Hello, Sunshine!

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for the week of 9/13/21.

Just a reminder – the Studio is CLOSED this week after Tuesday. I need a real break. Not an “I’m moving to my new house” break. I’m gonna be off the grid. I’m disconnecting.

So, to keep you moving, I’ve created a YouTube playlist to keep you entertained while I’m out. While I try to balance out the viniyoga & Pilates on such playlists, it’s a little more viniyoga.

Want to get a $10 credit on your account? Watch one of the videos – it can be this playlist or any others on my YouTube channel, write a brief description, give it a title, send it to me. If I use it, you get $10 toward any future service.

Group schedule for this week


Austin – Massage: The Driveway series

This is now transitioned into ONE SERVICE on my scheduler. This list below is included in the description so you know each week’s location.

  • Please note Studio will be closed 9/15- 24.
  • Sept 29: Great Hills area
  • Oct 6: Rattan Creek neighborhood
  • Oct 13: Great Hills area
  • Oct 20: Rattan Creek neighborhood
  • Oct 27: Great Hills area