Cross country, Decker hills, fall running

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 8/12/24

August. Middle school cross country has started! My schedule shifted, and then because it’s supposed to be over 100 this week, we’ve switched to an early morning practice. I prefer 4p. It just fits better. I certainly don’t mind a 630a practice, but when I have to drive in 35 min to get there…

Masters swim has been extended on Sundays. Yes, I’m working on a weekend. It’s just thru 9/2. And it’s small enough I get to swim a little too.

Couch to 5k is in its 3rd week.

Much like June, lots of what feels like new programming, and that schedule shift. I did figure out from my Summer schedule that I really do miss my early morning runs/coaching from pre-COVID days. Life is gonna shift again in September as programs restart (Taylor Track time) and masters swim ends for real until next year.

Which brings us to today. A Monday. And I’m just now getting this out. Yeah, it’s been crazy busy.

I’ve got a few fun things planned

Monday, 9/2 – Labor Day – Decker Hills. For my runners out there, I’m inviting you to join in on an 8.5ish mile run around Decker Lake. We gonna eat some #hillsforbreakfast. I’ve got an athlete in training that needs to do them, so I thought I’d give her some company. Your company. I’ll be driving support, so you can cut short if you need. Sign up here.

Fall running virtual group coaching. Starts Labor Day weekend.

Spicewood was one of my favorite 10ks. And I intend to be run/walking it this year. Come join me!

You can also choose the Decker HM, since it’s a just week later. If the Labor Day Decker Run goes well, we may have another group training run along the way.

These events are tentatively on The Quack Pack‘s calendar. Some past favs, some new favs. We won’t do all, but this is what we are looking at. Who’s ready to come play? Please contact me for more info.

Taylor & virtual updates

Last minute cancellations happen. Contact me to get on the wait list.

  • Thurs, 8/15, 1130a, 3-5p
  • Fri, 8/30, 1215p (30 or 45 min only)

Austin updates

Openings are subject to change. These openings are a reflection of this exact moment in time. Please ask to be put on the wait list if you’re wanting something earlier.

  • Wed, 8/14, 215p
  • Wed, 8/21, 2p
  • Wed, 9/4, 445p

Sleep, ready to RUN, and where did the time go?

your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 7/29/24

How did it get to be almost August already? I know my summer has been busy, but gheez!

In June, I had my avg 7k steps/day goal. In July, it was to get in 2 walks per week. I managed that. August holds “starting to run” again – see Couch to 5k. I’m coaching it, and I’m also gonna DO it. It’s a virtual program that leads into my Taylor Track Time in September, and the GoodLife 5k in October.

It’s virtual, so that means you can join me from anywhere!

Walk or run, come on! Let’s have some fun.

First, though, I need some new shoes.

Blueberry Reads

If there were a magic pill that improves vitality, fertility, immune function, athletic performance and recovery, all while decreasing your risk of dementia, heart disease, diabetes, cancer and obesity, just to name a few, would you take it?

What if I told you it existed, it was free, and readily available to everyone?

What if I told you it was 8-9 hours of sleep a night?

Would you do it? Would you choose to sleep this amount?

I finished Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams. The beginning of the book was good, the final few chapters … inspiring… completely engaging… and brought it all together. I admit, it had a lot of science, referencing research regularly, and I love that stuff. These last few chapters exceeded my expectations.

We are a sleep deprived culture and it is so detrimental. I personally need 8-9 hours of sleep a night, and after my 15 hours of wakefulness my brain says “we’re shutting down….now”. Food sensitivities and menopause have affected my sleep, but as I get back to me, I’m sleeping better. I still have nights where I have a hard time falling asleep, although exhausted initially, and they are becoming fewer and farther between. As I return to me, I’m more active, I keep the phone & TV off before bed (it really works), I stick to my bedtime routine (including cat treats, which Allister will not let me forget!).

When you sleep the body actually goes in and clears out the plaque in the brain that is responsible for Alzheimer’s. During deep sleep, the brain actually shrinks so the wastes in between the cells can be cleared out. How cool is that?

Disturbed sleep tends to precede psychotic episodes. Sleep loss & mental illness are a 2-way street, and a neglected factor in the treatment of psychiatric illness. Creating controlled sleep can be beneficial.

Daylight savings (1 hour less of sleep in spring) increases risk of heart attacks by 33% that morning. The inverse is true in the fall. Auto accidents the morning after are similarly affected.

Sleep impaired driving can result in micro-naps: 2-10s where your brain just sleeps. No response from you is possible during this time. Driving in a sleep deprived/drowsy state? Don’t do it.

The World health organization has actually declared that shift work is hazardous to your health.

Don’t believe me. Read/listen to the book yourself. And train yourself to get by on 8 hours of sleep. And please note that sleep is just one factor, though apparently a big one, in these topics mentioned above.

Group activities for August

I’ve got Middle School cross country going thru 8/5. Masters swim finishes up on 8/1.

Cross country coaching starts 8/6.

A virtual couch to 5k starts 8/1, and leads into the Tues/Thurs track sessions in Sept.

In other words, I’ll have about a month of evenings off, before I start all over again! Who’s gonna join me?

Couch to 5k, virtually

🏃‍♂️ **Ready to Transform Your Fitness? Join The New Couch to 5K Program!** 🏃‍♀️

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our brand-new Couch to 5K program! Whether you’re a beginner or just looking to get back into running, this program is perfect. 🌟

What’s the Couch to 5K program? It’s a structured plan to help you go from someone new to running to a confident 5K runner in just a few weeks. 🏅 With a mix of walking and running intervals, this program will gradually build your stamina and make running fun and achievable! Walkers will love this program too!

Why Join?
✅ FREE Virtual Training for August.
✅ Track Training on Tuesdays & Thursdays in September for $5 per class.
✅ Discount entry into the Good Life 5K

Ready to take the leap and make fitness a part of your routine? 🏃‍♀️💥
Register here for the FREE Virtual Training in August!

Taylor & virtual updates

Openings are subject to change. These openings are a reflection of this exact moment in time.

  • Tues, 8/6, 12n
  • Thurs, 8/8, 1130a
  • ***cross country starts 8/6, pickings might get slim***
  • Fri, 8/9, 10a (30 or 45 min only)
  • Tues, 8/13, 115p
  • Not seeing something that works? Contact me!

Austin updates

Openings are subject to change. These openings are a reflection of this exact moment in time.

  • Wed, 9/4, 1 & 215p
  • Please ask to be put on the wait list if you’re wanting something earlier.

Thank you!

Brownie points: Can you correctly name all the cats in the “Blueberry reads” section?

Packing, half a country drive, & recovery time

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 7/14/2024

As promised, this is a week late. I had a good reason: Mom decided she wanted to move closer to either seester or myself. Wisconsin it is! It was time to start packing her up.

And sorting 20+ years of accumulated stuff.

Her new mantra: I will not be a pack rat! I will not be a pack rat! I will not be a pack rat!

So a flight to Raleigh on July 3, pack for 2 days (#cousinAmy & I got all but the “essentials” for the her remaining 2 weeks packed), then start the 2 day trek home in a one-way rental mid-SUV (Buick Envision) with stuff I was inheriting.

I will say my passenger area was a bit more compacted than I like, but I managed. All the LHS since Knee #2 has really helped stabilize my SI joints so I really didn’t have major issues as long as I wiggled every few miles, and walked extra every rest stop. YAY for lifting heavy s*** (LHS).

After figuring out the correct key words, “state rest stop”, to get them to show on Google Maps, we had a plan. The Buick got 500 miles to the tank, so only had to be refilled a total of 3 times. We used the rest stops, drove thru Starbucks for breakfast & coffee, packed our own lunches & snacks. A quick dinner in a non-moving restaurant was a needed change of pace, and we made good time.

I used to drive these the first 5 states – NC, SC, GA, AL, MS – when going to Winthrop & UT-K, working for AFAA, and when I lived in Oxford MS (Fitness coordinator at Ole Miss), so it was a stroll down memory lane for me from Raleigh to Mississippi. Then getting home before Beryl so we could complete a couple 2-person projects before Amy flew home on Monday.

She made it home, on time.

And I remember why I schedule myself a day off after traveling. I didn’t have it this time. So when I finally crashed for a nap Saturday, I had plenty of company.

Blueberry reads

All that flying time to Raleigh (a 2.5h flight) gave me lots of book listening time. I even bought ear plugs, of which I’ve never been a fan. These were tolerable!

The last Wednesday in June a local book store started a book club for Walkable City. Since one of my goals is to get people moving, this sounded interesting, and very timely for all the stuff happening in Taylor right now. So I switched over to this, and finished it this past week. Our culture is built around the automobile, and I see it. I know the more I have to drive, the less good I feel. It physically hurts to sit.

I did my junior year abroad in England, a very walkable country. Public transport is far superior to Austin’s. I remember how that felt – good! I could get anywhere I wanted easily.

It has gotten me thinking about how walkable Taylor is, how walkable my previous neighborhood really was, and what choices I am making. If I wanted to bike to HEB, can I do it safely? How would I need to adapt my mountain bike to carry groceries?

We’ve got another related book coming next, but I’ve got a little time to keep going on Why We Sleep.

The bookstore owner also educated me – Audible just rents us the books. If I go thru, I actually OWN the books. I’m transitioning as I finish up my Audible list. Plus, her book store gets credit for my purchases. I’m all about supporting local!

Summer group programs

We have started the last month of Masters Swim. You can still register for thru the City of Taylor.

Viniyoga, Pilates Mat are online & thru the studio.

Friday’s Mindful Pilates will be continuing after this test run!

Track will resume Sept 3 with our 5k/10k program. For those in The Quack Pack, we may have one more local bike, then we’ll look at fall programming.

Taylor & virtual updates

Openings are subject to change. These openings are a reflection of this exact moment in time.

  • Thurs, 7/18, 215-4p
  • Tues, 7/23, 230 or 3p
  • Thurs, 7/25, 315p (30 or 45 min only)
  • Tues, 7/30, 2-4p

Austin updates

Openings are subject to change. These openings are a reflection of this exact moment in time.

  • Wed, 8/7, 1 & 215p
  • Please ask to be put on the wait list if you’re wanting something earlier.

Thank you!

Ostepenia, multisport fun, reads & eats

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 6/23/2024

Next Hello Sunshine will be out about 7/14/2024, because life happens.

I recently had my every-5-years bone density scan. Five years ago I was normal. This time, my results said: osteopenia.

Going into this scan, I admit I was curious, and only slightly concerned this might happen, for 3 reasons:

  • I’ve gone thru peri- & full on menopause during the intervening 5 years,
  • All my knee issues since 2019 & subsequent replacements meant limited weight bearing activity. Peri-menopause is the time when you should be maximizing your bone density activities, and
  • It’s a side effect of immunoglobulin replacement therapy & steroid inhalers. I do both… double whammy?

My PCP, unbeknownst to her, amused me when she suggested I add “light strength training“. In my head I replied: Girl, I lift heavy s*** (LHS).

And then: please stay in your lane. This is MY area of expertise. It may start out light, and as you learn form & technique it progressively gets heavier.

I was at a craniosacral therapy training several years ago and the presenter asked if anyone knew what Wolff’s Law was. I was the only one to raise my hand (does this really surprise you?). Wolff’s Law states that bone adapts & remodels in response to the stress placed upon it. So if I’m lifting light weight, how much is it going to strengthen my bones? Not much.

I started upper body lifting last summer, and have added lower body in as my knees have gone through physical therapy & beyond. I’m feeling stronger. Thirty plus years in this field, I know what to do. Reading Next Level and ROAR by Stacy Sims, PhD reinforced the need to LHS to improve bone density.

Ladies, I highly recommend BOTH books get on your reading list ASAP.

Past Pilates class participants have increased bone density through the only change they made – twice a week Pilates classes with me. If they can do it, so can I.

With this also being a side effect of my immune system medication & steroid inhaler, I don’t know how much I can reverse it. But I am going to do my darndest.

Interested in doing something positive for your bone density? Here’s an article I approve of. Ask questions. I’m here for you.

It’s all about showing up. Sometimes you come away with bling.

Last weekend was my first multi-sport event of the season: TriWaco. I’d signed up for the Sprint Aquabike (500m swim, 16 mi bike), but due to all the glorious rain we’ve had, the water had a high bacteria count, and the swim was canceled. They offered us the opportunity to postpone until next year. I seriously debated. I decided to go ahead and ride, so I could use this as a gauge of my progress.

My goal was cadence. With the asthma inhaler use up of late (increases heart rate, therefore cannot use as a measure of intensity), I had cadence as the variable I’ve been training. Goal: 80-90 rpms for the majority of the race.

Keeping cadence up lets the heart do the work, not the legs. Legs typically have enough work to do. I like to sit around 75-80 rpm naturally, but I’ve been working on it since knee #2. In the end, my average was 83. Average unreliable heart rate: 129. Not very high for an event.

I definitely slowed down throughout the race (my perceived effort stayed the same). My legs definitely said I was working harder than my unreliable heart rate & reliable breath rate. I’ve still got a ways to go.

And I got 2nd in the event. Now granted, there were only 2 women in the event (2 men as well). I was 3rd of the 4 of us doing the event.

I showed up. I have 2 brand new knees. What’s your excuse?

Side note: It also made my day when I went up there to get my award, and the announcer recognized me from volunteering. “Oh! It’s our volunteer!” And she then announced I was a volunteer too (big smile on my part). I’m sure it was my cool t-shirt cut from Saturday (see photo) and sunshine personality they remembered. Yeah, I took the sleeves off the volunteer T, and they mentioned how good it looked. *snicker* Of course it does. It’s sleeveless now!

Blueberry reads

I finally finished Stacy Sims ROAR, Revised Edition: Match Your Food and Fitness to Your Unique Female Physiology for Optimum Performance, Great Health, and a Strong Body for Life. There were so many good things in there. I’ll admit, 1 disadvantage of listening is I either integrate the material then & there, or I can’t recall all the good stuff. Cuz there was so much. Read it.

My next ear worm is Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams. Still lots of very interesting stuff here. For example, melatonin lets our body know it is time to sleep, but does not create sleep. What we need for that is a sleep coupler: Adenosine. Our brain produces it naturally, and when it gets to a threshold, we sleep. I’m still waiting for the author to tell me know to improve it. THe usual things, of course, help, but aging diminishes the quality for our sleep. I want to know more!

Amber eats – summer time favs

The heat hit a few weeks ago, and it seemed like my food wants changed overnight. Does that happen to you too? This time, the avocado smoothie returned with a vengeance. For breakfast, or right after a bike ride. Avo, kale, coconut milk, ginger, agave, protein powder. YUM. I admit, the first few times I made it I heard Stacy Sims voice saying get your nutrition from real food instead of smoothies. Especially your protein. I keep repeating it almost daily anyway. I’ve also shifted more toward salads, though the fresh veggies from the garden are helping with that too.

How did your eating shift with summers onset?

Summer group programs

Please note there will be no Viniyoga on July 3.

You can register for Masters Swim thru the City of Taylor.

Track will resume Sept 3 with our 5k/10k program. For those in The Quack Pack, we may have a few random run & bike sessions this summer, in addition to Masters swim.

Viniyoga, Pilates & EUTM are online & thru the studio. This is also the last week for EUTM. Time for a change.

Taylor & virtual updates

Openings are subject to change. These openings are a reflection of this exact moment in time.

  • 6/25, 12-3p is open
  • 7/11, 215p (30 or 45 min only)

Austin updates

Fridays are in flux. With adding the 830a class, I’m limiting my work hours on the other end til 330 (both locations). Trying to stay in my 8h start to finish work window. Which means Friday in Austin is now 130-330p. If you’ve got something already scheduled later than that, I’m still honoring your time, of course.


  • Wed, 7/17, 1 & 215p

Thank you!

I always appreciate when you read all the way to the bottom. I’d love to hear if something here resonated, peaked your interest, or made you think!

In person Pilates, not quite crack of ridiculous, & the usual

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 6/9/2024

A LIVE and IN-PERSON Pilates class!

Yes! It’s finally happening! A LIVE and IN-PERSON Pilates class. We’ve got a new yoga studio here in Taylor, The Mindful Muse, and this fits right in! Wow, it’s been…. over 4 years since I taught an in-person class. Who’s ready for some entertainment, some Pilates, some not-Pilates done the Pilates way, and general all around fun?

Fridays, 830a Mindful Pilates

June 21 & 28, July 12, 19, 26

They have drop in rates as well as packages. We’re on a trial basis this summer, and stay tuned for August.

Oh Brushy, how I’ve missed you!

That first day driving in for middle school running, along Hairy Man Road to Brushy Creek… I was filled w a sense of… peace. Like I was home, as I used to do a lot of training here, both running & on Hunts with Hawks, my mountain bike. I really do love this trail.

I’m back on Hunts with Hawks while my kids run. I’m zipping back & forth between the front runners & the ones behind. I’m thoroughly enjoying myself.

These first few weeks I need to behave until I see how much biking I’m actually doing, and then… I may add on some extra at the end. Just for FUN. Cuz that’s what it’s all about, right?

I’m also back to coaching early… 7a. But I get up at 5a. Cuz I live in Taylor. The rest of my Monday is work ON the biz (as opposed to IN the biz), so it works out just fine.

Taylor & virtual updates

Openings are subject to change. These openings are a reflection of this exact moment in time.

  • 6/13, Thurs, 2p
  • 6/18, Tues, 3p
  • 6/20, Thurs, 2p

Austin updates

Fridays are in flux. With adding the 830a class, I’m limiting my work hours on the other end til 330 (both locations). Trying to stay in my 8h start to finish work window. Which means Friday in Austin is now 130-330p. If you’ve got something already scheduled later than that, I’m still honoring your time, of course.


  • Wed, 6/19, 445p

Summer group programs

Please note there will be no Viniyoga on July 3.

You can register for Masters Swim thru the City of Taylor.

Track will resume Sept 3 with our 5k/10k program. For those in The Quack Pack, we may have a few random run & bike sessions this summer, in addition to Masters swim.

Viniyoga, Pilates & EUTM are online & thru the studio.

Thank you!

I always appreciate when you read all the way to the bottom. Drop me a note, let me know you got here please 😀

Summertime routine: engage!

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 5/26/2024

Happy Memorial Day!

That means it’s time to activate that summer routine! Today, Sunday 5/26, was a prime example for me:

930a – head out for my ‘long’ bike, 90 min

11a – starting working on outdoor projects, interspersed with eating so I recover better from training. Today my projects included putting casters on a garage sale garden seedling rack I found ($5 – total score!), but in order to do that I had to organize the garage a little. That included putting the hot tub away. The main part of the tub wasn’t quite dry yet, so it eventually got draped OVER the seedling rack.

1p – toss myself in the ‘rehab pool’ I finally got set up in the back yard. Spend about 10 min cleaning the pool (while I’m wading in it), and then realize the pump isn’t pumping. Pull that apart, and I need another new filter. I just installed a new one yesterday. Guess the 4″ of rain water that I had left in before filling got filtered. Then back to pool time, and aquatic therapy. I LOVE stretching in the water. Since there is buoyancy, I don’t have to worry about supporting my own body weight, and can get deeper in these knee bending moves.

130p – get out, check on the garden, check on the chickens – gotta dry off before I go inside, right?

I have to say I’m really impressed with my lil garden this year. I was reading up on it before planting (The Essential Urban Farmer and emails from Burpee), and picked up several things, like companion planting and using other plants to ward off insects etc. It’s working.

2p oops, I didn’t reapply sunscreen, but then, I didn’t plan on another 30 min outside. Time to go in, shower, put dry clothes on, and see what I can do inside… what do I want to do inside? Take a break.

Putz around til about 3, when I sit down to write this.

Weekdays, I’ll may toss myself in the pool after a morning training session, and I’ll typically do my quality pool stretching time in the evening as it cools off.

I’m ready. Let’s get summer started!

New & updated session options

It’s time to update my service menu. I’ve been pondering some of these for a while, and it’s just time to do it. Rate updates will be effective 6/1/2024. As we transition to these classifications (i.e. for those sessions already booked), I’ll have an “add on charge” on your invoice to bring it up to current levels.

Why make more distinctions? So I have a better idea going into the session as to what you are wanting & needing. This way I can be more mentally prepared vs having to shift gears from the “massage” you booked.

Massage & Energy: I’ve been having this one come up more of late, so I’m creating a new session just for it. Why separate it from massage? It goes far beyond traditional bodywork, and taps into other areas that I have spent much time learning. There IS some bodywork involved. For those unfamiliar with energy work, think a more familiar word – a “Reiki” session. 1 h per session, available in both Taylor ($105) & Austin ($115).

Reiki/Energy: If you want a full energy work session. this is available in Taylor ($110) & Austin ($120), as well as virtually (distance healing, $110), 1 hour format.

Lightarian® Attunements: Similar to a Reiki attunement (but totally different – it’s the closest reference), these are more deeply rooted to accelerate you on your path of personal growth. Your first series of attunements is Lightarian® Rays, and then options follow. You have the option of being a client or a student (able to attune others). Manuals are required, and have an extra nominal fee. Available in Taylor ($40), Austin ($45), and virtually ($40) for 30 min, AND as an add in to CST and Reiki sessions ($10).

Medical Massage – typically, the techniques I use are somewhere between massage & CST, so it too will be now how a separate category. If you’re having a sessions for a specific medical issue, this is for you. If its just a tight area nagging you, it’ll be “custom massage”. Ask if you have questions. This will be available in 30, 45 & 60 min appointments in Taylor ($55, $82.50 & $110, respectively) & Austin, ($60, $90 & $120, respectively).

It may take me a few days to get all this sorted & organized, so if you have questions in the mean time, please ask.

Middle school summer running

One week until we start, and I’ve still got a few openings. If you’ve got a 5th-8th grader doing cross country in the fall, you’re welcome to join me on 7a Monday mornings along the Brushy Creek Trail throughout June & July. I’ll be biking while they are running so as to keep up.

Please note, for liability reasons there will be a $20 club fee to cover your munchkin.

Taylor & virtual updates

As we approach summer, my schedule shifts a bit… Please let me know early if you’re going to be out, and if you’re looking for something regular during this time. Slots are “saved” for when people return from summer activities.

Openings subject to change. These openings are a reflection of this exact moment in time.

  • 5/28, Tues, open from 315p (30 or 45 min only)
  • 5/30, Thurs, 1245p
  • 6/4, Tues, 115-4p is open
  • 6/6, Thurs, 2-330p is open
  • 6/18, Tues, 115-4p is open
  • 6/20, Thurs, 2-330p is open

Cross country will be starting the week of August 5, and will influence my Taylor & virtual schedules.

Austin updates

Fridays I’ll be at the Austin studio:  6/7 (full), 21*; 7/19; 8/2… and then back to normal every other week until end of October.

* = appointments available starting at 12n instead of usual 130p.


  • Wed, 6/12, 445p (30 or 45 min only)
  • Wed, 6/19, 445p
  • Wed, 6/26, 530p

Summer group programs

You can register for Track & Masters Swim thru the City of Taylor.

  • There is a meet & greet, and see if you meet the requirement of swimming 100m continuously (2 laps, aka 4 lengths), Thurs, 5/30/24 @ the Taylor Pool.
  • Track will resume Sept 3 with our 5k/10k program. For those in The Quack Pack, we may have a few random run & bike sessions this summer, in addition to Masters swim.

Viniyoga, Pilates & EUTM are online & thru the studio.

Please note, there will be no Pilates Mat online May 28 or June 4.

Thank you!

I really appreciate you reading all the way through! If something caught your eye, made you think, made you laugh… drop me a note. I’d love to hear about it.

New programs, exciting things happening, and ROAR

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 5/13/2024

I was released from PT last Monday (5/6/24). My PT said I was the most advanced total knee replacement client she’s ever had. I’ll take it! I have goals, things to do!

Six months after knee #2, I was able to run for 15 minutes. I honestly didn’t expect it’d happen this fast. And then I tweaked my right foot. So now I’ve not run since that 15 minutes. It’s ok. I know I can.

And summer, for me at least, is a time of swimming & biking, and I’ll continue to work on walking & little bits of running. After my 2 aquabike events this summer, then I’ll shift my focus to more walking & increasing the run time.

New summer programs

With summer about to roll around, my studio schedule tends to get a little different with your vacations, and I’m adding THREE new programs to keep life interesting.

1) Masters Swim in Taylor

When I moved here 3 years ago, the Parks & Rec Director and I discussed this program as a long term goal. They had to do some negotiating on their part w the Y (they run the pool programming). It’s here this year!

Thursday, May 30, Masters Swim Come on by!, optional swim test. 7-8p. FREE. Doris Roznovak Aquatic Center, 1600 Veterans Dr., Taylor, TX 76574

Come meet your coaches, and if you have questions on whether you can swim the 100m continuous (2 laps, or 4 lengths), this is your chance to find out before you register!

Masters Swim, Doris Roznovak Aquatic Center, 1600 Veterans Dr., Taylor, TX 76574

Must be able to swim 100m front crawl (commonly called ‘freestyle’;100m is 2 laps aka 4 lengths) non-stop to join. Doesn’t have to be fast, just has to be. Participants are responsible for bringing swim gear: goggles, fins, kickboard, pull buoy, swim suit (not a bathing suit). Optional: swim paddles, goggle defogger

2 days per week (Tues & Thurs)

June swim, 8 sessions, $48 per person

  • Jun 4 – 27

July swim, 9 sessions, $54 per person

  • July 2 – Aug 1
  • no session on July 4

1 day per week (Tues OR Thurs)

  • June or July swim, 4 sessions, $28 per person

Register here: (scroll down to “swim”)

In order to have this program, I also needed liability insurance that covered swimming. My triathlon certification covers this, but only as individuals, but if I had a club…

2) The Quack Pack fitness & racing. Come swim, fly & waddle with us!

So my fellow triathlete, Stephanie, and I started a multisport club. We’ve been talking about the community we want to create since we met. It’s happening. It’s still in process. More to come later.

To do Masters swim, you’ll need to be a club member. Same goes for #3…

3) Middle school summer running

To keep my middle schoolers running, I’m meeting them on Monday mornings, 7a, along the Brushy Creek Trail, throughout June & July. I’ll be biking while they are running so as to keep up.

I’ll also be offering 15- & 30-min outdoor personal training sessions right afterward.

It’s not the crack of ridiculous training/coaching I used to do, but considering I am driving in from Taylor, I’ll still be getting up early.

Cross country season starts the week of August 5. It’ll be here before I know it!

4) Maybe????

Remember I said I may start teaching an in-person class? It’s in the works. Stay tuned!

Amber Eats + Blueberry reads

An interesting twist.

Firstly, I finished Maze Runner. And then had to look up the sequel. A trilogy in fact. Then I went down the rabbit hole of the movies. Of course they changed things, I mean, how were they easily going to explain telepathy in the first movie? Still, a good trilogy. Added the books to my audio wish list. Cuz their gonna be better than the movies.

And then I took up listening to ROAR. The first few chapters were somewhat repeats of what I’d read in Next Level, and I admit I skipped a few that I’m quite familiar. We’re now getting into the good stuff – gut health, hydration, and heat tolerance. Very timely.

Gut health: Not a lot new for me, but the understanding of it all deepened. One new bit – “it appears that having a healthy level of probiotics also improves exercise performance in heat” (p140). How do you get a healthy probiotic level? Eat a wide variety of high pre- & probiotic foods! Not just one, but a variety. We’re just paving the way here for a healthy diet. Have questions on how to up your dietary levels? I recommend seeing an registered dietician (RDN), and if you need one, Amanda Fearheiley is my guru.

Functional Hydration: Drinking water is great. However, does it get into your system as effectively as it could or should? According to ROAR, no. Instead, try adding a pinch of salt & 1 tsp maple syrup to 16 oz of water. It will increase its absorption, and no longer slosh around in your gut. Very important if you’re out training in the heat. You may be drinking a lot of water, but are you actually hydrating? Stacy Sims goes into the science behind it. I’ll let you read up on it. In the mean time, try it. Let me know what you think. I’ve gotten to where I mostly prefer this to Nuun tablets.

Heat Tolerance: This was an interesting one! Firstly, the vast majority of studies are done on MEN, so do not apply if you are a women. Our core temperatures increase in about half the time of men, and we don’t sweat as efficiently. Women sweat less than men, and start sweating later.

There are “also different heat-loss responses across the phases of our menstrual cycle…which change yet again with the onset of menopause” (p203-204). Which, personally, explains a lot of my heat tolerance issues about 5-10 years ago. It’s actually been getting better, but then I’ve also not gone out and tried training hard in the past few years.

Hydration is key to managing heat tolerance. If you’re out training and the legs start to feel heavy, reach for your functional hydration instead of gels.

Interesting tidbit: Did you know that office building A/C temp recommendations were developed in the 1940s, due to research done on… you guessed it… men. Women tend to like it a little warmer because of where we store our blood (more centrally), leaving hands and feet cold.

Biggest take away from ROAR – women are not ‘little men’ thanks to the difference in hormones. I highly recommend women read this book! Yes, there’s a good bit of science, but she also then breaks it down & applies it. I have a science background, so it’s easy for me. I enjoy it. Once you read, we can discuss how it applies to you.

Taylor & virtual updates

As we approach end of school, and summer, my schedule is starting to shift a bit… Please let me know early if you’re going to be out, and if you’re looking for something regular during this time. Slots are “saved” for when people return from summer activities.

  • 5/21, Tues, open from 115-4p
  • 5/23, Thurs, open from 2-4p
  • 5/28, Tues, open from 315p (30 or 45 min only)
  • 5/31, Fri, 1215p

Openings subject to change. This is a reflection of this exact moment in time!

Cross country will be starting the week of August 5, and will influence my Taylor & virtual schedules. I’ve already got to it in my calendar, but we may move it to mornings for August. We’ll have to see just how hot this summer gets since we’ve had a lot of rain. We actually had a good plan for evening workouts last year once we moved training to after school that gave the kids a shade break.

Austin updates

Fridays I’ll be at the Austin studio:  6/7 (full), 21*; 7/19; 8/2… and then back to normal every other week until end of October.

* = appointments available starting at 12n instead of usual 130p.


  • Wed, 5/22, 445p
  • Wed, 6/5, 1p or 115p
  • Wed, 6/12, 1 & 215p; 445p (30 or 45 min only)
  • Wed, 6/19, 1p or 115p, 445p
  • Wed, 6/26, 530p

Online & in-person group shenanigans

You can register for Track thru the City of Taylor.

Viniyoga, Pilates & EUTM are online & thru the studio.

Please note, there will be no Pilates Mat online May 14, 28 or June 4 as my regulars are all unavailable.

Thank you!

I really appreciate you reading all the way through! If something caught your eye, made you think, you tried something I suggested, or made you laugh… drop me a note – I always love to hear about it!

Back from vacay, refreshed, ready to GO!

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 4/28/2024.

Mom’s new bathroom floor

I can now add “lay peel & stick tile in bathroom” to my list of DIY accomplishments. At my mom’s house to be exact. And with the help of #cousinextraordinare Amy. While I did a good bit of kneeling work, she did the majority. I’m actually impressed with how much kneeling I actually did (on a couple kneeling pads, to be clear!). I had some mobility issues getting into tight spaces as well, but managed to lay the tile in the bathroom closet.

I convinced mom to get a little creative with her tile choice, and she loves it. And is now contemplating a new shower curtain. What do you think – does she need one? (click to enlarge picture)

So while vacation was a working vacation, I was still out of my normal routine. It was a little bit more challenging to eat what I needed, but I was able, by day’s end, to balance everything out. Oh, my fun challenges.

I managed to get in 3 walks, and 2 of them had some running – I’m up to 11 minutes now, just not all at once. And I got to run a hill a couple times. Yummy #hillsforbreakfast. More please.

Back at the homestead

There seemed to be a bit of rain while I was gone, and again today (Sunday 4/28). My garden has certainly grown in the time I was away! The cover photo for this Hello Sunshine was taken when I got back. I’ve got squash growing like crazy!

Who’s gonna want some backyard fresh veggies?

I’m still getting lots of cat snuggles, making up for the days I was gone. I awoke at 545a this morning… I mean wide awake. I did let the cats snuggle a bit before I got up. Feels good to wake up refreshed.

While traveling, I had intended to read.

On the flight there, I actually napped. I’d jerk myself awake on occasion. I rarely sleep on planes, but then, it was almost a 3h flight. And I was tired after track season.

On the flight back I did start on the Kindle book Roar:  Match Your Food and Fitness to Your Unique Female Physiology for Optimum Performance, Great Health, and a Strong Body for Life. And realized that I actually prefer to listen. Or maybe I should try to listen AND read at the same time. I’ve got a friend that does that.

Roar is very good and I’m only a chapter or 2 in. I’m actually “hearing” it as I read in the voice that did the Next Level audible book. This amuses me.

What I got out of the first bit I read: those 5 days leading up to your period, ladies, your endurance will be down. You’ll also need more calories. During your period, your endurance is back up. So planning your training AND events around this is important. If you’re a athlete I coach, I’ll be having questions for you as I delve deeper!

In the car, I’m still on Maze Runner. I’ve got about 2h left on it. So I should finish this week. Might need to get Roar on Audio so I can keep the progress going for my next… even though I’ve got several others in the queue!

Taylor & virtual updates

As we approach end of school, and summer, my schedule is starting to shift a bit… Please let me know early if you’re going to be out, and if you’re looking for something regular during this time. Slots are “saved” for when people return from summer activities.

  • 5/3, Fri, open from 11a-1p
  • 5/6, Tues, open from 2-4p
  • 5/8, Thurs, open from 2-4p
  • 5/10, Fri, 11a (however,, also open as an Austin appt… first come, first booked)

Openings subject to change. This is a reflection of this exact moment in time!

Cross country will be starting the week of August 5, and will influence my Taylor & virtual schedules. I’ve already got to it in my calendar, but we may move it to mornings for August. We’ll have to see just how hot this summer gets since we’ve had a lot of rain. We actually had a good plan for evening workouts last year once we moved training to after school that gave the kids a shade break.

Austin updates

Fridays I’ll be at the Austin studio:  5/24 (full); 6/7 (full), 21*; 7/19; 8/2… and then back to normal every other week until end of October.

* = appointments available starting at 12n instead of usual 130p.


  • Fri, 5/10, 12n its not on the calendar, but I have something in Austin that afternoon. I could be talked into a 1h appt. Please contact me directly for this slot.
  • Wed, 5/15, 1p (30 or 45 min only)
  • Wed, 5/22, 445p
  • Wed, 6/5, 1p
  • Starting Wed, 6/12, there are more openings as regulars are on vacation

Online & in-person group shenanigans

You can register for Track thru the City of Taylor.

Viniyoga, Pilates & EUTM are online & thru the studio.

Please note, there will be no Pilates Mat online May 28 or June 4 as my regulars are all unavailable.

Thank you!

I really appreciate you reading all the way through! If something caught your eye, made you think, made you laugh… drop me a note – I always love to hear about it!

Hello Sunshine!

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 4/14/2024

Recently I’ve had several client compliments, which I thought I’d pass along, with WHY these are important topics:

Her new personal trainer complimented her on her body awareness as she did an overhead press, lifting her chest UP – thoracic extension – instead of swaying low back. I do my best to teach how to move correctly in life, not just during a Pilates or personal training session. I want you to have tools you can then take anywhere, so you get the most out of whatever you are doing, thereby decreasing your risk of injury, and increasing your functionality, your enjoyment of life.

My Pilates client asked if I design each session for the individual (yes, I do!) as it seemed like everyone got the same routine at her previous Pilates studio. You have your own unique needs. Everyone does. Your program is designed around your goals, and what you mentioned upon our check in for that day. It continues to build your overall goals, as well as addressing current issues.

You cue better than my previous person. So important so that you, again, get the most out of your session, get the right muscles to activate, and increase your own self-knowledge.

Change in credit card processing

Just an update on how I take payments. YES, I still take credit cards, they just go thru PayPal now. Again. And I cannot take them in person. If you’re paying by credit card, please pay off the invoice I send.

Other means of paying – Zelle, Venmo, PayPal (direct), good checks, or cash. Ask me next appointment how to set one of these up, quick and easy after your appointment. They also don’t have the usual credit card transaction fee. We all win.

New clients: Until established, you will need to pay by a means other than credit card, OR use your credit card to pre-pay for your session.

Blueberry reads

Finally finished Next Level. And working on a few things I caught better this time:

Creatine: I remember when this first became a hot supplement (1997ish). There’s been a lot more research on it since then. I’m being drawn to it now because it is taking me longer & longer to recover from daily things – a hard or long workout leaves my legs toast for 2 days; being at one of my middle school track meets – an all day thing – wipes me out for about 2-3 days. As I’ve gotten older, it’s been getting worse. In addition to improving recovery, creatine, in combination with strength training, “may help counteract muscle, bone, and strength loss by reducing inflammation, oxidative stress, and bone resportion, while increasing bone formation” due to being post menopausal (p 273).

Tart Cherry Juice: It contains natural melatonin, which we know helps with sleep, and being post-menopausal, I’m not producing what I was. I can take 20 mg in capsule form and sleep may still allude me. Tart cherry juice also has anti-inflammatory products, is high in natural anti-oxidants & polyphenols, so “checks all the boxes for what you need for the reparation process as you sleep” (p 210). While Dr Sims recommends a glass, I also have to be careful with the amount of carbs I intake, as it can set of heart palpitations and hot flashes for me. HEB carries this product.

If these sound like something that might help you, I strongly recommend you read up on it for yourself. The more you know, then better you’ll be able to ask if it’s right for you.

I also got a new book on sleep for my audible adventures: Why we sleep, by Matthew Walker. It’s already added. I don’t even remember hearing about it the first time thru! Yay for re-reads!

Had a client also refer me to another menopause book – so it’s also on my list. I’m gonna be well read on this subject so I can give guidance to those starting this phase of life. There’s a lot of info out there about pre- and peri-menopause, and only a little for those of us post-menopausal. I would have appreciated ALL this info when I was going thru it.

For now though, I’ve gone SciFi and am listening to Maze Runner, book 1. Originally published in 2009, I’d regularly heard about it, but hadn’t read it. Might be for teens, but it’s a nice light book while I’m driving.

Taylor & virtual updates

Not seeing a time slot you need? Ask, please. I can add you to my waitlist.

  • This week is currently full. Please ask to be put on waitlist.
  • I’m out of the office 4/22-26 for a well deserved rest.
  • 5/3, Fri, 11a

Openings subject to change. This is a reflection of this exact moment in time!

Austin updates

With vacation updates coming in, as well as some personal travel, commitments and a July 4 long weekend, Fridays in Austin are a bit of a mess. I’ve got some longer Fridays in Austin, but I’ll also be missing some Fridays… I’m gonna list out the Fridays I’ll be in town just so you’re in the know, and on the 2 days with longer hours, there is overlap… so if a Taylor appt gets scheduled first, Austin slots decrease. I’ve gone ahead and added/adjusted Wednesdays and Fridays thru EOY2024 in the scheduler, for as things stand now.

Fridays I’ll be at the Austin studio:  5/24 (full); 6/7 (full), 21*; 7/19; 8/2… and then back to normal every other week until end of October. * = appointments available starting at 12n instead of usual 130p.


  • Wed, 5/1, 445p (30 or 45 min)
  • Wed, 5/8, 145 (30 min)
  • Wed, 5/15, 530p

Yep, that’s it for a bit. I’ve also got a waitlist for Austin appointments – contact me to get on it.

Online & in-person group shenanigans

You can register for Track thru the City of Taylor.

Viniyoga, Pilates & EUTM are online & thru the studio.

Thank you!

I really appreciate you reading all the way through! If something caught your eye, made you think, made you laugh… drop me a note – I always love to hear about it!

Hoppin’ down the bunny trail!

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 3/31/24

What a gorgeous weekend!

No track meet, so I got to be outside all weekend! Backyard is slowly getting organized. Seeds & seedlings are in the ground. Chicken ez-up is in place, so they’ll have shade when it gets hot. Pool is slightly repositioned. Still needs a good clean, but that’s for another weekend.

Also did some more work in my front flowerbeds & got a few more things in the ground. It’s so nice feeling productive.

And I pulled the last of the cabbage and fed it to the chickens. They’re lovin’ it!

Amber Eats: nut butter parfait, of sorts

For snacks, I typically have a nut butter blend on hand for pairing with apples or dark chocolate… or sometimes, by itself. A few weekends ago when it was over 80, I got to thinking I’d like something a little cooler for summer.

Let the playing begin!

So I looked in my frig… what do I have that would go well… oh, plain coconut milk yogurt. Hmmm…. then people were posting a kind of “peanut buster parfait” using yogurt on my IG feed, and that got the wheels turning.

Each batch has turned out a little different, and I’ve liked them all. Two parts yogurt to 1 part nut butter = much creamier, lighter. As the ratio gets to 1:1, it almost becomes a dense cookie of sorts (the kind you’d need to keep in the frig bc of the yogurt).

And then there’s the different forms of chocolate: melted from a bar or chip, or made from powdered cocoa and a liquid. Both are good, just a different texture.

As for what you use to form them… I’ve used a silicone muffin pan (pictured), as well as ramekins. Lined muffin tin would probably also work. The frozen ones (muffin pan) you’d need to set out for a bit to let thaw before eating. The ramekins, no such wait is necessary. (You also can’t turn the ramekin out like the pic above.)

Nut butter blend

Back when my food issues were at their peak, the only nut butter I could eat was cashew. A small amount of coconut butter also worked on occasion. I got in the habit of combining the 2, and preferred them that way. In the past year or so, I’ve been able to add other non-peanut butters back in – almond butter has become the mainstay, although walnut butter makes me happy. So I’ve made almond butter my base, and then add cashew & coconut. Way better than straight almond. Blah.

The other part of this blend is the “good stuff” – per roughly 1 c of nut butter I add:

  • 2T ground flax,
  • 2T Toasted quinoa – cuz none of my nut butters are crunchy, and I prefer texture,
  • 2T egg white protein powder, cuz being post-menopausal, I need more protein,
  • agave or liquid sweetener to taste – you need more liquid after all that dry stuff,
  • MCT oil – if I’ve got the agave taste right and still want it creamier.

You can totally use your own protein powder. Egg white is the only one I can do, and it doesn’t add flavor. So keep that in mind when trying other varieties.

How creamy really depends on you and what you want to do with it. Creamier is better for the pic above, and that’s the recipe we’re starting with here. So just a little bit creamier than regular nut butter.

Toasted Quinoa

Measure & rinse thoroughly your quinoa, then toss it in a pan on medium until it starts popping. Ta-DA! It’s toasted. While warm, add to nut butter. It makes stirring everything in easier.

Putting it all together

So, pick your nut butter of choice, and blend in all the good stuff.

Which yogurt will you use? I suggest starting with plain, and then you can try vanilla your next batch. Let the nut butter flavors come through. The yogurt I’m using, Higher Harvest Plain, is 5.3 oz., a little smaller than usual. It makes 3 servings for me. If you’re using an 8 oz cup, you will get more. The proportions are still the same.

Add to medium bowl:

  • Plain Yogurt (e.g. 8oz)
  • 1/2-2/3 the yogurt amount worth of nut butter (e.g. 4-5oz)

Stir/whisk until well blended. Taste. How’s the sweetness? How’s the nut buttery-ness? What does it need? Add more liquid sweetener if needed. Add a tablespoon more nut butter if not nutty enough. Mix again. Taste again. Adjust again, if needed. Good to go? Spoon 3T into each ramekin/silicone muffin cup. Put in frig (ramekins) or freezer (muffins). Let set for about 30 min.

The chocolate

I can only do 100% dark chocolate. You can totally use whatever level you prefer.

What’s your Chocolate skill level?

Easiest – cocoa powder (2T for every 3 ramekin/muffin until you start playing on your own), 2 T butter. Bitter? Cut down on butter (1.5T), and add some liquid sweetener. Nuke it a few seconds, blend it, pour over the nutty part. Start with about 1 tsp per ‘muffin’, and then go back thru til evenly coated and you are out of chocolatey goodness.

Higher skill level? Shave your baking chocolate bar (2 squares per 3 ramekin/muffin, or to taste), do the melty thing, keep in from seizing, and top your ‘muffin.’


I posted a pic of this food on social media. and after hearing the ingredients, my registered dietitian commented “love the omegas!”. So not only does it taste good, its got omegas, protein, and 3 pre/pro-biotic foods to help your gut flora.

If you try this, let me know, please! I’d love to hear how you vary it for your taste.

Taylor & virtual updates

Not seeing a time slot you need? Ask, please. I can add you to my waitlist.

  • Tues, 4/2, 12-2p open
  • Thurs, 4/4, 1130a & 2p
  • Tues, 4/9, 1245 (45 min only)
  • Thurs, 4/11, 315p

Openings subject to change. This is a reflection of this exact moment in time!

Austin updates

With vacation updates coming in, as well as some personal travel, commitments and a July 4 long weekend, Fridays in Austin are a bit of a mess. I’ve got some longer Fridays in Austin, but I’ll also be missing some Fridays… I’m gonna list out the Fridays I’ll be in town just so you’re in the know, and on the 2 days with longer hours, there is overlap… so if a Taylor appt gets scheduled first, Austin slots decrease. I’ve gone ahead and added/adjusted Wednesdays and Fridays thru EOY2024 in the scheduler, for as things stand now.

Fridays I’ll be at the Austin studio: 3/29; 4/12; 5/24*; 6/7*, 21*; 7/19; 8/2… and then back to normal every other week until end of October. * = appointments available starting at 12n instead of usual 130p.


  • Wed 5/1, 445p

Yep, that’s it for a bit. I’ve also got a waitlist for Austin appointments – contact me to get on it.

Online & in-person group shenanigans

You can register for Track thru the City of Taylor.

Viniyoga, Pilates & EUTM are online & thru the studio.

Thank you!

I really appreciate you reading this far! If something caught your eye, made you think, made you laugh… drop me a note – I always love to hear about it!