Oh, look. It’s Monday afternoon/evening, and I’m just now typing this. So short & sweet it is!

Firstly, there was an extra week of donation time for my American Red Cross 15 miles of swimming in July, and we ended with a grand total of $633 raised. I appreciate all those that donated. Thank you.
Vini-chair-yoga will be coming on the schedule in September on Thursdays. I’m waiting for a few other things to fall in place before I settle on a time. Interested, and still need to do the survey? Please take a moment and offer your input.
Survey results to date:

- Thursday lunch-ish time is best
- 1x/week works best for most, 2 would prefer 2x
- 30 min was most popular length for class
- format would be seated in chair and standing postures only
- half were ok with this staying online, other half said ok to start online & transition to in-person
I’ll be emailing & posting to social media once I’ve got details figured out.
If you want something of a sneak peak as to what it’s like, I’ve opened up all my Yoga >>Meditation classes on YouTube from the past. The ones in the chair are will be similar to this class.. Check ’em out! If you watch them, log in & leave me a comment or thumbs up!
Taylor Track Time – due to it being over 100, I went ahead & canceled it for August only. It will return in September.
Awesome Arms will be going to YouTube only in September. I’ll have them set to Premier on Tues & Thurs at 535p, so you can still join in. There’s not been people joining me via Zoom, and this opens me up to get it in at other times.
Studio closings 2022
- October 11-14 – now includes that conference I signed up for
- November 23-25 – Thanksgiving. There will be Viniyoga on Wed, 11/23, then I’m off.
- December 22-27 – Holidays.
Taylor openings – massage, Pilates, CST, online, etc.
Summer break seems to be over, and my Taylor schedule is filling up fast! If you are looking for your session, book it ASAP! My current client schedules are shifting right now, so if you’re looking for your regular slot, now is the time!
- Tuesday, 8/16 2p, 330p
- Thursday, 8/25, 330p
Please check back regularly or email me to ask.
Austin: Massage
I’ve updated my availability on Wednesdays to start at 1p weekly. It’s been working out well, and as long as I prep everything well in advance, I get there with plenty of time to set up, take a breath, see who’s coming so I can be mentally prepared, and then GO.
- 8/24, 1p (30 min only)
- 8/31, 5p
- 9/7, 1p (30 min only), 5p
Subject to change. Please check back regularly or email me to ask.
Classes & Group shenanigans for the weeks of August 15 & 22, 2022
11a: Pilates Mat
5p: Everything Under the Moon
535p: Awesome Arms (Zoom) – FREE or $4, then YouTube
10:45a: Viniyoga
11a: Pilates & BOSU
5p: Everything Under the Moon
5:35p: Awesome Arms (Zoom) – FREE or $4, then YouTube