Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for the week of 8/16/21

Last Friday started like any Friday. Except that I was waiting for the plumber to show so I would have water back in the house after 2 days without. And I got the text that a client I worked on Wednesday tested positive for COVID.
That’s not a text you want. Especially when you are immunocompromised and asthmatic.
I was on and off headachy for days. When we got back from the beach with my parents [7/31] my anxiety was high so [that] makes sense. On Thursday (8/5), we went to College Station and I was hoping that would “reset” me and it did – some. I still had jaw stuff and the slight headache was still there so that’s why I asked you for help. Tuesday afternoon, I got really tired. So much that I laid down for like 30 min. Then it all left and I was fine. All good Wed [the day of her massage] and Thurs except little headachy off and on, but allergies, stress, hormones maybe? Thursday evening I went for a walk and started sneezing and getting a little congested. Weird. Allergies? Through the night another headache came on, still a little snotty and little achy. So at that point I really sensed something was up, although had felt “a little off” for like a week. But sometimes I’m just “off.”
So got up Friday morning and took the test. The line showed up almost immediately. At 15 minutes (official time to check it), it was still there.
Why home test? I had it. It was fast and from what I’m reading and heard is just as accurate as tests given at pharmacies. I’ve tried to schedule tests and there are never same days openings, you have to wait days to get in, it’s really frustrating. I wanted to know now because we had stuff going on this weekend and things are ramping up for school. It was easy, convenient, High percent of accuracy, accessible, and I could know in minutes.
My Wednesday client’s telling of events leading to a positive COVID test
Note – there was a good bit of stress & lack of sleep on her part, which can weaken the immune system. Maybe that’s what allowed COVID to slip in? We’ll never know. She’s got no idea where she picked it up. She’s good about wearing her mask in public. She’s vaccinated. I’ve known her almost since I moved to Austin in 2006, and I know she knows my immunocompromised status. I trust her. She’d would have cancelled if she had any inkling of her status.
Her Wed driveway massage session was only 15 min, and we were both masked. Duration & proximity increase risk. I’m so glad hers was a short session that day.
The good news – masks work. Outside works. I attended a virtual seminar in June on massage & COVID, and they said that you needed 2 of these 3 things and you’d be safe: mask, outside, social distancing. We had 2 of 3. Which is why Massage: The Driveway series was originally started – to keep us safe, and to get me safe income. This dominant Delta variant… is scary. At least for me.
A fellow immunocompromised friend called on Friday, and she suggested getting the COVID home test for myself. With my status, if I’m positive, I need to start treatment right away. I informed my doctors (PCP & immunologist) on Friday as well. Good news: test #1 (Saturday) – I’m negative for COVID. I’ll do the 2nd test on Monday morning, and then I’ve got an “official” one on Tuesday. After that, we’ll see where things go.
I cancelled in person clients thru my Tuesday COVID test, and have the rest of this coming week’s clients on “heads up”. All online sessions are still on. I appreciate everyone’s concern & understanding during these unprecedented times.
Keep in mind vaccination doesn’t mean immunity. I hear a lot of people thinking it does. It means you’ll have a better chance of ‘only’ a mild case. You can still get the virus, be with or without symptoms, and pass it along to others.
Please wear your mask. You may not know is the person next to you is immunocompromised. Protect others. And if you are coming to the Studio, masks are required for a good while more. I know vaccination is a touchy subject, but it something you could do to mitigate your risk.
In the mean time…
- All online sessions are open – Massage by YOU, classes, privates, wellness coaching, athlete training plan. A whole plethora. Take advantage! My Monday evening & Tuesday are pretty open at the moment!
- Tuesday Track will be starting here in Taylor in conjunction w the Walk to Run Program.
Austin Massage: The Driveway series
I’m working on transitioning this to one service on my scheduler, and in the description I’ll have the dates of the area of town for each week. With all going on this weekend, and I’ve got enough other stuff to do on the computer, it’s not happening this week. I’ve re-opened 15 min as an option as well.
- Aug 18: Great Hills – pending
- Aug 25: RCN Days
- Sept 1: Great Hills area
- Sept 8: RCN Days
- Mon Sept 13: Great Hills area.
- Please note Studio will be closed 9/15- 24.
All dates are Wed unless otherwise noted.
Group schedule for this week
- 530a: Tuesday Track/Speed work (Austin)
- 11a: Pilates Mat
- 430p: Everything Under the Moon *
- 615p: Walk-to-Run (Taylor)
- 1030a: Viniyoga
- 1145a: DIY Reformer
- 11a: Pilates & BOSU
- 145p: Viniyoga >> Meditation
- 430p: Everything Under the Moon *
- 615p: Walk-to-Run (Taylor)
- 530a: Friday Run (Austin)
- 11a: Viniyoga
- 7a, Friday Run On Saturday (Austin)
*time will be shifting next week (8/24/21) to 4:45pm