The first of 2 info emails about guinea pig opportunities:
Corrective Exercise Programming
Got 1 shoulder higher than the other?
Low back a chronic issue?
Other injuries that just seem to keep coming up…
over and over and over again?
Session 1: Let’s take a look at your foundation.
I’ll evaluate the alignment of your pelvis, shoulders, spine, uh, everything. Make some serious notes so we can show change later. I’ll give you a thing or 2 to do at home to start working on your re-alignment.
You’ll have your home program available on an app. You mark you do it. It holds you accountable. I check in. You check in.
Session 2-4: Quicker evaluation of your foundation, & update your home program.
You continue home program. App continues to hold you accountable.
Session 5: Deeper look at your foundation again.
See what’s changed. If your re-alignment is now holding.
Then we decide:
you good, or
incorporate into other formats?
It’s the consistency that is going to get you out of your chronic issues. Expect to spend a year working on your issues, and then maintenance.
Sessions are 30 min long for this guinea pig.
1st & 2nd session would be schedule a week apart.
2nd thru 5th session would be scheduled every 2 weeks.
I acknowledge it is summer. Schedules go awry. Do your best, schedule ASAP so that you get in & it works for you.
For the package option, you must start by June 15.
Individual sessions: $30 ($60/h)
5 sessions package price: $125 ($50/h)
After July, rate is $90/hour
(I’ll decide session length after this guinea pig time frame is up)
Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for 5/15/23
I recently realized I have 4 books going. No, make that 5 – 1 is on Kindle for times i’m waiting between clients, at various out & about things. Anyone else do this? I keep Weather Shamanism in my Austin Studio bag, and partake of a few pages between clients. The top 2 books are by my bed, to gently fall asleep with. The Urban Farmer is beside my recliner, and typically read a few pages with morning coffee, and when I do the longer icing on my knee (20 min on, 20 min off, 20 min on – need something to help pass the time!). My Kindle book is on coaching. Is that enough variety?
But here’s my issue, courtesy of my high histamine response (part of my overall immune issue), I am not able to read long before the brain goes to mush. I’ve gotten better with the infusions, but it’s still a challenge. I can read about 20 min before I need a break. The last book I really focused on finishing ‘quickly’ still took about 6 months.
Today I was thinking about my friend & bizbestie Ryan over at Organizing4Good. She’s a big advocate of audio books. While dislike and intolerance of sound is also a part of high histamine response, it’s actually gotten a lot better since the infusions. I’ve also found taking these Systems Integrated therapy courses virtually for the past year that I really learn well that way. So why not give books a try? I started one – yep, that makes 6 in progress. It was great to do dishes & cook breakfast & get a few chapters under my belt. My next question will be if I can listen while driving into Austin. That would be some productive time! I can hear Ryan now, “Yaaaaassss!” We all get there in our own time, right?
Oh, the audio book? Next Level by Stacy Sims. “Your Guide to Kicking Ass, Feeling Great, and Crushing Goals Through Menopause and Beyond”. I’ve got a lot of clients entering into this, including myself. I’m gonna have them all covered. Yeah, that DOES make 2 coaching books.
Friday question
If I opened up more sessions in Austin on Fridays, would you come? I need 2 to make it worth the drive in. I still don’t want to do it weekly, but maybe 1 Friday per month each – driveway & in studio? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Texas Mamma Jamma training update
I’ve started! Last Friday I got in my longest ride yet – both in terms of distance (my first double digit mileage to boot!) and time. Knees, ankles and all associated muscles felt it the next day – in a good way. In March, I biked a total of 9 hours. It’s only mid-May, and I’m almost at 6. I’ll call that progress! Knee feels better every day. Biking every other day has been most helpful. Consistency really is key.
Next up, I add in more strength training. Stronger legs = better biking, better knee recovery when I have #2 done (still TBA).
If you’re interested in joining in on Texas Mamma Jamma, please take a moment and fill out a questionnaire so you get on the list!
Not ready to commit to biking, but willing to support me? Donations being accepted now thru 9/15/2023. If you prefer, you can send to me, and I’ll add it to the fund – just specify that it’s for TMJ.
Guinea pig update
I’m in a learning phase right now. I’ve got 2 new sessions I’m working on that I am gonna need people to practice on very soon. More info to come very soon.
Bioenergetics – how in-balance are you with the world around you AND within you?
Body Symmetry Corrective Training – hips a little off or rotated? One shoulder higher than the other? This will help.
Specials – now & upcoming
It’s the last week to try a virtual class FREE…
Now through end of May, the first 5 new class attendees get any of my virtual classes for FREE. Your choice of :
Pilates Mat (Tues 1045a, 1h)
Everything Under the Moon (Tues & Thurs 5p, 30 min)
Viniyoga (Wed 1045a, 1h)
Vini-Chair-Yoga (Thurs 11a, 30 min)
Use code MAYSHOWERS, and hurry! Must be used by end of month, and once 5 are registered, that’s it.
Limit 1 per person. What makes you new? Have you been to a virtual class of mine before? No? Then you qualify!
Prepay for Personal Pilates, get a class free. I find this is a really good combo for new people. Quality time for 1 session, exposure to group stuff and trying things under less guidance, and then circle back around with questions during your next personal sessions. I’d go ahead and schedule now while I’ve got more openings.
I’ve you’ve been doing other sessions with me but not Personal Pilates, this is your chance to get it on it. Maximize your results. Once you get it on the calendar, I’ll send you a coupon for classes so you can pick and choose, see what works for you.
Prefer Personal Training instead? Ok, I can make that work instead of Personal Pilates.
Class sessions must be used the week of your personal sessions.
Taylor & virtual session updates
I have added a Tuesday 545p slot that’s not going to show. You’ll need to ask if it’s available. Why is it not showing? Cuz there’s only a 15 min break between EUTM class & this appt. Here’s what’s available for the next bit.
Thurs, 5/18/23, 130 & 315p
Tues, 5/23/23, 330p
Thurs, 5/25/23, 345p (45 min session)
Austin updates
Breaking this up by days – since you probably have a preference what works for you. Schedule your time ASAP!
Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for 5/7/23
My lil chick Blueberry (a cream legbar hen) just wanted to pop in & say “PEEP!” She & the rest of this lil flock are growing so fast! Work starts on the outside space that will house them next weekend, so they can be separate from my grown flock and still be safe – from the big siblings & predators. The 2 flocks will be mixed when these lils are as big as the growns, which will be around 4-6 months old.
And I must say, it feels good to feel good again. Aside from loving on the cats, the flocks, taking care of house & plants, I can bike & walk now, and I’ll be swimming again soon. I’ve got energy and capability for doing life. My goal is to be hiking again by the end of this month. Short hikes, on TRAIL. Out in NATURE. *sigh* I miss my time walking in woods, trails & natural areas.
Texas Mamma Jamma Ride & Fundraiser
My fundraiser for this summer is the Texas Mamma Jamma ride. Pedaling to beat Breast Cancer and support the Big Pink Bus. I’d love for you to join me!
We’ve got a new bike shop in Taylor (Taylor Bike Company), I’ve been by to introduce myself (now that I can ride!), joined them for a casual shop ride, and am looking forward to collaborating with them. We’re working on something to get you to the 15 miles (like ME! I do have a new knee, after all), 25, 50 and 70 miles. If you’re interested, please take a moment and fill out a questionnaire so you get on the list! Wheels are also turning for future collaborations as well.
Not ready to commit to biking, but willing to support me? Donations being accepted now thru 9/15/2023. You wanna do a straight donation? Awesome. Sponsor $”X” per mile I train? Days I’m on a bike? Get creative! I’ll be posting my journey regularly on social media, so you can follow along.
See, start now, by September YOU TOO can do 15 miles. Consistency is key. I’ll help you get there.
Try a virtual class FREE
Now through end of May, the first 5 new class attendees get any of my virtual classes for FREE. Your choice of :
Pilates Mat (Tues 1045a, 1h)
Everything Under the Moon (Tues & Thurs 5p, 30 min)
Viniyoga (Wed 1045a, 1h)
Vini-Chair-Yoga (Thurs 11a, 30 min)
Use code MAYSHOWERS, and hurry! Must be used by end of month, and once 5 are registered, that’s it.
Limit 1 per person. What makes you new? Have you been to a virtual class of mine before? No? Then you qualify!
Taylor & virtual session updates
I have added a Tuesday 545p slot that’s not going to show. You’ll need to ask if it’s available. Why is it not showing? Cuz there’s only a 15 min break between EUTM class & this appt. Here’s what’s available for the next bit.
Tues, 5/9/23, 545p (I’ll need to book)
Thurs, 5/10/23, 130p
Fri, 5/12/23, 11a
Tues, 5/16/23, 330p
Thurs, 5/18/23, 2p (30 min), 315p
Fri, 5/19/23, 11a
Austin updates
Breaking this up by days – since you probably have a preference what works for you. Schedule your time ASAP!
Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for 4/24/23.
Spring, a time of change, new growth. Of repotting my plethora of plants. Of hatching & raising baby chicks.
Just this past Saturday I finally was able to clip both feet in on my mountain bike. That right knee had just not been cooperating until then. I was on the verge of happy tears. Progress. Finally. Over 4 months of rehab finally coming to fruition. I’m beginning to feel the right knee is approaching some new place. Being able to get my ankle adjusted has made a huge difference.
If you’re on my social media, you may have seen the post with this already. I want to reinforce persistence. It is what you do daily that makes you great. It’s your foundation.
Peachey & PepperLil Bungaloo, the sweetest lil chick you ever did meet
And my mind has been churning on how to grow the studio, what am I willing to do, what schedule adjustments am I willing to make? The results are below:
Massage session length updates
I’m re-opening 75 & 90 min sessions in Taylor AND Austin (Wed only). Masks still required. Book early to make sure you get your time slot, cuz there aren’t too many days that this is an option! Here’s quick links to get you started:
Fridays in Austin: Driveway sessions – bodywork, CST & personal training
I’m adding about 1 Friday per month in town on a driveway (the last place I was at near Spicewood & Anderson Mill). After we see how it goes for May & June, I’ll schedule dates thru October. I’ll be offering bodywork (on top of the sheet), as well as personal training. Just need a small area worked on, or a couple areas? Does your home exercise program need a tweak? This is for you.
Would you be willing to come, since Wednesday tends to run full?
Thirty, 45 & 60 min sessions available in both formats. I’ll need to have a minimum number sessions/time scheduled to come in. Personal Training clients – you will be responsible for bringing equipment. The massage table & accessories are enough for me to bring in.
May New client offer (or if you haven’t been since COVID)
Prepay for the May 2023, and receive 15% off these month’s sessions, up to 4 session. New clients only. Please use coupon code APRILMAY. Good for massage, CST, Distance healing, Personal Pilates, Personal training & Personal Viniyoga sessions. Not valid for group sessions.
Taylor & virtual session updates
At the moment, I seem to have regular openings on Tuesdays & Thursdays, with occasional Friday slots available. I have added a Tuesday 545p slot that’s not going to show. You’ll need to ask if it’s available. Why is it not showing? Cuz there’s only a 15 min break between EUTM class & this appt. Here’s what’s available for the next bit.
Tues, 5/2/23, 330p
Thurs, 5/4, 4p (30 min)
Fri, 5/5/23, 1230p
Austin updates
Breaking this up by days – since you probably have a preference what works for you. Schedule your time ASAP!
It’s been 4 months since I got my bionic knee. I’m finally beginning to feel like myself. I’ve gone from 4-5 medical appointments per week down to 1 or 2. Sometimes none. I’ve got energy for other stuff now, like house work, gardening, picking up more client sessions, you know, Sharon things.
The flock at the previous house
Knee still a bit more stiff than I’d like, and I’m able to get out on the mountain bike for 20 minute rides a few times a week. Also starting to add walking in, now that we are figuring out the fibula. And arm crank (bike for the arms) a couple days a week for variety, and to get me ready for outdoor swim season. Plus lots of rehab strength training still going on.
I finally got a decent garden in the ground, in pots, and in the tower garden this year. Also trying straw bales. Took a lot of work initially, and grateful for the help from Amy, #cousinextraordinare.
I’ve got a new back of chicklets in the incubator at the moment. My youngest chicken is 2yo now – the others are 4. It’s time to add some new blood. And it’s time for those cute little peep-peep-peeps!
Studio closings
I’m still not up for taking my regular longer vacations, but definitely feeling the need for some shorter ones, as well as some education. Knee #2 will be happening at some point as well – TBD. I see that doc again in June.
Sometimes, Pinto is just not right…. “Mama! I has an idea!” What would YOU caption this?
4/28-5/1 (F-M)
5/26-30 (F-Tu)
7/3 (M)
8/21-25 (M-F)
10/5-6 & 12-13 (Th-F) – virtual conferences
Thanksgiving & Christmas breaks TBD
On to studio stuff
I’m back in full swing. Still have 30 min spaces between most clients (family & format sometimes shortens it). Yes, I’m still COVID-ing. Why? Aside from my own immunocompromised status, I’ve got lots of clients that are also immunocompromised. So asking you to wear a mask isn’t necessarily about YOU or ME, it’s about those other clients. I am also reading more info on the effects of long COVID, and I’m just not willing to risk it with my or your health. I appreciate your continued willingness to wear masks, and I promise to let you know when/if I choose to loosen my policy.
April & May New client (or haven’t been since pre-COVID client) offer
Prepay for the April & May 2023, and receive 15% off these month’s sessions, up to 5 session. New clients only.
Please use coupon code APRILMAY. Good for massage, CST, Distance healing, Personal Pilates, Personal training & Personal Viniyoga sessions. Not valid for group sessions.
What service do you want to try? What do you want to get back to? I’m having great results with virtual Pilates/personal training sessions, 30, 45 & 60 min sessions available to fit your schedule and budget. I’m looking for more CST clients. More Shift your Epicenterclients. This is your chance to give it all a try! Book ASAP for the best available times. I’ll send an invoice with all your discounted bookings once you’re set.
Taylor & virtual session updates
At the moment, I seem to have regular openings on Tuesdays & Thursdays, with occasional Friday slots available. Here’s what’s available, thru the rest of the month, subject to change, as always:
Tues, 4/18/23, 330p
Tues, 4/25/23, 330p
Tues, 5/2/23, 1p & 330p
Fri, 5/5/23, 1230p
Austin updates
I’m installing a new screen door on the slider this week when I get there. Depending on the format of your session, we might have some fresh air coming in!
In order to keep up with the rising cost of life, I’m updating the Austin studio rates. I’m choosing to raise only these due to the extra costs associated with them – rent, gas & highway tolls.
If I’ve already got you in the calendar thru March, you’re good for the current rate until next quarter. If you are an every other week client, this is you.
If you are an “irregular” client, prices will go up with any sessions booked after March 1, 2023 – so go ahead and book now to keep the current rate for a bit longer. If you are a once a month or at random client, this is you.
If I end up rescheduling a current session and you’re on a monthly pre-pay, you’ll get the current rate as well.
How much is it going up? $10 per hour. Just like current rate, it’s this rate x the length of your session, ie:
30 min session – $50
45 min session – $75
1h session – $100
CST sessions – $130
As my knee & ankle permit, I’ll be doing more standing work, but I’m also still going to need to be seated to keep swelling down. Starting next week, it’ll be more normal than it’s been.
Thanks for understanding, and I genuinely appreciate your understanding.
Saw my orthopedist on Tuesday, and he finally took x-rays of the ankle that has been bugging me since I came out of surgery. My fibula (2nd lower leg bone) is somewhere on the spectrum of “jammed” to “displaced”. So I’ve got an appt with an ankle specialist coming up.
And cuz my knee isn’t where it should be, the knee Doc wants to do manipulation under anesthesia (end of Feb), and I’m required to have PT daily for 2 weeks after that.
Needless to say, this is all going to have to take precedence. If I can schedule these PT sessions without affecting the studio schedule, I will. Alas, I’m sure I’ll need to make some adjustments. The good news is that I’ll need to have these scheduled before he does the manipulation, so we’ll have advance notice & should be able to shift. I know Friday will be affected, cuz the place I’m going is only open Friday til 12.
The knee will get inflamed again. I don’t know if I’ll be able to drive, or how long I’ll be out.
This has certainly not been the recovery I expected. I genuinely appreciate your patience and understanding as I continue to go thru this process.
And then we’ll have to see what the ankle doc says…
lLooking back on my calendar, my original surgery date was Jan 30, I got in on a cancellation for Dec 7. I am so grateful. Not sure I’d like to be in the initial stages of recovery with no power. I was freezing right after surgery as it was – for about the first 2 weeks. That on top of no power. No. Thank. You. As it is now, the house is about 60 degrees with no power, which is just camping for me. My worst part is that I need to move – just my nature and it helps me keep warm. My knee is protesting as I write this (Saturday), saying I’ve been on it too much. Once I get power, I’ll gladly show hole myself with Discovery+ and catch up on my home improvement shows. Evidently I should get some power saws… I would have been able to work on more projects. The oscillating tool has its limits.
The storm hit on Tuesday, I lost power Wed morning ( 6-8a or so), the really lost it at 8p… as of this writing (Sat noon), I’m still without power. Having almost 3 full days off due to lack of power – no bueno. I had just been thinking how grateful I am to be able to do virtual sessions since COVID started. Depending on the week, about half my sessions are virtual. I love it. It just adds to my variety. But I need power to do those. Generator just moved up my list of home improvements.
Neighbors had said they heard (you know, that grapevine thing), that we should have power back by Sunday at the latest. Everything will hopefully be as scheduled. If I’m still powerless, I’ve got a few local friends that do have power that I might be able borrow a little space from for work.
AND #cousinextraordinaire Amy went home on Thursday. Yeah. Happy. Sad. Grateful. Even with no power that morning, the roads were clear once out of Taylor, and she got to the airport, managed an earlier flight (her original one was delayed, but ohhh… this one was too and it’s leaving soon!). She arrived Dec 4, left Feb 2. Neither of us expected her to be here this long, and grateful, again, that she was available.
Next appt with the surgeon is Feb 7 (Tues). We’ll see what he says on this knee, and if we get to schedule the other one yet – if I can get it in before end of April, I’ll be good. Otherwise, I’ll probably wait until Oct to do the left knee. Having to wear a compression stocking at any point in summer would trigger a hot flash way too often. The heat does it enough any way!
On to studio stuff.
Taylor & updates
For Personal Pilates sessions, I’ve already started being back in my wheelie chair. I’m going to have to see day by day if how many I’m able to do. I might end up back in the red chair if I’ve got more than 1 in person session per day.
for traditional massage clients I’ll be doing 1 per day. I’ve got a lot of medical massage & CST sessions, so hopefully I’ll be able to do your session as scheduled. I’ll let you know if not, of course. Again, too much time weight on my knee makes for an unhappy & swollen knee.
openings for the next bit:
2/9, Thurs, 245p
2/14, Tues, 215p-330p
2/16, Thurs, 330p
Austin updates
So the fun part – since driving the distance in is still a challenge, I need time to ice after I arrive. I’m not sure if I need to get there any earlier yet or not. But I should be able to start expanding the schedule out again. I’ll need to limit to 1 traditional massage per day (need to build time on the leg slowly) but I think I’ve got enough variety w clients that I should be good. I’ll be in touch, fear not!
Please let me know if you’re looking for a slot here. Nothing at the moment, but you know how my schedule changes.
Class schedule
My PT Chris said to add in some weight bearing activity, so I’m gonna start doing a little bit more of classes. This month I’ll be doing more of the Tuesday EUTM & Thursday vini-chair-yoga.
I’m almost 6 weeks out. Daily life is getting much easier. I can drive short trips (Hutto is my limit as I write this). Eighty percent of daily activities I can do easily. It’s the small things that get me. I was watering the front plants the other day and got wound up in the hose. There was a scary moment when I was trying to lift my right foot out of the hose area that I felt very unsteady, unsafe. I paused, set the foot back down, calmed the panic, refrained from calling Amy for help, and after a few breaths, got myself out.
I can go up & down the step stool very carefully now. I can carry the laundry basket, full, out to the line & put it up. I am walking 0.3 miles almost daily. It’s nice to get outside. Could I do more? Very like, but I don’t want to push it yet. It’s working, Maybe after physical therapy this Thursday, I do the full block up & back, instead of half way -I’m in the middle of it. I tried the indoor bike once. It didn’t go well. Physical therapist said to wait until we did it in the clinic before trying again.
Because of limiting my weight bearing (and hence swelling) of my knee, I’ve taken traditional massages off the scheduler for now. Please see previous post/email for more details & what IS available during this time. I’ll get you an update on 2/7/23 after I see the doctor again. I’ve blocked off any open slots thru 3/1/23 so I can manage this day better. I’d gotten up to 6 clients on Wed. I’m going to have to build back in to that slowly.
RIP Gypsy, my heart. You are loved, and you are missed.
Some of you may have seen over on Facebook that Gypsy passed away on Jan 7, 2023. Stomach cancer took her quickly, unexpectedly. We’re all still in the grieving process, with Allister being affected the most. He & Gypsy were adopted together over 11 years ago. He feels her absence, we all do. He’s always been my ‘sensitive’ cat.
Taylor openings
Tues, 1/17, 1-330p
Thurs, 1/19, 115-3p
Fri, 1/20, 1230p (30 min only)
Thurs, 1/26, 345p (30 min only)
Wednesdays in Austin
I’m still limiting the number of client here for a bit as I still have to see how I do on the drive in. I can feel myself getting better, not as worn out as compared to the first week. I’ve got a few people I still need to get in for make ups.
Class schedule update
In my effort to stay off my leg, I’m teaching from the chair until my next doctor appt. So if you’ve been wanting someone to really keep an eye on you, this is your chance! Come join us!
to continue limited weight bearing on my new knee.
Why, you ask?
It’s got more swelling that “normal” for 5 weeks out. My range of motion is still limited, in part due to swelling.
So I’ve got another month of taking it easy. Of non-weight bearing.
The good news
Personal Pilates sessions, classes & all online sessions are good to go!
The ‘hmmmmm’ news
Traditional massage is still out. I’ve taken it off the list of services for the time being. If you’ve got a traditional massage between now & Feb 7, I’ll be in touch the week or so before to ask what you want to do – change format, cancel, etc.
If you have a more ‘medical’ type massage, where I’m working on specific issues, you’re good to go. I can work seated for these.
Craniosacral therapy sessions are good to go. Again, I can work seated.
Wednesdays in Austin
This also means I still am not able to drive. As long as Amy is here, I can come in town on Wednesdays. We’ve not yet decided on her leave date. Stay tuned.
If you prefer to change your format now, please let me know. If you’ve got questions, ask!
This was important enough, I felt it warranted being sent out on it’s own. I appreciate you so very much.