The Quack Pack, Sept 2024

You feel it, right? That little bit of coolness in the wind? So heavenly.

And that means Triathlon & Run season are upon us or fast approaching!

Taylor Track Time – Tues & Thurs 630p, Memorial Field

As in it starts TOMORROW. We should have some new faces joining us from the Couch to 5k virtual program of August. Non-club members get 1 session as club guest, then they will be asked to join ($20 individual, $30 family). Registration is through the City of Taylor, either drop in ($5) or punch card (10 sessions for $40). Pay online or in person.

GoodLife 5k

Mark your calendars for our first running event – Oct 12, right here in Taylor. Always nice to support local events. Discount code gets you $5 off. No race day registration. Register now while you’re thinking about it.

$25 – Early Registration (now through September 30th)
$30 – 10/1- 10/11
$35 – Race Day

Road race schedule… options…

A new person brought to my attention a new trail fest in Hutto at the end of March. So I’ve added it to the list because of proximity, acknowledging that trail running is not for everyone. I’m not sure which I’ll be able to participate in from March on until I have my middle school track season schedule. Stephanie can be your champion for the ones I can’t make.

I’ve also added the Amber Moon Studio Turkey 10 – Run for the Pie!

Please contact me for discount codes.

The Quack Pack: August 2024

Firstly, THANK YOU. This summer’s masters swim was… a-ma-zing. I thank those of you that participated. And by request, we’re adding a Sunday 3p thru Labor Day.

To my middle school runners & parents – thanks for trusting me with your kids!  I had fun. I hope they did too.

If you’ve got feedback on either program, I’d love to hear it.

I truly appreciate you taking part in our stuff, for laughing with us, asking questions that extend our programs a little more. We’re here for YOU, so give us your ideas!

We’re entering the transition period from Summer to Fall, from swimming to walk/run… and working toward some team events. We’ve got a few already selected, and would like your input for 2025. We’ve picked ones with a couple distances available to accommodate everyone. We don’t want/need something monthly, but would like a few events to work toward. Destination races can be fun! BTW – power walking is totally acceptable. That’s my plan for this year, new knees and such…

What are your thoughts?

Drop us an email, let us know what interests you, what we’re missing, etc.

Upcoming activities

Friday, Aug 9, 6:50am, Fire Station bike route. Starts from Bull Branch. Wheels down at 7a. Plan to be there 6:50 please. We’ll be out about an hour.

Sunday August  11, 18, 25 & Sept 1 @ 3p. Masters Swim continues! By request. Please sign up. $28 for all 4, or $12 drop in rate. Must be a club member to join. 1 guest visit allowed.

Couch to 5k training. Already started but join at any time, start from your beginning. Accountability. Explore some new roads, maybe even. Virtual, do the program as it fits into your schedule. Register here.

Taylor Track Time. Tuesdays & Thursdays 615p starting September 3 at Memorial Field Track. Register through the City. Must be a club member to join. 1 guest visit allowed. Will be run thru the City’s punch card system.

Upcoming Events for 2024

Oct 12, 2024 Good Life 5k. Ask for your discount code!

Thanksgiving morning. Amber Moon Studio Turkey 10. It’s currently a facebook event, so please RSVP there to get the latest info.

Meet our sponsors

Enjoying our cute logo?  You can thank Christi Collins Quiroz, Paul Quiroz, and their company, Signco Wraps.  Again, sometimes it’s who you know! Christi is an extremely talented graphic designer that happens to be Stephanie’s cousin and friend.  Signco Wraps specializes in commercial fleet graphics, but also offers other services such as graphic designs and banners.  Although they are located in Baytown (south of Houston), the internet makes it seem like they are just down the street.  Check out their website for more information.

We are here for YOU, because of YOU

Thanks for reading! Reply all for any questions, RSVPs, and general comments! We appreciate you!

Sharon & Stephanie

The Quack Pack, July 2024

It’s a funky month, spanning July 2 – August 1. But we’ve got July 4th in there (no swim). So 5 Tuesdays, 4 Thursdays or a full month package options. I know when you register it has you sign up for Tuesday OR Thursday. I think of it as the number of sessionsPlease buy the number of sessions that work for YOU, and come on the days you are able

Running & biking

A reminder we’ve got a few other things on the agenda this summer, going to our philosophy of a multi-sport lifestyle. These are club member perks only. Please RSVP. 

  • July 12, 7a. Track – technique. Meet at Memorial Field Track, and we’ll continue to work on your form & run technique. $5 or punch required thru the City’s fitness programs ($40 for 10 sessions). I will have cards on hand if you’re doing the package, and you may pay onsite – please arrive 5 min early for this. Our fall run program is also done on these punches.
  • NEW DATE August 9, 7a.   Near town bike route.   Please note, we are wheels down at 7a. Please be 5-10 min early. Ride will be done at 8a.  Meet at Bull Branch Park (we suggest you bike over if possible). FREE.

Apologies for having to move the bike. I am scheduled, now, to be a Teaching Assistant for a Craniosacral Therapy workshop in Austin, 8/1-4. I can’t get downtown by 9a if we do it the morning of 8/2, as previously scheduled.  

Amber Moon Studio Turkey10

Prior to COVID I used to host a Thanksgiving morning run, and I’ve been thinking of returning to it this year. The original slogan was “why run a 10k when you can run 10 miles?”, then it became “Run for the PIE”, and everyone enjoyed coffee & pie afterwards. 

No, it doesn’t actually have to be running, or 10 miles. I’ve had years where I biked it, walked it, as well as 10 miles of running it. I also had a broken toe one year, so on crutches I drove around to the water stops & cheered people on. So, pick your distance, pick your mode (walk/run/bike/dog walk/stroller push/etc), bring Pie, and enjoy!

It’s a small event, maybe 40 people. It’s about building community. 

Entry fee has been a suggested donation of $5. Previously it went to South Texas Persian Rescue (501c3), but we could fund The Quack Pack this year. Or pick a different charity. I’m flexible. TBD.

Would you be interested? Would you be interested if it was a Brushy Creek Hike & Bike Trail instead of Taylor?  I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Everyone always wanted t-shirts. So we might have those too.

Good Life 5k

For those of you interested in doing the GoodLife 5k this year, we will be the official training program for it. August will start with virtual coaching, and then we meet in person on Tu/Th starting Sept 3. 

We will have a discount code for our Quack Pack members!  $5 off early bird (thru 10/1), or $15 off Race day. 


We’ve got 3 sponsors to introduce to you! 

Blur CycleworksGattis School near AW Grimes, Round Rock. This is my friend Eric, and I’ve worked with him for years with my previous club. He’s the Mr Miyagi of bikes. He’s got a couple rides if you’re interested in joining – please reach out to Asst Coach Stephanie if you have specific questions.

They’ve got a Tuesday evening shop ride, 90ish minutes. They’re also looking to add a 30-35 mile Saturday group ride in the fall. The current Saturday group rides about 55 (18-19mph), and frequently come to Taylor as their midpoint. These rides are free. You also get a discount on supplies & services. Just let them know your Quackers (or name drop myself or Stephanie).

The Loop Running SupplyAn Austin original, and super knowledgeable staff (all successful & serious runners). Again, I’ve known the owner for years, and when I have shoe questions, Ryan is my first call. He’s always taken care of me, and loves a good chat. I suggest you go during quiet times if you can for best service – avoid lunch, after work. Weekends really vary. 

If you’re willing to go to downtown Austin, or are there regularly, get 15% off your purchase. Let them know you are one of my athletes.

Commercial Swim

Sometimes, it’s who you know. Our very own Charles Logan got the pump donated for the pool aerator from Commercial Swim, and then built the aerator himself. Please give Charles a huge thank you  (or “quack quack”) when you see him next. And check out Commercial Swim, see what all they do for pools! Website Volunteer?

Why YES, you can forward this to friends & people you feel may be interested!

Thanks for reading! We appreciate you!

Sharon & Stephanie