Tis the holiday season, and next year looking merry & bright!

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 12/17/2023

I’m officially into outpatient PT. I’m so far ahead of the curve, she’s having fun with me. My first day was evaluation, and there was a 6 min walk test – “we’re gonna run out of sidewalk” and “we won’t need to retest this at the end”. They were impressed that I’m already walking a mile and biking outdoors for 30 minutes. Upon finding out I was a runner/triathlete, she did asked me if I tried running yet. Ooooo…. don’t tempt me!

Alas, no I have not.

I’m 7 weeks out as of 12/18. I think that’s a little early to be running. My bones are still healing. I do have to regularly remind myself regularly that I’m only “X” weeks post-op.

I feel I’m doing a pretty good job balancing getting my home rehab, the cardio, work AND rest in. I’m ready for the next short break that Christmas brings, and at the moment Dec 27-29 are light (I’ll gladly fill it though!), so I get some down time, and time to prep for 2024.

So what’s on my agenda for 2024? Get stronger at walking & biking. Keep swimming. 1-2 Aquabike events. Expand my horizons with coaching middle school track, and coach cross country again in the fall. Get a better spring & fall garden than last year. Grow more of my own food. Finish painting tasks in the house. Keep up with my accounting. Get the hall (studio) bath updated. Play more. Hike more (likely a fall endeavor). Continue to grow the studio. Maybe a return to teaching an in-person class or 2. Get ready to start running in 2025.

What’s on your list? I’d love to hear!

Holiday hours

I’m taking off December 25 & 26, and January 1. Otherwise, studio is open as usual. Yes, I’ll be in Austin on Wednesdays, 1-6ish.


Except for Tues, 12/26, classes run as normal. No track 12/26 or 28. Everything resumes 1/2/24.

Just a note that track will run thru 1/18 (Th), and then take a break until March. This program is now run thru City of Taylor – $5/session or $40 for 10 on their fitness punch pass.

Personal sessions are available during the break time.

Taylor & Virtual sessions

The week of Dec 18 is currently running FULL. Last minute openings happen. Please check my scheduler or reach out.

Upcoming openings

  • Wed, 12/27, I could be talked into a 1145a if the 1P in Austin doesn’t get booked.
  • Thurs, 12/28, 330p
  • Fri, 12/29, 145 or 2p

Austin Studio

It’s almost here – more Austin studio days/times! Starting Jan 5, I’ll be there every other Friday 130-4, or so. Some weeks it’s already flexed a little based on what else I’ve got going on. So if you are looking for a regular slot (or an irregular one!) and not seeing an opening on Wednesday, here’s your chance. I’ve got Fridays in the scheduler thru March 1, so you no longer have to go thru me. It is a bit of computer work for me to get Fridays in, so I’m only going to have 1-2 months open at a time. Act now and get your Friday slot ASAP!

Upcoming Austin openings

  • Wed, 12/27, 1p, 330p
  • Fri, 1/5, 345 or 4p (30 or 45 min only)
  • Wed, 1/17, 1-3p
  • Fri, 1/19, 230-415p

Happy Holidays to all!

Thank you for being a part of Amber Moon Studio! I genuinely appreciate each and every one you.
May your holiday season be merry & bright, how ever you choose to celebrate.