I’ve still got the cabinets to paint, but their current gray is ok. The avocado tile is brighter, as is the whole room. Ah.

When I realized that the bath put a big smile on my face, I thought back through ALL I’ve done on the house. I’ve done a lot. It feels really good to be seeing progress again. I *think* I’m getting ready to start Round 2 on spaces – touching up, refining, improving. Back porch, hallway & repainting the shed are on my list to get done by the time cross country ends.

My new knees sidetracked me for a bit in a lot of ways, and I’m getting back on track – in fitness, with the house, with getting creative, and having energy for things. The knee issues started in 2019. Then got much worse in 2023 before the first one. So, we’ll say a 5-year break, and now I’m coming back. This, too, makes me happy. Hello, Happiness!

Update on the various group classes

Masters swim has finished. I’m already looking forward to next summer, when I’ve asked for a stroke clinic (for those that can swim 25y continuous) in front of the masters swim (for those that can swim 100y continuous). City of Taylor says they are game!

Online classesregister here

Taylor Track Timeget your punch card here, or on site. Can also do $5 drop ins. Club membership required after your 2nd visit.

Mindful Pilates register here

Monday, Monday

Cross country has taken up a few of my Taylor slots. I knew that coming in. So… since my schedule is looking a little full, and for those of you reading this, I will be opening a few Monday slots during through Oct 19, 2024 (our championship meet). The catch – you have to ask. They’re not going to be on my scheduler, cuz that would be more work on my end for something that only lasts another 1.5ish months.

Some weeks it might be 1 session, others 2, and still others – nothing. Mondays are my appointment days, when I take care of me. Plus, I still need time to get behind the scenes work done. I seem to have created more for myself of late.

Taylor & virtual updates

Last minute cancellations happen. Contact me to get on the waitlist, or for Mondays.

  • Mon, 9/9, pending
  • Thurs, 9/12, 1215p
  • Mon, 9/16, 115p
  • Tues, 9/17, 115p
  • Mon, 9/23, 330p
  • Tues, 9/24, 115p
  • Mon, 9/30, 1p, 215p

Austin updates

Openings are subject to change. These openings are a reflection of this exact moment in time.

  • Wed, 9/4, 245p (30 min only)

That’s it until October. Please ask to be put on the wait list if you’re wanting something earlier.

Thanks for reading this far. I truly appreciate it. If I said something that inspired you, made you laugh, or made you go ‘hmmmmmm’, let me know!
