Hello Sunshine!

When I told my knee surgeon I was a triathlete, his reaction and our subsequent discussion made it clear he assumed I was an Ironman. I’m not. I did complete a 70.3 (half Ironman) in 2011, but I actually prefer sprint distances. We agreed that I should stick to sprint triathlons and 10ks, but I had no idea what the training would look like.

Turns out, it looks like moderation.

I walk a lot. In addition to my daily walks, I run two days a week. The actual running portion lasts about 20-30 minutes, depending on the day. I warm up with a walk, do 5 minutes of easy running, walk again briefly, then do my run plan (which includes recovery walks), and finish with a cool-down walk. That daily mile, combined with all the other walking, is building the physiological foundation I need to run my 10ks and feel successful. The biking and swimming also contribute to my overall fitness.

Cuz we all need a pic of SkySky sleeping with her tongue out.

But the key is, I’m running and getting better.

I’m finding that I like this approach better. It’s much easier on my joints, both human and bionic. I’m adapting positively, getting faster, fitter, and able to run more in the allotted time. These days, my “long run” is actually a long, brisk walk.

Definitions certainly change as we progress in life. I’m still a runner, just very different from my pre-bionic knees days. I’m grateful to be re-learning this, grateful to be running, and grateful for pain-free movement. Looking back, I actually did my best when I only ran two days a week AND my long run was a walk. That’s when I went sub 1:30 on a Sprint triathlon (a milestone for me).

I’ve got my last 10k of this winter/spring season on March 15. I’m planning on taking at least another 5 minutes off my time. Instead of running 1 mile then walking, I’m going to aim for 1.5 miles, then a shorter walk break. I’m excited to see what I can do!

I’m on my third book of 2025: Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants. I was chatting w seester last month, and she mentioned finishing it recently, and beginning Robin Wall Kimmerer‘s 2nd book. Thought it sounded interesting, so here we are!

This book that has deeply resonated with me, especially in our current political climate. It’s not simply about plants; it’s about living in harmony and gratitude. Two chapters, in particular, “Allegiance to Gratitude” and “The Honorable Harvest,” struck me as both wise and relevant to the values we seem to have drifted from.

The author also narrates this book – a wonderful peek into indigenous life, with a gentle voice, caring, nurturing, like the subject of this book.

Track has started! Finally! I feel more settled. I like this routine better. More time for day time things, like office work.

I’m excited to share that I’m now offering visceral manipulation (VM) sessions!

If you’d like to add VM to an existing session, I can incorporate either a 5-ish-minute protocol (sphincters) or a 15-to-30-minute protocol. My class instructor recommended focusing on one organ per week to develop proficiency, so this week’s focus is the stomach (2/10) and next week’s is the duodenum (2/17). I was fortunate to experience next week’s organ firsthand as the class guinea pig, and it was truly profound. I believe anyone who has been in an auto accident could benefit greatly from having the duodenum worked.

For a 1-hour appointment, we’ll begin with the “organ of the week” and then, time permitting, address what your body indicates through listening techniques. A 30-minute appointment will likely focus solely on the organ of the day. As a special offer for your first visceral-only session, I’m offering a 33% discount with the coupon code VC14N6RO43 (copy paste it in!).

VM addresses both the mobility and motility of the viscera. While similar in concept to craniosacral therapy, VM utilizes a deeper touch.

To ensure your comfort and allow for optimal results during your session, please follow these guidelines:

  • Avoid applying lotion to your skin beforehand.
  • Wear loose-fitting pants (no jeans) and a shirt that can be easily lifted or removed.
  • For women, a sports bra may be more comfortable than a traditional bra.

Please note that I will need to access the mid-to-lower rib area during the session.

This first list below are conditions to where I am limited to doing motility & sphincters only:

  • an acute flare up of an inflammatory process (RA, colitis, fever)
  • abdominal aneurysm
  • bleeding ulcer
  • thrombosis
  • hemorrhage or fracture
  • transplanted organ
  • bariatric surgeries
  • List from Barral Institute VM1 manual, pg 22

If you have any of this 2nd list, I will work more lightly, and may need medical clearance:

  • diabetes
  • if taking anticoagulants or cortisone
  • within first 6 weeks post radiation therapy or chemotherapy
  • varicosities
  • foreign body (IUD, pacemaker, stints, mesh, ports, GI tubes)
  • autoimmune disorders
  • babies
  • menstruation
  • pregnancy
  • List from Barral Institute VM1 manual, pg 22
  • gall stones
  • ovarian cyst
  • post-surgery/trauma

When you sign up for your guinea pig session, you’ll need to confirm if you have any of these.

In upcoming Hello Sunshines, I’ll be educating you on the impact of working on each organ. It’s truly fascinating.

Life is getting a little easier now that track has started – it’s later than the off season run coaching I just finished, so I can get more done. If I have a track meet on Saturday, I won’t have office hours on the following Monday.

Austin Openings:

  • Wed, 2/19, 445p (30 min only)
  • Mon, 3/10, 345p
  • Mon, 3/24, 345p

Please reach out directly for Monday appointments, or to get on the Austin wait list.

The plants will hopefully be out on the driveway getting beautiful after this week. The house will be much easier to spot then. Which reminds me I need to bring them all back in tomorrow.

Taylor openings thru end of month:

  • Thurs, 2/20 @ 1215p
  • Fri, 2/21, 11a & 215p
  • Tues, 2/25, 12n ,115p, & 430p
  • Thurs, 2/27, 3p

These are also the openings for Guinea Pig visceral manipulation!

Hello, Snowshine!

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for Snowday Jan 21, 2025

How’d you do with our snow here in the Austin area? The chickens were funny. I’ve created a wind free corner in the coop for them – it really is a few degrees warmer – and they were all in it when I awoke this morning. Not on the roosts. Not in the small coop. In the warm corner. They normally come falling out when I open the coop each morning as well. Nope. They’re not fond of the snow. Neither am I. It looks pretty, and then I’m ready for it to be gone. There’s a reason I live in Austin.

It’s only January and I feel we’ve already had our 2 weeks of winter. Normally we have at least 1 in February. What’s it gonna be this year? *sigh* At least it is affording me some quality time on my treadmill and the bike on the trainer. I’m working on my limiters, and feeling stronger already. I’m gonna be ready for next Tri season!

Speaking of snow, this is a great time to remind you that if you have a cold, reschedule. I don’t need those germs, nor do any clients after you. I’m still immuno-compromised, and my last set of labs showed my immune system, even with the infusion, was not working properly. Yes, I know, it might feel good to get a massage while you have a cold. Be kind to your therapist, please.

I did a 10k last Saturday, before all this coldness blew in. It was a fabulous day! I felt awesome, and managed a total of 5 miles of running! I was a bit more strategic with pacing myself & my necessary walk breaks this time, and I was getting faster as the race went on. Took 5 minutes off my previous 10k time, AND recovered more quickly. Definite progress.

As a group, The Quack Pack came away with 5 podiums and 3 rose bushes. That’s pretty good for 6 people! Yay team!

I’ve already finished my first book, The Great Indoors, and started on my 2nd, The Other Talent: The Curiously Complex Role of Mental Health in Athletic Greatness and Why It’s Never Too Late to Harness Your Potential

The first book was nice & light, humorous, about the maturation of Alice, and her dream to hike the Pacific Crest Trail.

The 2nd book, sports psychology, looks at the cream of the crop athletes, the super elites, and what makes them so good. It should be subtitle with a phrase used regularly: “screw loose, shit together”. In order to excel, you gotta have both.

Guinea pig sessions for Visceral Manipulation are now OPEN.

Visceral manipulation is a type of gentle hands-on therapy that assesses and addresses organ mobility. Wait, our organs are supposed to move??? Yes! As strange as it may sound, our organs need to be able to move smoothly within our bodies for a pain-free life.

“VM1”, the course I’m taking next week, emphasizes the liver, gallbladder, stomach, sphincters, jejunoileum and the colon.

Guinea pig sessions may be booked Feb – April 2025 in Taylor only. These session will be primarily working on the “protocol”, and then will address your specific concerns with the remaining time. There is a cost savings right now, and it will be offered at the same price as CST post-guinea pig season.

It pairs well with craniosacral therapy. I may add in a few techniques if you are coming for a massage or CST session, either location.

24h cancellation notice now required. There are still some excuses that I will waive the notice for, otherwise, you’ll still owe for your session.

Mask update. Masks are still required IF you…

  • Are around school aged children, school aged grandkids, etc
  • Traveled by plane or been on a cruise
  • Attended a large gathering of people for any reason, especially indoors
  • If you current have allergy symptoms or a cold, as COVID symptoms are similar to both these days

Austin Studio continues to be booked solid. Please reach out if you’re interested in a Monday session, or to get on the Wednesday waitlist. I’ve been actively using it. I do have ONE opening coming up…

  • Feb 12, 445, 30 min only

I’d like to tell you I’ve got available several Monday slots for you. March 10 & 17 I should have a slot or 2. I’m still waiting for my final track meet schedule, and then I can let you now any other dates.


  • Tu, Feb 4, 315p
  • Tu, Feb 11, 330p
  • Fri, Feb 14, 1215 – 1p start times

Pilates: Live & in person, complete w a variety of small equipment on occasion!


  • Online Pilates & Viniyoga – please register here
  • Taylor Track Time – register onsite, $5 per, or 10 for $40. Contact me for specifics, please.

Hello, Sunshine!

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for Jan 1, 2025

The Sacred Energy of 2025

2025 is the Year of focusing on Inner Alignment, Alchemy and Truth. The number 9, which 2025 reduces to, is said to call people to align their actions with their values and connect with their higher selves. 2025 is said to be a time to embrace the unknown, trust instincts, and lean into the collective power of inspiration. It’s a year of focusing on balance to find equilibrium between ambition and introspection, and to harmonize opposing forces. Live from the place of witnessing your life.

Headed into the Year of the Snake on January 29th

The Year of the Snake is very significant and symbolizes wisdom, transformation and introspection. The snakes ability to shed it’s skin is a metaphor of letting go of the past and embracing new opportunities.

The year of the snake is a time to pause, evaluate and make intentional choices in all aspects of one’s life. I invite you to align with the Feng Shui Bagua layout and make the intentional choices from the 9 section grid perspective.

reprinted with permission from Stacy Davenport. I have added italics for emphasis.

How I see 2025 going

Word of the year: Intentional. I picked this word before I ever received Stacy’s email.

Intention of the year: Smile to my eyes, not that half smile. Try it… big smile… I feel it all the way up, do you?

And that line “Live from the place of witnessing your life.” Yeah, I’m gonna work on that!

Books: I finished 13 in 2024. I admit, books fell off during cross country season. The busier I get, the more silence I enjoy, evidently. For 2025, I want to finish 15. I’m already got 4 in the queue for Blueberry & me to enjoy.

Athletic Events (running & multisport): In 2024 I finished 2 aquabikes, a 5k (1st in age group), and a 10k (3rd in age group). I’d say that’s pretty darn good! For 2025, I’ve already got 2 10ks on the spring calendar, and 2 triathlons, and that same fall 5k, plus at least 1 more 10k. I like 10ks. My knee surgeon said it was ok. I’m sure some other things will come along. My athletes have accomplished way more.

New programs: In addition to the existing track program out in Taylor, I started a run program for my middle school athletes when we’re not in season, meeting along the Brushy Creek trail. I held a masters swim at Taylor’s outdoor pool last summer. Stephanie & I founded The Quack Pack fitness & racing. I’ve already requested a stroke clinic in addition to masters swim when our new Taylor pool opens (TBA). All this lets me be active and outside.

Vacations: I’ve managed 3 trips in 2024 – Raleigh twice (once as vacation, then once to pack up mom’s condo & drive home w a carload), and Albuquerque. Hoping 2025 holds 4 trips – I’d like to get back to once a quarter.

Back to learning: I started being a teaching assistant for craniosacral therapy in 2024, took 6 Pilates workshops, finished an Ayurvedic Nutrition online course, 8 hours of triathlon coaching webinars, and sat (virtually) through another session of SIBT: The Mind.

For 2025 I’ve already signed up for a visceral manipulation workshop at the end of January. Note: Guinea pigs will be needed… more info below! I’m ready to be learning again! Deepening what I already know, and expanding upon it. I’ll also have my CSCS recertification come due end of next year, so I’m gonna go find me some strength & conditioning workshops. And maybe some youth run/tri programming too.

24h cancellation notice now required. There are still some excuses that I will waive the notice for, otherwise, you’ll still owe for your session.

Mask update. Masks are still required IF you;;;

  • Are around school aged children, school aged grandkids, etc
  • Traveled by plane or been on a cruise
  • Attended a large gathering of people for any reason, especially indoors
  • If you current have allergy symptoms or a cold, as COVID symptoms are similar to both these days

Austin Studio has been running full these days. Please reach out if you’re interested in a Monday session, or to get on the Wednesday waitlist. I’ve been actively using it.

Mondays: I’m still tweaking this schedule a little. I do better & feel better about office time if only see clients days I’m in Austin in the morning and limit it to 1-2 sessions now that those Wednesday holidays are past. That’s enough with all else I need to accomplish. Monday mornings will become a bit more sparse thru track season, and then likely increase again in the summer.

Mindful Muse Yoga has closed, and I’m taking my in-person Pilates class to a new site!


Adding this as my studio class has shifted pricing & length of packages a little.

Visceral manipulation is a type of gentle hands-on therapy that assesses and addresses organ mobility. Wait, our organs are supposed to move??? Yes! As strange as it may sound, our organs need to be able to move smoothly within our bodies for a pain-free life.

The VM1, the January 2025 course I’m taking, emphasizes the liver, gallbladder, stomach, sphincters, jejunoileum and the colon.

Guinea pig sessions may be booked Feb – April 2025 in Taylor only. These session will be primarily working on the “protocol”, and then will address your specific concerns.

It pairs well with craniosacral therapy. I may add in a few techniques if you are coming for a massage or CST session.

Openings: Please check the scheduler first. I can tell you Tues/Thur 3-5p or so is more likely to have openings than other times.

  • Pilates & Viniyoga – please register here
  • Taylor Track Time – register onsite, $5 per, or 10 for $40. Contact me for specifics.

Austin & Mondays; mindful, healing & preparing

I’m grateful you are here, reading this. I’m grateful for your continued support, some of you well over a decade, some of you just a session or 2. You are greatly appreciated.

About this time of year, I start thinking of the words I want to describe my next year. And reflect on the ones I picked for this past year: mindful, healing & preparing.

These manifested more than I could have imagined. I’ve been more mindful of the choices I’ve made, of the progression of my triathlon training, of the direction of the studio. I’ve been healing – my knees, my soul, my spirit. And preparing for all these shifts that have happened these past few months – with the studio, with my fitness, with home stuff.

I started swimming again. I did my last summer event July 28th, and had fallen on my bike a few weeks prior. The shoulder has been in physical therapy since, and this is my last week of it. I’ve been swimming thrice this month. It feels good to be back. YAY.

I joined Clay Madsen Rec Center, in Round Rock. It’s about a 3h “workout” if I’m driving in just for that. Until track starts, I’ve got off season middle school running on Mondays, so I’m pairing those 2. Then I realized on the Mondays I’m coaching at 8a, the pool isn’t open until 1030a. Being mindful of my time, I added a few clients in today. It worked.

So a new shift with the Austin Studio with the addition of some Monday sessions. Balancing that out, I’ll be taking some office time on Tuesday or Thursday, since I still have office stuff that needs doing. Monday sessions will vary weekly, at least until track starts (2/10).

It’s been… ages?… pre-COVID?… since I had clients sessions on Monday. I really think this year was preparing me for this. I feel like I’m in a really good place right now, and am excited to see what else manifests.

I know you all want me to swim. So thank you in advance for helping me make it an efficient use of my time!

Holiday schedule, studio closings

I will be closed on Christmas Day only.

I’ve also decided I’m perfectly fine working January 1. I’m a morning person, after all. I’ve already got 4 clients that day, but I can waitlist you if you want.

January 30-31 I will be at a visceral manipulation workshop (more of this CST stuff). The following Monday, 2/3, no Austin Sessions.

Austin studio updates

Yeah, so Wednesdays are book thru…March 19. The 26th is my first known opening. Henceforth, Mondays. What happened to Fridays? All that shifting, preparing, happened. That’s a Taylor day now. If you’ve got a Friday session booked already, don’t worry. I’ll still honor it.

Since Mondays are gonna be a bit all over the place, please contact me directly to schedule. It’s mornings, lunch, late afternoon. It’s all over the place, so I’m not putting it in the scheduler. Yet.

There is a waitlist for Austin last minute cancellations. Please contact me to get on it. I’ve gone 3 deep to get it filled recently.

Taylor & Virtual updates

This studio has been getting busier too. On the Monday’s I’m working in Austin, as mentioned, Tuesday or Thursday late afternoon will become office time. I’ll do my best to alternate them.

Classes over the holidays are pending.

That’s it for this one.

So if you reflect on 2024, what words would describe it? And what do you want to manifest in 2025?

Off season running (Nov 4, 2024 – Feb 7, 2025)

Nov 4, 2024 – Feb 7, 2025, The Quack Pack in Austin

Welcome & thank you for your interest!

Similar to cross country, our 2 days of running per week will be our “quality” runs – speed, hills, long speed… all those technical terms. It’s strongly suggested that you do 1-3 days of easy running on your own. We’ll talk during practice about what “easy” means & how to tell if you’re doing it.

Location: Champion Park.

Program fees

This is a 3 month program spanning holidays. I’ve broken down as best as I think should work, considering there are ~26 total sessions, which may be adjust as we go for a variety of reasons – weather, vacations, holidays, actual start of track season, etc. I’ve based dates on when track started last year. Do what works best for you. Packages are per individual, and may not be crossed over to other family members; it’s the way my online tracking system is set up.

Have more than 1 kid running? I can do a payment plan for the unlimited sessions package if needed.

Parents: running & biking

I will need your help. If you’re willing to bike alongside various groups of kids, please come join. If you’re willing to run with the kids like we did for Saturdays during cross country, please come join. No charge, since you are helping me out. You will need to join the club – do the family membership.

If you prefer to actually RUN and do the actual training without focusing on helping with the kids, please buy a package. Different mindset, and then I plan for you in the run as well.

Current schedule

During school, Mondays & Fridays at 4p. Please note there are some Fridays I get done w clients in Taylor at 315p. I will be squeaking in to be there by 4, more likely 415. I’ll ask for parent help with the warm up on these dates.

You can see the full schedule by looking at my scheduler.

In lieu of Thanksgiving Friday run, please come join me for my Amber Moon Studio Turkey 10 (any distance you want, pie & coffee afterward). Please follow this on facebook for more details.

Over the holidays, and there’s no school, I’ve shifted to Monday & Saturday mornings (Dec 23-Jan 6).

On MLK Day, I moved it to 8a as well since no school. I’m flexible if afternoon works better for the majority.

Short & sweet

Yeah, it’s been a little crazy busy, and when I’ve not had clients, I’ve needed to do nothing. This happened last year at the end of cross country season too, so it was expected. Oct 19, and everything shifts again. And then again in Feb, when track starts.

I thought I’d gotten away from living on a school schedule. Evidently not.

This is short & sweet. It’s been 3 weeks since the last Hello Sunshine. Just the main points.

And it might be that long until the next one….

Austin sessions

October is running full.


  • Friday the 8th has openings – 1215 & 130p. Please contact me to schedule. I don’t know if its in the scheduler.
  • Wednesday the 27th, before Thanksgiving, has openings. These ARE on the schedule. 145p for sure. I can flex some clients around to get other sessions in.


closed on Christmas Day. Openings the week prior:

  • Wed, 12/18, 1p
  • Fri 12/20, 130p – check w me to schedule,please.


I’ve decided I’m not opposed to working on New Year’s Day, so book now. Please.

Taylor/Virtual sessions

With cross country coming to a close, I’ll have afternoon times available again on Tues/Thurs. I’ve slid all my regular clients together, so my schedule is more efficient for me. Last session should be done by 5p, so I can feed critters before heading out to coach Taylor Track again.

Your couch to 5k, the final week

This is IT – our final week! How are you doing?

Ok, so Taper. Backing off on VOLUME and INTENSITY to varying degrees so you are rested & do your best at your event. Recovery week dropped down some, this week drops down a little more.

Remember your goal is to be chomping at the bit for Saturday morning’s 5k. If you’re tired, take it easy. If you’re bouncing off the walls, adding just a little intensity. You really have to hold back, and keep with what is written. Feel free to reach out if you have questions.

Day 1

10-15 min walk/easy jog as warm up

Main Set: objective is to get faster as your time running gets shorter. Think of the 3 min set as your “goal pace” and allow yourself to get faster on the shorter ones. If you prefer, you can also go hard/harder/hardest. But mind, we are working on race specifics this week.

  • 3 min run, 1 min recovery
  • 2 min run, 1 min recovery
  • 1 min run, 2 min recovery

Then check in: How do you feel? Was that enough? Sometimes it is this week. You DO have the option of doing a 2nd set if you feel up for it. Keep this workout 30-40 min total, please.

Day 2

Today is a little variable…if tired, keep it at a walk, 30-45 min. If you’re bouncing off the walls, 10 min walk, 2×10 min Zone 2, 3 min walk in between, then walk to finish time (40-45 min).

Race day

If you’re doing the GoodLife 5k, we’ll be doing a group warm up at 7:40a (race at 8), please come join us at the start of the Bull Branch Lake boardwalk at that time. Stephanie & I will be there, as will our Taylor Track Time people. (Look for an Amber Moon Studio jersey or 2). Remember – do YOUR warm up… nothing new there either. I’ve had you doing 10-15 min of walking… so please do your best to get that in before the race starts.

We definitely want you to come say hi!

Other stuff

Get a good night’s sleep on THURSDAY. Sometimes, the night before an event, you’re a little ancy. So good sleep 2 nights before is essential.

Nutrition/hydration: nothing new this week. Keep it the same on race day as you’ve been practicing.

What’s your plan?

  • If you are planning to come to track on Tuesday only, please do Day 2 on your own.
  • If you are planning to come to track on Thursday only, please do Day 1 on your own.

Recap & race report

We’ve spent the last 11 weeks getting you ready for this. We worked you through your initial phase of conditioning, and they started working to improve performance.

How’d you do? Do you feel like you can complete a 5k, now? Complete it better if you were running before this program?

What would you have changed about this program?

How’d your race go? What worked, what didn’t? What did you learn? What were your take away points? Write/type your answers and store them… in your training log, in your e-calendar on race date. Of course, you’re welcome to share with me, as it helps me know what I can do better next time.

I’m hoping this is not a 1 and done for you, but rather you’ve been given the tools to keep going.

What’s next?

If you want to keep going, but not on your own, I’ve got this Tu/Th Taylor Track program you’ve been hearing about. I also do private coaching for a fee – it depends on what you need from your program, in your program, and how much. Running, triathlon are both within my scope. Please schedule a meet & greet, and we can figure out what is best for you.

Your couch to 5k, week 10

2 weeks to go… our last week of work, then taper…. it’s about to get real!

Day 1: “speed”

10-15 min walk/easy jog as warm up

Main Set: objective is to get faster as your time running gets shorter. This time we’ve got a shorter break in between, mimicking our event a little more.

  • 5 min run, 1 min recovery
  • 4 min run, 1 min recovery
  • 3 min run, 1 min recovery
  • 2 min run, 1 min recovery
  • 1 min run, 1 min recovery

3-5 min cool down easy jog/walk

This is a great one to build as a workout in Garmin, so your splits stay exact. Helps keep you on target too.

Day 2: Longer intervals

  • 10-15 min walk/easy jog as warm up
  • Main Set: 3x 12 min at a little bit slower than “natural” pace (ie Zone 2), 1 min recovery walk in between.
  • 3-5 min cool down
  • Stretch afterwards

Day 3: Endurance day

1 hour of movement, somewhere in between leisure & Z2. Please include 3 passes on Dellinger. 

If you were running before the start of this program, warm up 10-15 minutes, then run 30 min Z2, then power walk the rest.

Taper begins! Monday, 10/9

The purpose of taper week is to (1) get you recovered, and (2) keep some race specific speed/intensity. We’re not taking time off, we are just cutting volume down, while keeping just a touch of intensity. If you find you’re totally wiped, just keep it easy. By Thursday or Friday, I want you chomping at the bit to do more. Mind you – save it for Saturday!

There is a strategy here, a balance, and normally I’m touching base daily w my athletes as they are in this phase. You are welcome to reach out the day before your run/walks & check in, LMK how you’re feeling, and we can tweak it as needed. Walkers – taper is not as big of an issue for you, but we definitely still need to cut volume a bit.

Also, during this week – nothing new. No new activities, foods, pattern changes. Nothing.

Week 11, Day 1

10-15 min walk/easy jog as warm up

Main Set: objective is to get faster as your time running gets shorter. Think of the 3 min set as your “goal pace” and allow yourself to get faster on the shorter ones. If you prefer, you can also go hard/harder/hardest. But mind, we are working on race specifics this week.

  • 3 min run, 1 min recovery
  • 2 min run, 1 min recovery
  • 1 min run, 2 min recovery

IF you are feeling good, you have the option of a 2nd set. Doesn’t need to be a lot this week.

3-5 min cool down easy jog/walk.

What’s your plan?

  • If you are planning to come to track on Tuesday only, please do Day 1 on your own.
  • If you are planning to come to track on Thursday only, please do Day 1 on your own.
  • If you’re coming to both days of track. please do Day 3 on your own.
  • If you’re coming to neither track days, please do the whole thing, or as we’ve discussed.

Remember, running = power walking for some of you.

Schedule tumbles, Wednesdays, and Running

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 9/22/24

It’s been a while since my schedule tumbled into something new. Yes, cross country & track have changed it, but not a full tumble. Last week, it tumbled into newness. One client dropped, a class shifted, and I’ve suddenly got a more open Wednesday – with time to get some cardio in AND get to the Austin Studio earlier.

My viniyoga has been Wednesdays at 1030/1045a for probably a decade, even through COVID, though it became virtual. It was time to try something new.

Yes, I added time on Wednesdays in Austin for you, the client.

Yes, I’ve still got limited Monday openings in Taylor thru Oct 14 (remember to ask, please).

So, the new schedule is, through Oct 19 (effective now):
  • Monday – Taylor – variable – reach out & ask. Typ early afternoon.
  • Tuesday – Taylor
    • 1045a – Pilates Mat class
    • 12-230p – 30-60 min sessions
    • Cross country & Taylor Track Time coaching until 730p
  • Wednesday
    • Taylor: 7-830a
    • Austin: 12-515p
  • Thursday – Taylor
    • 11a – Viniyoga online
    • 1215-230p – 30-60 min sessions
    • Cross country & Taylor Track Time coaching until 730p
  • Friday

It’s gonna take me a bit to get the Wednesday change in my scheduler, so please ask if you are looking. I’ve got a lot of other computer work that takes priority at the moment.


I’m remembering that my legs like to have an easy day before a run day. This past Saturday I worked the Big Wig Massage for Texas Mamma Jamma Ride, so I thought I’d get in a sprint interval session on my rower before hand – 30 min of good stuff. I worked hard. Today was slated as a run.

Ten minutes in to the run section my legs said “walking now“. I know during the week I make sure I walk on Tuesday so I can run on Wednesday… guess I’m going to have to remember all the tricks I used for scheduling back when I was doing triathlons. This was part of the impetus of the schedule shift – I wanted to be able to get my 2 days of running in per week. At this point, that’s what my legs say are doable. I’m listening.

On the good side, I’m easily managing a 90 min walk. Right before & during my bionic knees years, my nutrition was such that I couldn’t do it easily. At least that seems to be better managed now.

Now to add see how to keep 1-2 days of biking in, some rowing, and then swimming, once I’m out of PT for my shoulder. Remember that fall on my bike in early July? Yeah, it needed a little help. It is slowly getting there. Slow is good.

Blueberry reads

Yes, I’m still listening to audio books, and I think I’ve finished 2 since I last included this segment. Still on the book club theme with Strong Towns and Happy City. I need to go see what else I’ve still got in my library, as I’m ready for something on a different topic.

Looking back at all the books I’ve listened to this year so far, I’m quite impressed actually. ELEVEN books I’ve finished. ELEVEN. I honestly didn’t think I’d like audiobooks, but I’m glad I was wrong. I just had to figure out when to listen.

Taylor & virtual updates

Last minute cancellations happen. Contact me to get on the waitlist, or for Mondays.

  • Mon, 9/23, 330p (contact me to schedule)
  • Tues, 9/24, 115p
  • Mon, 9/30, 1p, 215p (contact me to schedule)
  • Thurs, 10/3, 1215-1245 start time available

Austin updates

Openings are subject to change. These openings are a reflection of this exact moment in time.

  • uh….. ask to be on the wait list or check with me for last minute cancellations, please! Just because I added time doesn’t mean it’s available. Doh. I suggest you book Austin appointments as far in advance as possible for best options.

Thanks for reading all the way down here! I’d love to hear what you got out of this update.

Running running running, happiness & furry overlords

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 9/1/2024

My days are full again. I’m getting more comfortable with how I want to be as a middle school cross country coach. I’m up to 24 minutes of running. I’m about to sign up for my first 10k of the season, one of my old favorites, Spicewood Vineyards. It all makes me very happy.

The cats, aka the furry overlords, have a slightly different opinion. My lap is not available nearly enough, as evidenced by when I do actually sit in my recliner ‘static cat’ happens (in human words, I’ve suddenly got several on my lap – think ‘static cling’ but with cats).

all those studio bath colors!

I realized just last week that the hall/studio bath now makes me happy. Really happy. So much fun & color. No more beige. I’ve still got the cabinets to paint, but their current gray is ok. The avocado tile is brighter, as is the whole room. Ah.

When I realized that the bath put a big smile on my face, I thought back through ALL I’ve done on the house. I’ve done a lot. It feels really good to be seeing progress again. I *think* I’m getting ready to start Round 2 on spaces – touching up, refining, improving. Back porch, hallway & repainting the shed are on my list to get done by the time cross country ends.

My new knees sidetracked me for a bit in a lot of ways, and I’m getting back on track – in fitness, with the house, with getting creative, and having energy for things. The knee issues started in 2019. Then got much worse in 2023 before the first one. So, we’ll say a 5-year break, and now I’m coming back. This, too, makes me happy. Hello, Happiness!

Update on the various group classes

Masters swim has finished. I’m already looking forward to next summer, when I’ve asked for a stroke clinic (for those that can swim 25y continuous) in front of the masters swim (for those that can swim 100y continuous). City of Taylor says they are game!

Online classesregister here

Taylor Track Timeget your punch card here, or on site. Can also do $5 drop ins. Club membership required after your 2nd visit.

Mindful Pilates register here

Monday, Monday

Cross country has taken up a few of my Taylor slots. I knew that coming in. So… since my schedule is looking a little full, and for those of you reading this, I will be opening a few Monday slots during through Oct 19, 2024 (our championship meet). The catch – you have to ask. They’re not going to be on my scheduler, cuz that would be more work on my end for something that only lasts another 1.5ish months.

Some weeks it might be 1 session, others 2, and still others – nothing. Mondays are my appointment days, when I take care of me. Plus, I still need time to get behind the scenes work done. I seem to have created more for myself of late.

Taylor & virtual updates

Last minute cancellations happen. Contact me to get on the waitlist, or for Mondays.

  • Mon, 9/9, pending
  • Thurs, 9/12, 1215p
  • Mon, 9/16, 115p
  • Tues, 9/17, 115p
  • Mon, 9/23, 330p
  • Tues, 9/24, 115p
  • Mon, 9/30, 1p, 215p

Austin updates

Openings are subject to change. These openings are a reflection of this exact moment in time.

  • Wed, 9/4, 245p (30 min only)

That’s it until October. Please ask to be put on the wait list if you’re wanting something earlier.

Thanks for reading this far. I truly appreciate it. If I said something that inspired you, made you laugh, or made you go ‘hmmmmmm’, let me know!
