Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for the 2 weeks starting 10/15/23

Yes, Knee #2 installation draws nigh… I’m ready! This knee is on decline, and seems to be declining at just the right time. It’s like I talked to the Universe and asked it to hold on until after cross country was over.

And cross country IS over. Happy/ sad. Our last meet – our division finals – was inspiring. To have seen all these little people training since early August, and finally showing their best. I was just proud. I admit, I hugged a few. They’ve come so far. My 5/6 girls WON their division. By seconds. The other groups (7/8, boys & girls in all the various combos) all placed top 3 in teams, we took 1st individual honors in both boys races, and our top girl was 2nd. Lots of top 15 medals all around.
It was nice to be seen as part of a team. We had other coaches coming up to congratulate us, comment on how BIG our team was (50ish kids over 4 divisions – probably 40 race each weekend). Our team has depth. Something a lot of teams don’t have.
I’m excited to see what they’re gonna do in Track this Spring. Shouldn’t affect my Studio schedule too much… I just need to remember to not do anything else while it’s going on!
The same day, my assistant coach Stephanie out here in Taylor was leading the Taylor Track Time athletes at the Good Life 5k. From this group we had 2 age group winners!

I know she’s excited to be embarking on this journey as coach, and having FUN while doing it. We’ve got 2 more events coming up – Veterans Beer Run 5k and Run for the Roses 5k/10k.
Class schedule update
Just one class shifts with the end of cross country – Everything Under the Moon returns to Tues & Thurs 530p.
Taylor & virtual sessions
Here’s what’s available for the next bit.
- Oct 17, Tues, 2-345p
- Oct 20, Fri, 11a-1p
- last minute openings happen – keep checking in or ask please!
Austin sessions
Massage, craniosacral therapy, Body Symmetry correction & personal training are now available at this location.
Wednesdays, 1-630p
- Oct 25, 215p
- this is it thru Knee #2 installation
- last minute openings happen – keep checking in or ask please!
Fridays – 130-4p. Please contact me directly to schedule a Friday session.
- Starting January 5, I’ll be in every other week. Sessions for these dates will be available schedule while I’m recovering with bionic knee #2 (Oct 30-Nov 10).
- last minute openings happen – ask please!