Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 3/18/2024

Who else is enjoying our weird weather? Makes for a challenge to get some of my outdoor tasks done, but I’ve also got several plants that need repotting… so that’s where my focus is currently shifting.
Since last update, I did a thing… I slipped and fell on my left knee. On concrete. It did not go boiiiiinggg, sadly. It was one of those mornings where I got back from my walk, at 930a, and wondered why the flock was making so much noise. Oops. They’re still cooped up.
My first thought after I fell, after I sat up to make sure the knee was ok, was ‘well, at least I can’t damage my meniscus‘ (they took all that out). The chickens were disappointed they didn’t get breakfast, as the oatmeal I was taking out for them went flying into the yard. It’s still there. They were, however, glad to just be out.
The knee has a little egg on it, but I did a compression wrap the first few days, and it got better. Yellow/green bruise came up. A little stiff, but that is working its way out quickly. Just getting all this stuff ‘done’ while I’m still in physical therapy, so when it happens in real life, I’ll be calm, cool & collected about it!
My pollinator flower bed got done before our current rainy weather started. The garden beds have 1 more thing to be added before my seedlings go in. I got 6 plants put into the ground in the backyard. Still have several non-food seedlings & various other plants to get in the front, once this round of rain passes. Starting to feel like my place around here.
Summer Vacation, anyone?

Well, it’s almost time to travel.
When you know your summer travel plans, please let me know ASAP so I can get other clients into your slots, or find other ways to fill my schedule…
… such as maybe taking on a few in-person classes out here in Taylor, just for the summer. Stay tuned!
Oh, and I can already tell you there are 2 Fridays where I’ve added more time for Austin appointments. See below for details.
Blueberry reads
I’m realizing I’ve not gone back and finished those meditations from Earth Magic. Of course, that also implies I’ve stopped long enough to do that…

I’m doing a re-listen on Next Level: Your Guide to Kicking Ass, Feeling Great, and Crushing Goals Through Menopause and Beyond. Now that I’m able to be active again, time to start doing some long-term work so my future self will thank me. Gut health. LHS. SIT. Plyometrics (for every levels!). Adaptogens for symptoms.
This book was awesome the first time thru, and just as good this time. Already heard a few things I don’t remember from the first listen… cuz when you’re driving, sometimes you have to focus on driving.
BTW, if you’re already thru menopause, you really should still read this. If you’re in your 40s, same thing. Start prepping NOW.
She’s also got a book, ROAR: Match Your Food and Fitness to Your Unique Female Physiology for Optimum Performance, Great Health, and a Strong Body for Life, for those of you not yet to peri-menopause. I’ll be actually reading it on my Kindle when I go see my mom in Raleigh NC in April.
Guess I should let my lifting partner know we’ll be adding some plyometrics, huh?

Taylor & virtual updates
Not seeing a time slot you need? Ask, please. I have a few slots I hold in reserve as I don’t want a client there regularly, yet will schedule there if needed. I’ll add you on my end.
Tues, 3/19, 12-145p open
Tues, 4/2, 2-415p open
Thurs, 4/11, 2p
Openings subject to change. This is a reflection of this exact moment in time!
Austin updates

With vacation updates coming in, as well as some personal travel, commitments and a July 4 long weekend, Fridays in Austin are a bit of a mess. I’ve got some longer Fridays in Austin, but I’ll also be missing some Fridays… I’m gonna list out the Fridays I’ll be in town just so you’re in the know, and on the 2 days with longer hours, there is overlap… so if a Taylor appt gets scheduled first, Austin slots decrease. I’ve gone ahead and added/adjusted Wednesdays and Fridays thru EOY2024 in the scheduler, for as things stand now.
Fridays I’ll be at the Austin studio: 3/29; 4/12; 5/24*; 6/7*, 21; 7/19; 8/2… and then back to normal every other week until end of October. * = appointments available starting at 12n instead of usual 130p.
- Wed, 3/20, 415p for either 30 or 45 min only
- Wed, 4/17, 245p for either 30 or 45 min only
- Wed, 5/1, 445p (track has ended, so late slot is again available!)
- Wed, 5/8, 145p for 30 min only

As always, subject to change. This is accurate at the time of writing. I’ve also got a waitlist for Austin appointments – let me know if you want on it.
Online & in-person group shenanigans
You can register for Track thru the City of Taylor.
Viniyoga, Pilates & EUTM are online & thru the studio.
Thank you!
I really appreciate you reading this far! If something caught your eye, made you think, made you laugh… drop me a note – I always love to hear about it!