Studio updates for the week of 5/31, yet delivered on 6/1…
Oh, jeez… Here’s it Monday, and I’m just getting started typing this. Yeah, it was busy last week – started 1 new program – Friday Run on Saturday – and had a full load of contact hours with my clients. My biggest week since COVID started. Plus that 8a session on Saturday. I’m glad things are picking back up.
Speaking of when COVID started, at this time last year my garden was providing a significant veggie contribution. When HEB & such had the long lines around the building, I was good. I think it was 2 weeks after the shutdown before I had to go to the grocery – and then, it was cuz the chicks were out of kale. I’d stocked up right before it happened. Food stuffs did get creative at the end, but I’m good with that. And now, this garden – producing again. I’ve got 3 pepper plants that wintered in the green house, and they’re going crazy. The Tower Garden is being a little slow to produce, but I need to move it. Got the stuff to place it in much better sun, just need to clear the space & do it. Maybe tomorrow????
Looking back, how’d you manage this first bit of COVID shutdown? How’d you fare? What did you learn about you?
Yoga Appreciation Month
Yoga. Viniyoga. Ahhhhh…. this has been my favorite class to teach for years. It was a Wednesday staple for… years. Maybe even a decade at the Northwest Y. Yeah, a good long while. It’s the one class I always looked forward to teaching. And I taught from a chair. The way I was trained, yoga is about your intepretation of the movement, vs. mirroring what the teacher is doing. Yes, I’d demo as needed, and more importantly, I was able to go assist my students as needed. Viniyoga is about really connecting with your body, your breath, your sense of atha (“now”). My class has evolved as I’ve transitioned it online, and I’m moving the whole time now – but my people don’t necessarily need to see me do it. They understand my cues, my movements. Now, movement helps me keep timing, as its a challenge to know where people are in class.
My journey with yoga, with viniyoga, started in 2004 or so. And it greatly helped me get myself out of chronic pain.
to be continued next week…
Group run/walk & class schedule – updates start on 6/8/21
530a: Tuesday Track/Speed work
11a: Pilates Mat
430p: Everything Under the Moon – new time
615p: Walk-to-Run Program (Taylor) ** new **
1030a: Viniyoga
1145a: DIY Reformer
11a: Pilates & BOSU
145p: Viniyoga >> Meditation – new day/time
430p: Everything Under the Moon – new time
615p: Walk-to-Run Program (Taylor) ** new **
530a: Friday Run
1030a: Viniyoga
Every other Saturday
8a: Friday Run on Saturday ** new **
Walk to Run program – pricing will be same as for run coaching. Still waiting on final word from City of Taylor to start. If you’re interested, drop me a note and I’ll add you to the contact list.
I think I’ve toasted my ability to type with the length of last week’s updates, so I’m doing my best to keep this one short!
Firstly, I’ve decided to not take my planned June time off. While part of it is a financial, the other part is I just don’t feel the need for a break yet. Having had a February lull (thanks winter), my week off to move in March (woohoo!), my schedule has shifted to a so I’m off for a larger chunk of Friday, I’m good. I’m totally planning on my September vacation though!
If what I talked about last week – Preparing for success – really called to you, I’ve got something else for you! My friend Ryan Lanier has created The CALM Method:: A Guide to Ditch Last Minute Living. She goes even further into this concept. I highly recommend the book. If you feel disheveled bc of your schedule, ADD/ADHD, or what not… you’ll totally benefit from this! Free on Kindle! Prefer an audio version? She’s got that too.
This week’s Everything Under the Moon is gonna take a twist, and be done with BANDS. So, if you’ve got a set lying around, and want to know how to use them, come join us at 415p on Tuesday & Thursday. This week only. And this class time will be shifting for June. It’s also your last week to May BOGO!
Walk-to-Run program, Taylor TX. I’m trying to get this out, and waiting on info from the City of Taylor so I can use their track. Was hoping to start June 1, but maybe the week after. Also another reason to pass on my vacation – start a new program, and then take a week off? Yeah, no….
Massage: the Driveway Series in Austin
May 26: Great Hills area (near Yaupon & Spicewood Springs) **FULL** #YAYME
June 2: RCN Days. 315p, 5 & 545 open. If you are an RCN area, check your RCN Days separate emails for direct link, or email me
June 9: moved to Friday, June 11. Please check the schedule for times – they’ll be different. Email me if you are wanting to schedule but don’t see anything.
June 16: RCN Days – if you’re in Rattan Creek, the calendar is messed up at the moment. Email me OR be watching for a specific note from me if you want to book!
June 23: Great Hills area – I’m not taking my vacation, so this will be open soon.
Reminder – openings are subject to change!
That’s enough. I’m toast. I’m outta here. Have a great week, and go be Sunshine!
Last week I talked about persistence. For me, of late, it’s been minding my walking technique. Previously, it’s been doing my neck exercises, my hamstrings exercises, going outside every evening (when COVID started). It shifts based on what is going on. Based on what I need, my goals, my dreams. I’ve even used it to save money so I could get debt down, so I could increase my savings account balance going into buying this fabulous house. Persistence. It is your Rockstar friend.
Let’s delve a little further, and help you prepare for success. Part of this is gonna be finding what works for you, but here’s some ideas to get you started:
Put things out where they can be seen, even in your way. These types of reminders keep us on track. “Oh yeah, my shoes & clothes are out, I will get my walk/run/bike in at X time”. I leave any exercise equipment out for whatever I might currently be working thru. It used to be really easy to ignore that when I was at the previous house. This one – exercise equipment in the living area is uncommon. I remember to do it.
Set timers. And follow thru. Name them. We’ve got these fabulous smart phones that do all sorts of things. Use technology! Set timers for… taking meds… getting up from the computer…reminding you to eat lunch/snack/drink water. Get the idea? I use timers remind me that I put water on to boil (oops, how’d that pan get almost dry? I just started it…30 min ago…hmmmm), to take my herbs, to give myself a 5 or 10 min break before my next session. Even to take the dumpsters to the curb – after 10y of it being on Monday, I just don’t remember to put them out on Thursday evening!
Look at your schedule the evening before. When are you going to get your persistence activities in? Schedule them. Wake up & go forth into the day with a plan! Review the plan before you go to bed, so it’s in your mind when you get up. I still do this so I can prep for whichever clients I’ve got coming, any personal appointments, and of course, when am I getting my training in – when do I need to start and when do I need to be done?
Leave yourself notes. Write stuff on a paper calendar (I’m old fashioned like that). I currently am working on rotating my Tower Garden 1/4 turn every day for sunlight. While I am getting in the habit, it gets written on my calendar afterwards every day: “TG1/4 “. That way I know I did it. It also helped me figure out when in my day I need to do it (when I go let the chickens out & refill the bird feeders).
Massage: the Driveway Series in Austin
May 19: RCN Days. **FULL** #YAYME
May 26: Great Hills area (near Yaupon & Spicewood Springs) **FULL** #YAYME
June 2: RCN Days. 315p, 5 & 545 open. If you are an RCN area, check your RCN Days separate emails for direct link, or email me
June 23: no sessions. I’m on “vacation” aka “home improvement time.”
Reminder – openings are subject to change!
Lots of updates here this week, so here’s a preview:
Try Taylor
June is Yoga Appreciation Month
Do You BOSU? Thursday 11a Pilates class evolving
Walk-to-Run program for summer
Saturday run coaching in Austin
* * *
Try Taylor for yourMassage: The Driveway seriesand get $10 off your session. Use promo code TRYTAYLOR (or put it in the notes when you book). See how awesome the new location is for this. Good for single sessions only. May not be combined with other discounts. Valid thru June 30, 2021.
June 21 is International Yoga Day... so I decided to make the whole month about Yoga Appreciation. I’ll be bringing you personal stories of all that viniyoga has done for me – and of course, there will be extra YouTube viniyoga & viniyoga>meditation classes available via facebook during this time.
* * *
Do you BOSU? You know, that half ball thing. If yours been sitting there waiting to be used? This is your chance! I’m converting the Thursday 11a Pilates Mat class to Pilates & BOSU– making it all about the core, in different ways. The Pilates principles are a great tool & will make your work on the BOSU more effective, so it’s a perfect combo. Need to get one of your own? It officially starts in June, but I’ll be playing with it the next 2 weeks, depending on who is in class. Also, great place to use that May BOGO, right?
* * *
I volunteered at a Duathlon (run-bike-run) on May 8, and it was awesome – I was stationed on the bike course, the middle of nowhere. No people around, just me, the cows (and a baby cow!), the dogs that constantly forgot I was there (they were fenced at least), and then 38 duathletes zipping by on their bikes. Somewhere in our communication, Camille (director) got me thinking… she asked if I was going to do any coaching out here near the new house. Initially I wasn’t, cuz most people don’t start running in the Summer – especially here in TX.
But then I thought, what if I start w those that want to “Walk-to-Run” – learn good technique walking, build your endurance there, and then start running as you’re ready, as you see fit, maybe even as it cools down in the Fall. A whole lotta technique work. Maybe you just want to learn to walk more effectively. Maybe you’re already running & want to be more efficient. I gotcha covered either way. Get the knowledge I’ve gleaned over the years, AND from this 2-y-o knee cantankerousness.
So, would YOU be interested? Details would be worked out for those that are once I know I’ve got enough people: 1-2 days per week (and you’d have some to do on your own); could be morning (8a) or evening (6 or 630p). Yes, it’d be out this way. Let me know if you are interested. Are YOU ready to become an #AmberMoonAthlete? They come in all, shapes, sized, interests & fitness levels.
* * *
Starting May 29, and every other Sat from there, I’ll be coming in to Austin to coach the Friday route my athletes run. Start time will be about 8a. RunFun will last anywhere 75-90 min, and may start earlier as we get into summer. This will be offered thru the punch system I’ve currently got going. You’ll need to have Training Peaks and MapMyRun to have access, and be able to play, plan hydration, location, etc.
I’ve been rehabbing this knee since 6 weeks before my Glacier Half Marathon (6/22/19). And on Sunday (yesterday), I finally RAN over 3 miles. With no knee pain. It was broken up in the midst of 6.3 miles of time on feet (walking, running, etc). And can I tell you just how GOOD it felt? I miss running. I love running. It was back in Sept 2020 that I found the root cause of the knee issue, and have been faithful since then on getting my personal work in. While all the stuff helps, it was when I was moving & didn’t get my walks in that my knee regressed. So, the most important thing I need to do – WALK. Which leads to RUN. It’s not just walking, it’s walking with awareness of technique, how I need to adapt from where I was, awareness of reaching the heel back. That reaching the heel back – I was taking a Pilates online workshop and something clicked. See, all the stuff I do really integrates. There is so much crossover. It’s why I love what I do. <3
So, let’s take a look at YOU! What do you need to do to get to where you wanna be, to what you wanna do? Doesn’t matter the goal. Consistency, persistance… that’s what counts.
* * * NFL Football starts in 122 days.
* * *
I’m working on getting the massage & COVID form into the reminders that my scheduler sends out. So please start minding them! I’ll still be sending via Google Drive until that time, and probably a little after, as I’d rather you have it twice then none at all.
* * *
Massage: the Driveway Series Austin updates
May 12: Great Hills area. One slot remains – 230p. We’ll be off Anderson Mill near Tin Cup
May 19: RCN Days. **FULL** #YAYME
May 26: Great Hills area (near Yaupon & Spicewood Springs) **FULL** #YAYME
June 2: RCN Days. 315p, 5 & 545 open. If you are an RCN area, check your RCN Days separate emails for direct link, or email me
Reminder – openings are subject to change!
* * *
vCita, my scheduler, is also in beta testing for a waitlist option. Stay tuned – I signed up to be a guinea pig!
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Did you sign up for your May BOGO yet? 2 classes for $15. Try a new class!
* * *
Until I see you next, stay safe, be persistent, and spread some Sunshine!
And I admit, I’ve been remiss on posting my weekly updates here. COVID, and spending ALL THAT TIME on the computer got me. I’ve swung the other way for a while, and am now finding a balance. Want to see what you’ve missed? Check out the Studio facebook page. Even some recipes on there that I mighta missed getting on here.
Slowly, the new house starts to come together. This past Saturday I got half the garage organized, sorted, and now I can find my tools. That was driving me crazy. Still have piles of stuff that need sorting, and I need small things to get areas more organized, but it’s coming.
Much like when COVID started, I’m picking 1 small project, most days, to complete. Just enough to see progress, yet limited time needed to complete it (cuz there’s still all this daily stuff & work to do!). I save big projects for the weekend. Like the garage.
My garden, while still in pots & the Tower Garden, grows crazy.
The cats look forward to window install – next week, we hope! Imagine large open windows and 5 little noses just sniffing away!
I’m looking forward to the added natural light, and being able to open the house for a nice cross breeze.
I lost one chicken, Oreo, last week. With her known issues, I’m glad she was able to enjoy the new back yard before she died. She’s buried in the back with her flock, watching over them.
Did you see the special for this month? Did you sign up for it yet? If not, what’s holding you back? If it’s time, there are 3 different 30 min class formats available:
May 5: RCN Days. I’ll be in my old hood this week. It’s full. #YAYME
May 12: Great Hills area. One slot remains – 230p. We’ll be off Anderson Mill near Tin Cup.
May 19: RCN Days. 315p is open. RCN residents only.
May 26: Great Hills area (near Yaupon & Spicewood Springs). 230p & 4p are open.
June dates are open, if you are looking to book out that far.
Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays I’m still out here in Taylor. Come visit!
Who’s been wanting an Massage: The Driveway Series session in Austin but not been able to get a spot, or Wed afternoon doesn’t work? Let me know, debating if I have enough clients that need me to add another day. Dunno when I’d put it, but there has to be the need first! Only way I know is if you tell me.
Lots going on here – but most importantly, I’ll be on vacation from Sept 21-25. Expect crickets as I disconnect.
I’m also realizing that with this type of schedule, I’m gonna need quarterly vacations, so I’ve set Dec 24 (starting at 12n) to Jan 1 as “off” already. With being immunocompromised, I’m probably not doing any destination races any time soon, so I may go ahead & set the rest of 2021 before long.
scheduler update: if it uploads to your calendar – only puts in the correct link for the first session of the block… you’ll need to use the email reminder (30 min prior) to get into the correct virtual session, unless i’ve told you to do otherwise.
I’ve got a whole list of things for you, so let’s get this party started!
New classes & updated schedule
Sept has been a great month for experimenting, playing, and progressing! I’m finally seeing the background work I’ve been doing (“the long game”) playing out. And with it comes … new classes! 2 different series, in fact!
I had a great group of people beta testing my new class – “Everything Under the Moon” – this month, and it goes onto the schedule for October! If you sign up for this class, or any other, and aren’t able to make, let me know and I will send you a link (with an expiration date), or sign up for YouTube all access and you can access it any time you want. Contact me directly for this, please.
This class takes everything I know from 30 years’ of experience across many different modalities, and puts it into a unique class. It’s got bodyweight strength, flexibility, balance, stability, and mobility. It includes full body integration movements, coordination, and will open up your joints making you feel less restricted – even though you thought you felt fine coming in! After class, you’ll feel much more open through your joints, less restricted – and you may have felt fine coming in!
What you will need for this class is: – 36″ foam roller or cane/walking stick (rubber grip on end) – yoga mat or something sticky to keep the end of your 36″ foam roller in place. – Optional equipment: 4ft + resistance bands (start with light resistance), & other household objects.
You can sign up NOW for October! If you plan on coming randomly, go ahead & sign up – if once or twice a week, there is a discount – email me & I’ll get you an invoice. Packages will be up & running for November classes.
The 5 min #computerdetox on FB & IG is still free, and moving to 10a Tu – Fri. I’m paying attention to insight data from each outlet, and have noted that most people catch it when they can. So we’re gonna try this for a month – early in the day, then you get it anytime after 10a.
Lunchtime – Mind break & refresh; and a 30 min #computerdetox (all 30 min), consisting of 4 classes:
Tues 1215p: Mind Break & Refresh:Viniyoga in service of Meditation
Wed 1145a: DIY Reformer (existing class, need a set of bands – link in class description – and previous experience with Pilates is very helpful)
Thurs 1215p: Mind Break & Refresh: Everything Under the Moon (a gentler class than the 415p version). A 36″ foam roller or cane/walking stick required)
Fri 1145a: 30 min #computerdetox (tennis ball & foam roller required, other toys may be recommended & used along the way) (not yet in scheduler, coming at end of week)
At the end of work
Tu & Th 415p – Everything Under the Moon. (36″ foam roller or cane/walking stick required)
There is a discount on the drop in rate ($18 for 1 h classes; $12 for 30 min) if you pay up front for regularly attended classes. I’m going to post/email a special for the lunch & 415 p classes here when I get back from vacation (maybe during), so stay tuned. If you are interested, let me know ASAP!
There will also be new PACKAGES for classes coming thru my scheduler in November. I’ll be adding folks for October, after that, you’ll be able to mix & match more.
The Driveway Series, updated for Fall
I’ll be expanding into Wed afternoon and dropping Wed evening as we move into October. I’ve not edited it yet in the scheduler, but will get that done when I’m back on the computer.
Informal teaching of massage techniques
You’ve expressed interest in this session, and I’m still working out the details. You know there’s gonna be more than just techniques, as I don’t want anyone hurting anyone. I’m thinking i can cover neck & shoulders (which also includes the back) in about 4 weeks. Some of you work, so Wed at 530p starting October 7? These would be virtual sessions, maybe an hour? up to 90 if needed?
You won’t need a guinea pig until the 2nd one. There will be some basic anatomy, and I’m also going to suggest you sign up for 1 (2?) driveway sessions (I’ll create a separate session booking option just for this), bring your guinea pig, and we’ll talk about your specific techniques & body mechanics. This will be swedish massage only.
Topics covered: Anatomy as it pertains to massage; body mechanics; and massage techniques
Study materials: Sieg & Adams Illustrated anatomy cornstarch, bowl, watergolf ball, tennis ball, various pillows, cushions etc. It’d be nice if you have a massage table, but use a couch or a bed if you need. don’t go buy one just yet. You can find them used on Craigslist.
Price: Still working on this. I’ve got a minimum I want to make, so it’ll depend on numbers. I’d like to keep it around $100 for the virtual sessions, driveway would be separate, since some of you might want/need it, others not.
If you’ve not already said you’re interested, please let me know asap. This is still in the planning stages.
Here’s the graphic representation of October schedule:
Homemade Goodness
Coming in October! Homemade products that are good for you. Currently working on making a variety of soaps, keeping ahead on the laundry soap, and making a good batch of the foaming hand soap. Got your own container? I can refill, help protect the environment, and decrease your price! Stay tuned for more!
Lotion (will be available on the scheduler shortly – you sign up for your pick up date!)
Laundry detergent
Foaming hand soap
Bar Soap
A September to Remember
I started this on social media at the start of the month, and after the first week my neck said “no more!”. Alas, I got 4 in. I had great plans for this series, and at some point, It’ll return. Until then, you can read them via FB, IG.
In the midst of #TheseCOVIDtimes, I’ve got so much gratitude, so much inspiration…as we embark on this 7th month, I’m taking the time to reflect. Join me on my journey!
Day 4: Taking advice from #yourdailyPinto
I had grand ideas for a post today, but after the first three days, and realizing just how much it goes into getting a post ready to go out, my neck has said that I need a break. Yes, I could type another post like the last two, but there would be consequences. I know those consequences, they are familiar friends. At the moment, I choose to honor what the neck is asking, and stay off the computer.
I am grateful for all of my injuries, all of my issues, because they are such great teachers, and I really have learned that it is necessary to listen to them. By this point I know the consequences of doing something inappropriate for my internal friends, so I can pick and choose.
I choose to follow Pinto’s lead, and chill. I choose just stay off the computer today. To minimize my time on technology. To minimize my sitting time. This keeps my spine healthy and happy from coccyx to skull, and allows me to enjoy the rest of my day, and Labor Day weekend.
I will be back on Tuesday to continue this journey. And I’m hoping that with three days lead time, I can get ahead of these posts. Thank you for tuning in, reading, and taking this September journey with me.
In the midst of #TheseCOVIDtimes, I’ve got so much gratitude, so much inspiration…as we embark on this 7th month, I’m taking the time to reflect. Join me on my journey!
Day 3: Crafty friends & the long game
It’s my birth month tradition. I plan new things to do with friends. That particular year, I wanted to learn to make bar soap. And then things got out of hand.
Several of my friends are quite crafty – Kim made soap, Gina made foaming hand soap, Karen wanted to try bath truffles (aka bath bombs), and Vicki made lotion. I started making my own laundry soap off a recipe from #cousinJim. That year, maybe 2015, started this.
Kim had mastered the art of soap making, and I had seen a post in Facebook somewhere for “Citrus Brine Soap” – that scent is right up my alley. Florals, not my thing, but citrus – it’s so…. Sunshine! It makes me happy. We made this first, and then decided we should make soaps as Christmas presents. We’d make a batch, and split the results. She’d make some one her own – scents I didn’t do well with – as would I. We’d trade. I gifted mine to regular clients, friends & family. Something homemade, from the heart, and little #AmberMoonMagic mixed in (I’m an energy worker, Reiki Master – I can do that).
Four of us braved the attempt at bath truffles, and, well, they… fizzled… and fizzed, but sank like a rock. Then Karen did more research, found a different recipe, and just she & I tried it. It worked. Lots of learning in that session as well, but we had room to play, explore & be more curious. Again, I gave these away, or at least the ones I didn’t use, as gifts. This tradition has continued, although it’s a little bit more time intensive than soap making.
The foaming hand soap came along somewhere after that. Very easy to make, very cost-effective, and again the scents that I want. As much as I wash my hands as a massage therapist, I was also able to make it much richer so it dried my hands out less. Oh, wait, it didn’t dry my hands. It even moisturized them. Thank you Gina!
Laundry soap happened about this time too. I got tired of paying almost $20 for your 96 load bottle, fragrance free. I figured if I can make all this other stuff, I can make this too! #cousinJim provided the recipe, it makes 5 gallons, unscented, and works. As much laundry as I do with massage therapy – it’s a BIG savings. And I feel good as I know what exactly goes inside.
And then there was The Lotion. A rich, creamy, preservative-free lotion. This came from my client-friend Vicki, who makes her own cuz of her really dry skin. I now travel with this lotion, and ran out on one vacation – my hands and feet were very very very unhappy with me. They just drink it in. Now, both #cousinAmy and I carry some with us on our travels. Lesson learned.
Can I tell you how nice it is to make your own lotion, your own scent, and have it be so good that people ask for it? I have just made two batches as I’ve been working on this post. I have given away as samples the friends for feedback. Scent: Lemon Basil. Yep. It’s awesome.
“This product is AMAZING! It is like a hydrating treatment and super emollient. I give this lotion 5 stars.” – Melissa.
“It’s so nice! I love that so little goes so far. I’m having to get used to that. And my skin feels wonderful after I apply it, and it stays feeling good all day! It really moisturizes.” – Gayle
“Love it! Light crisp scent, very hydrating and emollient. My hands and feet are loving it. My hubby’s feet are loving it too!” – Valerie
So this brings me to the diversity of what I am able to bring an income during these challenging & invigorating times. Because I’ve been in fitness & wellness for almost 30 years now, and have diversified what I do, I’ve been able to stay open (virtually), and enabling myself to work the long game. What I do is very physically demanding, and we know that being on the computer is also not my thing. Blogging, writing, even this – it’s a challenge. I voice type as much as I can, but I still need to edit.
So if I can start selling this stuff, this Homemade Goodness, it allows me a new income stream. If I didn’t have my friends that were already into making stuff at home, and been doing it for several years on my own now, I would not even have thought of this. Getting this up and running will take a little bit of time, but that’s what the long game is about.
Thank you, my friends & cousins, for your inspiration.
In the midst of #TheseCOVIDtimes, I’ve got so much gratitude, so much inspiration…as we embark on this 7th month, I’m taking the time to reflect. Join me on my journey!
Day 2: vCita, KGB Running and WayToWellness
I was a fitness presenter for 20 years. I retired. I’d had enough.
And then vCita (my scheduler) invited me to be part of a webinar at the start of these COVID times. Now fitness, I can talk about that all day. But business, and how I was managing these first few months? That took me out of my comfort zone. I accepted the challenge.
In that webinar, I talked about being excited for what 2020 held. I still am. Yes, financially, it’s a challenge, but when you’re self-employed, that’s part of it.
I reached out to my friend Joanna, owner of KGB Running, to see if she wanted to do some educational promos together. My expertise, my run coaching experiences. “Tuesday Tips with Sharon” – now on IGTV!
And then Angela Schaak of Way To Wellness saw my #ComputerDetox (now on IGTV) email, and invited me to be part of her podcast series (August 2020: Body Movement – why it’s essential). You missed all the facial expressions & hand gestures, but there was still the enthusiasm in my voice.
These COVID times are more about than just fitness, business – it’s about evolving. It’s about the outlook you have. Several of my friends & clients commented recently that I’m the most positive person they know. That being around me is part of their wellness program. vCita & Way To Wellness allowed me to share that part of me. The enthusiasm. The perseverance. “Good morning, Sunshine!”
Thank you all for allowing me to share my experiences, to help me reach out of my comfort zone, and share my enthusiasm.
In the midst of #TheseCOVIDtimes, I’ve got so much gratitude, so much inspiration…as we embark on this 7th month, I’m taking the time to reflect. Join me on my journey!
Day 1: @Organzing4Good
This time, it started with missing my thyroid med because I was sleeping soundly. Before starting my immunoglobulin replacement therapy almost a year ago, I had very broken sleep. It was easy to know that I would be awake at 2a & take my thyroid meds then.
I’ve known Ryan for…ummm… over a decade now. We met through triathlon – a great thing the sport does, bringing people together. She’s been a client for several years, and her weekly Pilates session, now virtual, has become “BizLates”. She started her business several years ago, and I had the pleasure to be one of her guinea pigs. Yes, she’s an organizer, but so much more. Organizes so much more than “stuff”. She’s brought her passion to her biz even more with COVID – she has an Instagram LIVE featuring non-profits every Thursday. She’s all about the repurposing of stuff.
Prior to COVID, Ryan was just getting me going on Instagram. Not a big fan of being on the phone or the computer, courtesy of my thoracic outlet syndrome, I hadn’t gone there. With an in-person studio, I didn’t need to. I was working at capacity. Since I’ve had to pivot the Studio to be virtual, she’s been there pushing, nudging, and sharing.
As I have more time & energy to spend on non-work stuff, I’ve really started to manifest some of the things she’s been touting.
Which brings us back to the thyroid meds. And getting organized so I’d easily remember to take it. So, what else do I do first thing in the morning that would pair well with this? Coffee. I have 1 cup a day. That’s all I need. That’s all I want. It’s part of the wake up routine, along with fluffy time, meditation & journaling. So, put it where the coffee is. Take it as I start boiling water. All the coffee stuff in 1 spot so I have less to find/worry/do at the #crackofridiculous (I still get up early, but a much more reasonable 4 or 5a). I now have a Coffee Station.
What’s that envelope of receipts behind it? You mean all those that went onto my desk & got lost, created clutter, etc? I tried the envelope there, then realized THIS is where I sort papers. It goes here.
These may seem trivial, but this is just the latest. Since COVID, I’ve posted several projects that help my flow – my organization. Ryan helped me shift my thinking, and bring in a new perspective. I’m deeply grateful for Ryan on so many levels, for our many conversations, for our idea sharing & brainstorming.