My bionic knee, working thru rehab, and continuing to adapt life & work

It’s been 4 weeks since the last Hello Sunshine! Wednesday will be 4 weeks since I became bionic. I think I’m progressing quite well. I had a week between home health PT ending & outpatient starting, and in that time, left to my own devices, I progressed the foundation exercises I was given, and gained 12 degrees of knee flexion when lying on my back. Around the house, I’m free walking, if I go out, I take the cane or make sure I use a cart. It’s been a real blessing having #cousinextraordinare Amy here – I think I’ve healed quickly because she’s been my personal chef, gotten me all the ice packs, pain meds, and then of course, I had a ton of fluffy love. Every cat got in on the action, with Pinto being my main lap warmer.

The surgery itself was “textbook”, and I’ve not really been in pain – mind you, I’ve also kept up with pain meds. First 24 hours were the worst, and probably more because the hospital was not equipped to handle my special diet, so no Sharon friendly food for about 36h was no bueno. We’ve learned lots for Bionic Knee #2 and made copious notes. Considering it’s in much better shape than #1, I should fly the recovery. That’s the intention at least!

Amy & I have had fun during my rehab time. We’ve tried 2 new recipes (will be posted at some point), gotten some house projects done, started on her project list for Knee #2. These past few days we’ve spent a lot of time on the back patio, just enjoying.

Overall, I think the worst part for me, even before surgery, was being COLD. It started when I had to go off pain meds 7 days before surgery. Movement = warmth, and moving hurt, so I got cold. The colder weather during December certainly didn’t’ help. I’m slowly trending warm again. Bonus – I either didn’t notice my hot flashes or I enjoyed them during this time.

So what are sessions looking like?

Online & personal Pilates continue as is. That’s easy. Any bodywork session is still more like a CST session, where I stay seated. You’ll be on TOP of the sheet, fully clothed. I don’t want to tempt myself with standing. Bone takes 6+ weeks to heal, so I’m giving it that time as I’m able. Being on it will slow recovery time. I’ll send out an email Sunday or Monday each week for a while to my massage clients, confirming this is still the case, and making sure you are OK with the updated/modified format.

I’m also tweaking the schedule a little (you shouldn’t notice) so I get my mid-day rehab exercises in, and have time to move/ice my knee in between.

Taylor openings

  • Fri, 1/6, 11a
  • Thurs, 1/12, 245p/3p
  • Tues, 1/17, 315/330p

Wednesdays in Austin

I’m limiting the number of client here for a bit as I still have to see how I do on the drive in. Right now, the knee is not happy with it, and I’m just the passenger. Those with appts are honored first, and I’ve got a few people I still need to get in for make ups.

Class schedule update

Classes continue, with me doing a little bit of the movements with you – it feels GOOD to move. I’m behaving, promise. I am, at least for the moment, requiring there to be a minimum of 2 people in class as I work thru my knee rehab. Thursday’s EUTM class is delayed restarting as that seems to be the best time for me to go see my physical therapist.




  • 11a: Vini-chair-yoga, 30 min
  • EUTM is cancelled on Thursdays ONLY for January. Will see what my PT schedule looks like for February.

Becoming Bionic, December shifts

you guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for December 2022.

For those of you that were immediately impacted, I’d already sent this info below. If you were on my schedule after 12/15 this is for you: my knee replacement surgery is Wed, Dec 7, 2022. Yes, THIS Wednesday.

As such, all sessions are canceled from Dec 7-14 (Wed – Wed).
Read below to see what happens after that. I’ll communicate with you as much as I can, and knowing the home-based physical therapy will also be on my schedule, I don’t know what it’s going to look like.

For Taylor clients: I’m gonna get thru this time frame, and then take it 2 days at a time as I recover.

  • I’ll decide on the 14th if I can work any on the 15th or 16th,
  • then on Mondays if I think I’m able to work on Tuesday & Wednesday, and notify those clients either way.
  • Then I’ll decide on Wednesday for Thursday & Friday, and continue as needed.

Wednesday in Austin: I’ll have to see how I’m feeling for Dec 21 & 28. Cousin Amy can drive me in if I’m feeling up for it. I’ll decide on Dec 19 for the 21st, and Dec 26 for the 28th. If I opt not to come in, you’re welcome to come to Taylor for your appt. I know some of you won’t come all the way out to Taylor, and I understand that. Some of you might, and you’ve never seen the house, or it’s been too long since you’ve seen the cats. You’ll get first choice if you want to come out at your usual time.

I may ask my Taylor clients if they are willing to shift days to slide over to Wednesdays and spread my work out more evenly while I continue to recover, try to avoid wearing myself out, and still have an income. I’m grateful that most of what I can do can be done sitting

I’m going to say I’m “becoming Bionic”. Anyone remember the Bionic Woman? Six Million Dollar Man? I’m talking the original series here. I’ve not seen the new ones. I could have decided to become Borg, but not really sure I want all those other people in my head too. Besides, Bionic folks make a really cool sound when they run. Considering that walking is uncomfortable, I’m gonna feel so much better when I can “just” walk. My goal is to be able to run a little after both knees are done.

I’ve had several people ask if they can do anything, if I need anything. I’ve got my cousin Amy here with me, so I’m good on daily things. What would help, since I’m out a week of work, is gift cards – HEB, Amazon, Visa – to help cover other expenses. The only nice thing about the Jan 30 surgery date was I had time to get finances a little more in order.

With that said, I’m making a few changes to the Group schedule:

Class schedule update

I’ll be teaching group stuff without doing, so the “old” way. I’ll need someone’s video on for zoom sessions so I have some idea of pacing. Also look online for details if this is confusing. Just note classes will go on if I’m mentally with it enough to be coherent in teaching.

Monday, Dec 5 ONLY

6p: Taylor Track Time! 1h

Tuesday, Dec 6, 20* & 27*

Wednesday, Dec 21* & 28*


  • 11a: Vini-chair-yoga, 30 min Dec 15*, 22*, 29*
  • EUTM is cancelled on Thursdays ONLY for December. Will return in January.

*subject to how i’m feeling. I will cancel via vCita if needed.

Hello Sunshine will return…

January 2nd. If I’ve got anything important to tell you before then, I’ll send it on directly.

In the mean time, let me know what you think of these Hello Sunshine updates. Do you read them? If so, where? If every other week enough? Too much? Is the content valuable to you? Which section do you like the most?

12 days of Fitness

Round 1 started on Thurs, Dec 1. Did you start? Do you need to play catch up?

Day 1 – Awesome Arms video
Day 2 – 2 miles of continuous walking (note time for future rounds) – or bike, run… push a stroller… you choose. Just be consistent with it in Rounds 2 & 3. Also note your route (outdoors), or other variables that can show improvement (time, resistance, etc. )
Day 3…Plank exercises, Sharon style – do a Planksgiving video
Day 4…4×8 min of cardio (same mode, or mix it up – “cross train” – do all in one fell swoop (1 min recovery in between), or break them up across your day – just make sure to get them in!
Day 5… 5 min of a viniyoga class – you can even fast forward 5-10 min into the class and start there – open up the body! Prefer vini-chair-yoga? That works too.
Day 6 – 6×6 min of alternating cardio modes (types of movement – “cross training” – pick 2 modes minimum)
Day 7 – Lucky #7! Do an Everything Under the Moon video
Day 8 – 8×4 or 8×6 cardio sets, 1 min recovery or break it up thru the day
Day 9 – 9 min of a Pilates Mat video
Day 10 – 10×5 min sets of cardio – increase intensity w each 5′, same mode all the way thru – a short 1 min break in between – decrease intensity or stopping
Day 11 – 1 Awesome Arms video AND 1 Planksgiving video. Pick new ones.
Day 12 – 12×3 or 4 min of cardio intervals. You can break them up through out the day, or do a 1 min recovery in between

Holidays, Planks, 12 days of Fitness

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for starting 11/21/22

Happy Holidays! Let the festivities begin!

I admit, instead of festivities, I’m prepping for surgery. All these things to complete beforehand, prepping for what Cousin Amy is gonna need to know while she’s here making sure I behave myself & recover quickly. Lists, spreadsheets, house projects, Planksgiving videos. And in case I get a spot from someone else cancelling, I need to be ready. I just passed the 3 month mark from the injection that didn’t work, so I want to be prepared. I’m 10 weeks from my scheduled date. I’d really rather not wait that long.

Luckily, I’m a planner. This stuff makes me happy. I can plan the heck out of it.


Two more weeks to go! I admit, when I started this I only thought it was 4 weeks of Planksgiving, but since we are going ALL MONTH… and I’m getting feedback that people are more aware of their “rectangle” and enjoying the workouts. I would love your feedback too! You’ve still got plenty of time to start and work at your own pace. You are totally worth 10 min dedicated just for you. Get going now. As I mentioned last Hello Sunshine it’ll be part of the 12 Days of Fitness, plus it’s open on my YouTube channel. You got this. It’s starting that is important!

12 days of Fitness

Because consistency and doing something is important, especially over the holidays. This is a 12-day cycle, rotated thru 3 times, to get you into the New Year. It alternates cardio of choice (walk, run, push the stroller, swim, etc) and strength/stretch – using my YouTube channel for a well balanced plan. If you’re just starting a fitness program, the first 4-6 weeks is all about consistency, about showing up. Follow this plan, and you’ll be golden. Already into your fitness routine? Hopefully this offers you something new, something different.

On day 2 of each round, you’ll have a 2 mile walk that you keep track of – track time, whatever your route was so you can repeat it, weather conditions (see the effect). Not a walker – and let’s be honest, I’m not at the moment (sad emoji) – you can choose a different mode – bike, swim, roller blade, and use that on each day 2.

There IS a prize at the end of all of this – for those that report the time from Day 2s there will be a drawing. Report by emailing me, noting on a social media post. I’d also like to know you are also participating, so commenting on YouTube or Facebook/Instagram is the way to do that. More details to come.

If you are following me on Facebook or Instagram, these will be posted there. If you do better with daily emails, let me know. There’s no “registration” this time. I’ll just note those that want it emailed and get you set up that way.

Ready? Here it is:

Day 1 – Awesome Arms video
Day 2 – 2 miles of continuous walking (note time for future rounds) – or bike, run… push a stroller… you choose. Just be consistent with it in Rounds 2 & 3. Also note your route (outdoors), or other variables that can show improvement (time, resistance, etc. )
Day 3…Plank exercises, Sharon style – do a Planksgiving video
Day 4…4×8 min of cardio (same mode, or mix it up – “cross train” – do all in one fell swoop (1 min recovery in between), or break them up across your day – just make sure to get them in!
Day 5… 5 min of a viniyoga class – you can even fast forward 5-10 min into the class and start there – open up the body! Prefer vini-chair-yoga? That works too.
Day 6 – 6×6 min of alternating cardio modes (types of movement – “cross training” – pick 2 modes minimum)
Day 7 – Lucky #7! Do an Everything Under the Moon video
Day 8 – 8×4 or 8×6 cardio sets, 1 min recovery or break it up thru the day
Day 9 – 9 min of a Pilates Mat video
Day 10 – 10×5 min sets of cardio – increase intensity w each 5′, same mode all the way thru – a short 1 min break in between – decrease intensity or stopping
Day 11 – 1 Awesome Arms video AND 1 Planksgiving video. Pick new ones.
Day 12 – 12×3 or 4 min of cardio intervals. You can break them up through out the day, or do a 1 min recovery in between

Studio hours update & openings for the next 2 weeks

It’s getting a little crazy over here, in the best possible way. I am opening up a few slots from now til surgery just to get people in. So, if you need something that’s not listed, let me know. I might be able to make it open.

Taylor openings

  • Fri, 11/25, 8a-130p
  • Fri, 12/2, 9a -1030a

Austin openings

Next openings listed below. Subject to change, please check online regularly.

12/7 & 21 at 545p, 45 min.

Class schedule update

If you’re wanting to get the most of your class, and if you’re new to me, I recommend a few personal sessions either in conjunction or before attending classes. I’m also finding I’m doing less, so I get to focus more on YOU right now. Which translates to more feedback during classes. I’m also offering more options & variations – again, might be a good time to start!




EOY class special

Now thru EOY, pay for a 1h class, get a 30 min class free. Good for packages and drop ins, but you’ll need to buy the package just for these specials. Will run thru end of year. Why? I want you to try new things!

Links for the following EOY Specials (drop in rate – give it a try!) – $18 for 2 classes. These packages good for 2 weeks from date of purchase.

Links for packages are here, and I’ll add the equivalent 30 min class package to your account. These packages good thru EOY.

  • Decide if you want Tier 1 or 2 (differences in price & how long you have to use them)
  • Decide if you want 4 or 8 Livestream classes
  • Your account will have an equal number of 30 min classes added

Afternoon biking, setting intentions & more!


I admit, there are times when this knee thing gets me down. I’m accustomed to putting in the work and healing, getting better. A lot of me IS getting stronger with what I’m doing, but I can’t fix the knees. I need help with that. Three more months of this is going to challenge me.

I’m reading a book, “How do you make them thirsty?” by Phil Weber, and he’s always saying to himself following ‘negative/bad’ things “this is good, but why?”. A very positive approach. Much like I do. He goes on to explain that is the secret of his success. Learning & growing from every situation. I’m totally okay with that. I’ve definitely learned MORE about knees. I’ve definitely gotten stronger thru the core & deep hips, and am finally able to focus on regaining upper body strength. I’ve spent so much time on the knees these past 3 years, I admit the upper body kinda went to the side for a good bit.

I’ve even adjusted my schedule so I bike in the afternoon when my knees are more warmed up. This is a total shift from doing it at o’dark 30 (pre-COVID), or 8a (since COVID started til now). Yeah, it’s weird.

planksgiving fitness education

I would greatly appreciate this whole knee stuff progressing sooner rather than later. Please join me in my intention that I get a call that there’s been a cancellation (with no harm/negative impact to the person that canceled) and they can get me in before January 30, 2023.


One week in, and I’m getting feedback that people are more aware of their “rectangle.” You’ve still got plenty of time to start and work at your own pace. You are totally worth 10 min dedicated just for you. Get going now. And it’ll be part of the 12 days of fitness, plus it’s open on my YouTube channel. You got this.

Studio hours update & openings for the next 2 weeks

Please remember that I’ll be more open over the holidays than usual, taking off only Thanksgiving day. If you’re looking for something & don’t see it, please ask. I *think* I got it all updated correctly, but there were a lot of services to add to those days.

Taylor openings

  • Fri, 11/11, 915a 30 min movement or online session only – contact me to schedule; 1230p
  • Fri, 11/18, 9a 30 min movement or online session only

Austin openings

Subject to change, but nothing open thru November at the moment. Please check in on the scheduler or with me if you’re wanting a session there. Reminder that 30, 45 & 60 min sessions are available – if you don’t see the length you want, try a shorter one.

Class schedule update

If you’re wanting to get the most of your class, and if you’re new to me, I recommend a few personal sessions either in conjunction or before attending classes. I’m also finding I’m doing less, so I get to focus more on YOU right now. Which translates to more feedback during classes. I’m also offering more options & variations – again, might be a good time to start!




EOY class special

Now thru EOY, pay for a 1h class, get a 30 min class free. Good for packages and drop ins, but you’ll need to buy the package just for these specials. Will run thru end of year. Why? I want you to try new things!

Links for the following EOY Specials (drop in rate – give it a try!) – $18 for 2 classes. These packages good for 2 weeks from date of purchase.

Links for packages are here, and I’ll add the equivalent 30 min class package to your account. These packages good thru EOY.

  • Decide if you want Tier 1 or 2 (differences in price & how long you have to use them)
  • Decide if you want 4 or 8 Livestream classes
  • Your account will have an equal number of 30 min classes added

Planksgiving & the 12 days of Fitness; Personal training; CST; & more!


Planksgiving, CST, Awesome Arms, 12 Days of Fitness, handcrafted

Planksgiving. I oopsed the registration link somehow. So here’s the correct one. I’ve just recorded the first 3 – please keep in mind I’m teaching the movements as we go, so feel free to pause, repeat/hold the movement to your satisfaction. Then let it run again. Feel free to repeat them. Workout will be progressed each week, so Week 1 is building a foundation. Want a refresh on what this entails?

In December, I’m going to take another twist on the holidays – 3 rounds of the 12 days of Fitness. Like Planksgiving, it is free. It’ll run thru the holidays, and end in January. Lot of things will be included – cardio, YouTube videos of various formats, and accountability. Planksgiving is the lead in, so this program will have prizes for those that complete everything. For those that show improvement. More info to come.

Awesome Arms videos will be included in 12 days, and then resume in its updated form in January 2023.

Personal training now an option, specifically for those not interested in movement from the Pilates or Yoga points of view. Some weights, the TRX, bands & bodyweight exercises will be utilized to handcraft your session.

For Craniosacral Therapy sessions, I’ve increased the price to more in line with industry standard. If you want to give it a try, use discount code CST2022 before 12/31/2022 for 15% off. Good for Austin, Taylor and virtual sessions. For those already scheduled, you have the previous price thru the end of the year. Remember, this is a great time to try it, as I’ll be able to do this much more easily while I’m healing from knee replacement. I’ll need to limit standing on my surgery leg as much as possible so it heals faster.

Studio hours update & openings for the next 2 weeks

Back to the idea of working when I can, I’m extending Wednesday hours in Austin to be 1:15p – 630p, through 1/30/23. I’ll have to see how well I do after surgery. Three months after knee #1 gets done, I can do #2.

Also remember that I’ll be more open over the holidays, taking off only Thanksgiving day, and Christmas Day (it’s a Sunday, and I’m off Monday anyway).

Be consistent. Get your workout in. Be awesome.

Taylor openings

  • Tues, 10/25, 315 or 330p
  • Thurs, 10/27, 330p
  • Thurs, 11/3, 330p

Austin openings

Subject to change, but nothing open thru November at the moment. Please check in on the scheduler or with me if you’re wanting a session there.

Class schedule update

Holding steady with this schedule for now – all virtual until further notice. Just gonna be easier on me than trying to move the equipment with a wanky knee.




EOY class special

Now thru EOY, pay for a 1h class, get a 30 min class free. Good for packages and drop ins, but you’ll need to buy the package just for these specials. Will run thru end of year. Why? I want you to try new things!

Links for the following EOY Specials (drop in rate – give it a try!) – $18 for 2 classes. These packages good for 2 weeks from date of purchase.

Links for packages are here, and I’ll add the equivalent 30 min class package to your account. These packages good thru EOY.

  • Decide if you want Tier 1 or 2 (differences in price & how long you have to use them)
  • Decide if you want 4 or 8 Livestream classes
  • Your account will have an equal number of 30 min classes added

Planksgiving, done Sharon Style

Welcome to a month of the Planksgiving, and doing it “Sharon Style”. It’s gonna be different.

Please take a moment to watch my video on WHY I’m doing Planksgiving (finally?).

You choose the option that works for YOU

You can do full plank, kneeling plank, hands on chair/counter, or at the wall. On the hands or on the elbows. Toys or no toys. Options EVERYWHERE to create success for YOU.

Within this month, get stronger, learn more about your body, and learn how to progress planks for the future. Additionally, I’m leaving this YouTube playlist open, so you can continue to use them as part of your regular fitness program. Maybe even part of your wellness journey?

What’s the plan?

Starting Nov 1, 2020, I’ll release 3 videos/week, and you do them as you works for you. Everything will be linked back to YouTube email, FB, IG. The first week they will be released on Nov 1,2 & 3, the next 3 weeks on Mon, Tues & Wed. Why this way? So you have the freedom to choose. So you have… dare I say it?… OPTIONS on when you do it. Additionally, if you want a program you can stick to, it needs to fit into your regular schedule. Start it now, continue it later.

So, go ahead and schedule this in to your day now. The plan is 10 minutes max per video. Get your workout in, get on with your day.

There is no requirement for how many days you do this, however I’d like you to do all 3 work outs each week. If you want more, go for it. Repetition breeds familiarity, breeds intensity. You may find want to stick with week 1 for another round. All good. You do you.

Did I mention it is FREE? A free month of training with me!

I do ask 1 thing in return. When you do the workout, leave me a comment (FB, IG, YT). You’ll need to be logged in to YouTube to leave a comment. Thumbs up are great, comments drive content.

Maybe you have a question. Ask it. I’ll reply on the feed, or in the next week’s video, as appropriate.

Maybe there was a lightbulb moment. SHINE IT.


Sign up here.

Subscribe to YouTube here.

Hello, sunshine

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for Oct 10-23, 2022

Taken just before hopping in a friend’s boat to go open water swimming. It was perfect. mist coming off the Lake Austin, friends, and water.

Lots of updates that take effect when I come back from vacation on 10/17/22… here we go!

Knee replacement update

Finally, it’s set. January 30, 2023 is my surgery date. I’ll be out at least 1/30-2/3/23. Beyond that, we’ll have to see how I’m feeling.

I won’t be able to drive for 2 weeks (1/30-2/13), so that means Wednesday sessions in Austin will be canceled for this duration. This might be a great time for you to try a craniosacral therapy (CST) session since it can be done seated. Or even a new virtual service – Shifting your Epicenter (see below).

All this said, if the orthopedist calls with a last minute cancellation that works with my schedule, it’ll all gonna shift. So I’m not going into too many specifics yet. I’ll roll things out as the date gets closer.

How can you help in the meantime? Fill my schedule. Take classes. I’m expanding a few things in prep for this event happening. Which brings us to…

Holiday schedule update

Knowing that I’m going to be out for a bit with 2 different knee surgeries in the near future, I’m shifting my schedule to work when I can. If you look for something on these days & it’s not there, please ask. It’s a lot of time consuming work to get this updated correctly.

  • Thanksgiving week I’m opening up – in Taylor only – Wed 11/23 11a-5p and Friday 11/25 10a-3p.
  • Christmas – week will be the usual schedule on Thurs 12/23, Fri 12/24 & Tues 12/27.

Studio hours update, again

Back to the idea of working when I can, I’m extending Wednesday hours in Austin to be 1:15p – 630p, through 1/30/23. Yeah, it’ll be along day, but it’ll help with the finances down the road immensely. I just did it yesterday, and as long as I’m prepared, I’m good.

It’s going to take a little me to get this update & the holiday hours into vCita, so if you’re not seeing something, please ask.

Class schedule update

The Pilates & BOSU class has been dropped, which allowed me to move the chair yoga class up.

I’m going to see how well my internet works from the driveway, and may offer the chair yoga class on the driveway as weather permits. Please watch for additional notices this week.




EOY class special

Starting October 1, pay for a 1h class, get a 30 min class free. Good for packages and drop ins, but you’ll need to buy the package just for these specials. Will run thru end of year. Why? I want you to try new things!

Links for the following EOY Specials (drop in rate – give it a try!) – $18 for 2 classes. These packages good for 2 weeks from date of purchase.

Links for packages are here, and I’ll add the equivalent 30 min class package to your account. These packages good thru EOY.

  • Decide if you want Tier 1 or 2 (differences in price & how long you have to use them)
  • Decide if you want 4 or 8 Livestream classes
  • Your account will have an equal number of 30 min classes added

Awesome Arms

I had my left knee lock up on me back in September, and it was hoisting myself up into my office chair that actually unlocked it. I’ve changed my upper body strength training routine, cuz with the upcoming surgery, I’m going to have to rely on my upper body even more. The new program won’t have a video component, but I will have a “workouts of the week” that will get posted on Mondays. They’ll progress over 3 weeks, then switch it up completely on the 4th week, and then restart again. It’s designed to target the upper body 4 DAYS per week, divided up over that period so everything gets trained evenly.

You are encouraged to use whatever equipment you have on hand, or use bodyweight. Variety is encouraged to get the most out of this. That said, don’t buy anything expensive or out of your price range. I love my TRX, for example, but is it worth the $ I spent on it (for me yes, but that’s your own question to answer). If you want the most versatile equipment, I suggest bands and/or lighter dumbbells. They both work differently so it’s good to mix it up on the same day even.

It’s still FREE, or $10/week if you choose to donate a little – done as a bundle it to $40 for all 4 weeks. Sign up here to get it in your inbox if you’re not on facebook. If I’ve got enough people interested and on FB, I’ll create a group to help with accountability – so please let me know! Start date is not yet set. I’ll be working out the kinks in October, so November will likely be the official start date.

New services

Personal Yoga: Deepening your practice

During your session we will take a look at how you move, what your compensation patterns are, and what you can do to improve and deepen your experience of yoga. Note that this is not a ‘practice’ like you attend in class. It is very specific, and embodies the lineage of Viniyoga – appropriate adaptations just for you.

I’m intentionally keeping this session shorter (45 min) so you have more focused take-aways and can really zone in on those until we meet again.

Available in-person & online.

Shifting your EpiCenter

An energy work session, done online, designed to work on the energy that surrounds you, your relationships to everything/anything, and bring you back into balance, into resilience, even onward toward vitality. This session is on a spectrum with CST (see pic below) and has the ability to affect the physical, the emotional, and the energetic.

If you imagine a hanging mobile, it’s a perfectly balanced system. Now imagine we added a little stress somewhere (weight, tension, emotions, relationships, etc.), it’d be out of whack, and its center, its Epicenter, would change, creating a new, off center balance point. In a perfect world, we want to be this perfectly balanced mobile to be centered and free to move without restrictions. This energy session begins to balance that mobile, while it moves you on a spectrum from a state of depletion, to resilience, and over time, to vitality.

Maybe you want to try the progression from physical to energetic? Links are below for each session:

Whew. That was a lot. Changes. Progress. Healing. What’s something you’d like to try from all this goodness? I’d love to hear!

Hello Sunshine

Your bi-weekly guide for everything under the moon, the Amber Moon (9/26/22)

Who’s ready for some cooler temps??? ME! ME! ME! I’m ready to be outside whenever I want, not just when it’s “cool enough”.

It’s been a busy weekend updating my house for winter – new insulation to be specific. And adding some insulation where there was none. Ranger damper. Fixing a window that had it’s seal broken when I swatted a skeeter on it (got it, thank you). And working on being able to get my plants AND my car in when the weather gets chilly. Still got lots of work to do, but it’ll keep me out of trouble, I’ll be outside, and I’ll learn all sorts of cool stuff.

What are you doing to prep for winter?

Tues – Fri hours update, again

On Saturday 9/17 I had the privilege of working the Big Wig Massage for the Texas Mamma Jamma Ride. I met a lot of great people, and realized this is why I don’t work weekends anymore. It took me 2 days to recover. Once in a blue moon, I’m ok with this, especially when its for a good cause, but no, I’m not working weekends otherwise.

Studio hours now are:

  • Tuesday – 11a – 715p
  • Wednesday – 1045a – 6p
  • Thursday – 1015a – 530p
  • Friday – 8a – 130p *start time updated


I’m going to be adjusting the time when I come back from vacation – look for more info on the next Hello Sunshine on 10/10 – it’ll be done well before I head out for vacation.

Awesome Arms

I’m processing this, and slowly a new format it emerging. More details after vacation. Please visit YouTube to get your fix until then.

Upcoming class specials

Starting October 1, pay for a 1h class, get a 30 min class free. Good for packages and drop ins, but you’ll need to buy the package just for this specials. Will run thru end of year. Why? I want you to try new things! The way package have to be done, I’ve had to set it up for 1 of each. If you want a package, buy your 1h package, I’ll add the 30 min package onto your account.

Links for the following EOY Specials (drop in rate – give it a try!) – $18 for 2 classes

Links for packages are here, and I’ll add the equivalent 30 min class package to your account.

  • Decide if you want Tier 1 or 2 (differences in price & how long you have to use them)
  • Decide if you want 4 or 8 Livestream classes
  • you account will have an equal number of 30 min classes added.

Studio closings 2022

  • October 11-14 – 2 weeks away!
  • November 23-25 – Thanksgiving. There will be Viniyoga on Wed, 11/23, then I’m off.
  • December 22-27 – Holidays.

Taylor updates

Schedule is continuing to shift… Please remember to book as far in advance as you can, and also keep in mind I do have last minute cancellations. Reach out if you’re looking for something & not seeing anything.

Openings for the next few weeks:

  • Tues, 9/27, 2p

Austin: Massage

Remember these are subject to change, so check in regularly. If you’re looking for an ATX session, let me know and I’ll keep you in mind when last minute cancellations happen. Wednesday openings in ATX for the next few weeks:

  • 10/19, 5p is next available.
  • this day is filling up on a weekly basis – please check in w me if you’re looking for something regular!

Classes for the weeks of Sept 26 & Oct 3, 2022




What did you think? Did anything here catch your attention? I’d love to hear.

Hello, Sunshine!

Your bi-weekly guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon. (9/12/22)

How do you build your meals? Do you start with veggies or protein? A theme (“tacos”)? I was thinking about this today. I have protein thawed or ready to thaw (it gets frozen in single serve portions), but I really build it around the veggies. What veggies are available? Which do I need to use up? What veggies did I have in my previous meal that day (so breakfast is wiiiiiide open!)? Of late, I’ve been having 3-4 veggies in the wok at once. Cuz they be essential.

This is how I eat. 3 meals a day. Any of these can be breakfast, lunch or dinner. With my food issues, traditional breakfast just doesn’t work for me. And I’m perfectly fine with that.

I’d love to hear how you what drives your meals!

Tues – Fri hours update

I’ve added a few new clients, and have expanded my available hours a little. Fridays are now open in the mornings a bit more – it’ll be cool enough I can bike in the afternoons soon, AND in the summer, it tends to be a swim day – also an afternoon activity. It was finally warranted – this expansion of hours. Mondays are still reserved for work on the biz, Tues – Fri working in the biz.

Studio hours now are:

  • Tuesday – 11a – 715p
  • Wednesday – 1045a – 6p
  • Thursday – 1015a – 530p
  • Friday – 9a – 130p.


Yes, it’s still a test run, but you can join in ANYTIME. You can register here, packages & drop in options available.

Taylor Track Time is BACK

Oh it feels good to be back out there with my peeps! Come join us! Sign up here. All levels welcome & I create your program for you – we all are doing something similar, just at your own level.

Awesome Arms

Yeah, I keep waffling on this. I’m gonna take a break from it for a bit. Please visit YouTube to get your fix.

Upcoming class specials

Starting October 1, pay for a 1h class, get a 30 min class free. Good for packages and drop ins, but you’ll need to buy the package just for this specials. Will run thru end of year. Why? I want you to try new things!

Studio closings 2022

  • October 11-14
  • November 23-25 – Thanksgiving. There will be Viniyoga on Wed, 11/23, then I’m off.
  • December 22-27 – Holidays.

Taylor updates

I’ll be continuing to adjust times & shift people around as you request. My schedule is getting fuller now that Summer is over. Please remember to book as far in advance as you can, and also keep in mind I do have last minute cancellations. Reach out if you’re looking for something & not seeing anything.

Openings for the next few weeks:

  • Tues, 9/13, 115-430p
  • Fri, 9/16, 10a, 30 min only (I’ll need to add, contact me directly)
  • Tues, 9/20, 2p

Austin: Massage

Remember these are subject to change, so check in regularly. If you’re looking for an ATX session, let me know and I’ll keep you in mind when last minute cancellations happen. Wednesday openings in ATX for the next few weeks:

  • 9/21, 5p
  • this day is filling up on a weekly basis – please check in w me if you’re looking for something!

Classes for the weeks of Sept 12 & 19, 2022




Hello Sunshine (8/29/22)

your bi-weekly guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon.

“The homestead needs to be tended every day.”

This is a line from my newest HGTV show I’m watching, Homestead Rescue. It stuck with me. As I work on my house, my business, myself, it rings true. And it evolves, shows growth, allows for recovery. I’m for all those things.

I’ve got a list that I check off for all the biz things I need to get done – the “tasks” function on the google calendar really serves me well for this, as most of the biz stuff starts from there.

I’ve got a list of house things that need to get done. These are typically on a paper calendar and the dry erase board. Cuz on weekends, I don’t want to be on technology. There are daily, weekly, monthly tasks, as well as my plethora of home improvement projects. I’ve broken these down into steps to make it manageable – small projects or components during the week, big ones on the weekends.

And then, of course, there’s the homestead of me. I need to tend to ME daily. I’ve got a list of the things I need to do for my knees, for myself. Cardio. Breaks. Critter time. Outside time. It’s evolving. My knee program recently went from 45 min 3-4d/week to 30 min per day, and totally revamped. Last week got my 2nd round of knee shots, and had a follow up with my physical therapist. I’ve definitely gotten stronger with this program, so it’s working. Let’s keep evolving it. I’ve also refitted my bike to accommodate less bend in the knees, and that’s working too. Eric over a Blur Cycleworks is the bike whisperer. I highly recommend if you need help.

The key is – I’m tending to it every day. Small projects around the house. A little time on the studio. My workouts. Me time. Finding the balance is a constant task, and now that I’m feeling better, it’s getting easier. It was one of those things – didn’t know how much the knees were holding me back until they felt better. Working on my nutrition is helping too. More on that in an #AmberEats post.
I’m grateful.

How can you serve your ‘homestead’ daily? While the show is for people that live off grid, it applies to those of us on-grid too. What are your values? Those will help guide your choices. Need some help? Sign up for wellness coaching, and we’ll figure out what parts of your homestead needs tending daily.

Other things from the biz side

I’m working on updating my website, and part of that is transitioning ALL the Amber Eats posts over there, so everyone can enjoy.

If you’re looking for your weekly spot & don’t see something that works for you, ASK. I can likely do some shifting on my end, once I know you’re looking. At the moment, Tuesdays & Fridays would be your best option. I can pretty much say most clients have asked for a shift when they started or as their life changes, and everyone understands.

If you are a weekly / every other week client, your appointments have been entered thru the end of the year. I’m going to start entering them by quarter. In November, I’ll enter for 1st quarter 2023.

For those clients that come every other week or so, I’ll be offering a quarterly payment option. It’s kinda like a package in that you pay less frequently. If you are interested, let me know. I would prefer to rotate when people pay to keep a consistent flow of income.


It’s time! This Thursday it starts! 1135a for 30 min. This initial offering runs for 6 weeks, to just see how it goes. You can register here, and remember to let me know if you want the package – and which one. 

  • Drop in: $12
  • Tier 1: $66
  • Tier 2: $49.50

Taylor Track Time is BACK

If I had known that canceling Track for August woulda brought cooler temps, I would have done it back in JUNE! That said, it’s back. It’s open. Sign up here. This Tuesday, 8/30, is FREE.

Awesome Arms

This is the week! It’ll be on YouTube only, 5:35p premier on Tuesday & Thursday. You’ll even see a nice little count down for it! I’m really excited for this change – it gives us all a little more flexibility, and it still holds me accountable for getting it done. Please remember to subscribe to my YouTube channel, and you’ll get notices when things get posted, on instant premiers, etc. I’d also love your feedback – either on YT (you’ll need to log in to do it), or drop me a note.

Studio closings 2022

  • October 11-14
  • November 23-25 – Thanksgiving. There will be Viniyoga on Wed, 11/23, then I’m off.
  • December 22-27 – Holidays.

Taylor updates

I’m making a slight adjustments to breaks in between clients – if it’s different session types (ie Pilates followed by bodywork), I am shifting toward a 15 min break instead of 30. If 2 clients back to back are in the same room, it’s still gonna be 30 min – remember, it takes 20 min for COVID to clear the air. While I don’t want 15 min between every session, I’ll starting closing the gap a little, which might make open up the time slot you are looking for. And the cats still need a 30 min break mid-afternoon to be fed. Remember these are subject to change, so check in regularly.

Openings for the next few weeks:

  • Tues, 8/30, 3p
  • Fri, 9/2, 2p
  • Thurs, 9/8, 315p Pilates or online session only (I’ll need to book it)
  • Tues, 9/13, 2-430p
  • Fri, 9/16, 2p

Austin: Massage

Remember these are subject to change, so check in regularly. If you’re looking for an ATX session, let me know and I’ll keep you in mind when last minute cancellations happen. Wednesday openings in ATX for the next few weeks:

  • 8/31, 5p
  • 9/7, 5p
  • 9/21, 1p (30 min only), 5p
  • 9/28, 330p (30 or 45 min only)

Classes for the weeks of August 29 & Sept 5, 2022

11a: Pilates Mat
5p: Everything Under the Moon
535p: Awesome Arms on YouTube

10:45a: Viniyoga

11a: Pilates & BOSU, 30 min

1135a: Vini-chair-yoga, 30 min
5p: Everything Under the Moon
535p: Awesome Arms on YouTube