Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for the 2 weeks starting 3/21/22
Biz side of things update
Invoices will be coming more from via vCita (my scheduler) so to be better able to track & keep your account up to date. All this back and forth between vCita & PayPal is getting a little crazy for me. For those of you that add a tip on, I’ll either have to manually add that in, OR you can send it separately via Paypal, Zoom, or Zelle. I’ve asked vCita if they think that will be an option any time soon. I’ve been asking for a good long while…
I mentioned a schedule shift in the previous Hello Sunshine… so here are the changes as of April 11, 2022:
Mondays: reserved for work ON the business (as opposed to IN the business), and wellness coaching clients, 3-5p.
Fridays move to Taylor only as of April 11, 2022: Regular schedule will be 11a Viniyoga, 1230 opening, 2p opening. No more Austin option on Friday. Remember I’m closed 4/4-8.
As I’ve been combing thru my schedule for updating (typically done a couple times a year) I’ve noticed currently I’ve got a lot of every-other-week clients. And they all seem to come on the same week🤣. So I’ve got one completely full week (this week, in fact), then a not-as-full week (next week). So if YOU are looking for a regular slot:
Weekly – only option is Friday at 2p starting in April.
Every other week – Tuesdays 2p & 330; Thursdays there is an opening, but it’s a little in flux at the moment. Ask please; Fridays 1230p.
Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for the 2 weeks starting 3/7/22
Can you smell the fresh-baked bread goodness??? Keep your eyes open over on the Studio’s Facebook page – an updated Cassava flour bread recipe is coming soon.
Spring. A time of change. Of new growth. Of evolution.
And the Studio is evolving. In the upcoming month, I’m going to be shifting a few items, and an “updated” schedule will roll out when I get back from my April Vacation (4th-8th). Classes will remain the same. As my Tuesdays through Thursdays end up FULL, I’m shifting my other days to accommodate what people are asking for and to help me stay balanced. Keep an eye out. Know they are coming.
If I’m emailing you to see if I can shift your regular appointment time, it’s cuz I’m fitting in more people, making sure I have space between clients to clear the air (COVID hangs in the air for up to 20 min), and give myself a short break. I’ll have the updated schedule for you next Hello Sunshine.
The cats would also like to mention that I need to feed them mid-afternoon as well. I used to have a space held for that, but I’ve let that combine with the break in between clients.
Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for the 2 weeks starting 2/21/22.
Just a few notes here, as it’s Monday afternoon…
Note: on Thursdays, I’ll be posting on the Studio FB & IG pages any openings for the next week.
March Madness – Give yourself a hand. Or 2. I’ve decided I’ve got enough going on, I’m going to postpone this.
Reminder of upcoming Studio closings
April 4-8, 2022
June 22 (at 12n) – 28, 2022
September time off TBD
November 23-25
December Holiday break TBD
Fantastic Feet & where to find them
Find them HERE! One week left – and I’m going to start putting it all together into actual “workouts” for these last 2 sessions. Wed & Fri at 1205pm. Join be Live on Facebook, or register via Zoom – use code FANTASTIC to get it for free, or if you prefer to pay (for accountability), it’s $4/session, $20 for the month.
Taylor openings – massage, Pilates, CST, etc
Tuesday, 2/22 at 1230p
Openings subject to change. Please check back regularly or email me to ask.
Austin: Massage & The Driveway Series
Wednedsay, 2/23 at 230p, 30 min opening only
Driveway: 545 & 630p
Openings subject to change. Please check back regularly or email me to ask.
For the Massage: The Driveway series starting Wednesday March 2, there will be alternating week of the following schedule. On one week, the sessions will be at 545 & 630p, the following week at 615 & 7p. They are now open on my scheduler
Classes & Group shenanigans for weeks of Feb 21 & 28, 2022
Tuesday 11a: Pilates Mat 5p: Everything Under the Moon 535p: Awesome Arms (FB Live & Zoom) – FREE 615p: Taylor Track Time! (Memorial Track, Taylor)
Wednesday 10:45a: Viniyoga 1205p: Fantastic Feet (FB Live & Zoom), 2/22 only
Thursday 11a: Pilates & BOSU 5p: Everything Under the Moon 5:35p: Awesome Arms (FB Live & Zoom) – FREE
Friday 10:45a: Viniyoga 1205p: Fantastic Feet (FB Live & Zoom), 2/24 only
Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for the 2 weeks starting 2/7/22.
We made it thru a week of winter. Pinto, and I, both missed the sunshine terribly. You can totally see her smiling in pic.
As COVID numbers start to go down again (YAY), I’m looking at what the Studio will be shifting in March. As I pondered this, I realized I truly miss being OUTSIDE. I thoroughly enjoy getting back to “traditional” massage, I miss my Driveway series. So, I’m gonna bring it back.
I’m still working on it, but here’s what I’m thinking:
In Taylor, I’ll offer 15 & 30 min chair massages – neck & shoulders only. These can be 15 min apart since we are outside.
In Austin, I’ll add 2 sessions on Wednesday AFTER I get done with my indoor sessions (515 or 6p, depending on the week). I’ve already asked previous driveway host Kathy if she’s willing to offer her driveway, and let me borrow her table. The answer was “yes” to both. Now I’ll start figuring out the details. I know I’ve missed a few of the people that signed up for later driveway sessions when I moved inside. Sessions will be 15 or 30 min, focused on a particular area or issue.
If you are interested in being on the list for when as I get the Austin sessions figured out, let me know.
I will have the details worked out by the next Hello Sunshine on 2/21/22.
Awesome Arms continues – Does anyone have the TRX? Should I keep it, or take it out of the rotation? Tues & Thurs at 535p. I’m seeing results. I hope you are!
March Madness – Give yourself a hand. Or 2. Much like the feet, we’ll be focusing on opening up your hands, giving them a little love & attention. Wednesdays at 12:05 in March.
Reminder of upcoming Studio closings
April 4-8, 2022
June 22 (at 12n) – 28, 2022
September time off TBD
November 23-25
December Holiday break TBD
Fantastic Feet & where to find them
Find them HERE! One week in – and I’m having FUN. Missed the first week? No fear, its still on FB and YouTube. It continues thru the month – Wednesdays & Fridays at 1205p. Come learn about feet, make them feel better & be stronger. Equipment suggested – golf ball, flat resistance band, yoga block or such, tennis ball, but it can all be done without toys. Join be Live on Facebook, or register via Zoom – use code FANTASTIC to get it for free, or if you prefer to pay (for accountability), it’s $4/session, $20 for the month.
Taylor openings
Tuesday, 2/8 at 2p
Thursday, 2/10 at 145 – 230p start open
Tuesday, 2/15 at 2 & 330p
Thursday, 2/17 at 230p
Openings subject to change
Austin Massage
For the next 2 weeks, these slots are currently running on full. Subject to change.
I’m working on tweaking the Friday times slightly. Again, more info in the next Hello Sunshine.
Classes & Group shenanigans for weeks of Feb 7 & 14, 2022
Tuesday 11a: Pilates Mat 5p: Everything Under the Moon 535p: Awesome Arms (FB Live & Zoom) 615p: Taylor Track Time! (Memorial Track, Taylor)
Wednesday 10:45a: Viniyoga 1205p: Fantastic Feet (FB Live & Zoom)
Thursday 11a: Pilates & BOSU 5p: Everything Under the Moon 5:35p: Awesome Arms (FB Live & Zoom)
Friday 10:45a: Viniyoga 1205p: Fantastic Feet (FB Live & Zoom)
Your guide to all things under the moon, the Amber Moon, 1/24/22
Yeah, I needed a longer vacation. It’s Tuesday morning, and just now getting this out. You know what that means – short & sweet.
Venmo – studio now has it’s own account – @AmberMoonStudio
Upcoming time off/ Studio closings
With this mini-staycation in mind, I’ve gone ahead & schedule my next 2 blocks off. I’m back to quarterly breaks. Studio will be closed:
April 4-8, 2022
June 22 (at 12n) – 28, 2022
September time off TBD
November 23-25
December Holiday break TBD
Fantastic Feet & where to find them
Find them HERE! Starts February 2, and runs thru the month – Wednesdays & Fridays at 1205p. Come learn about feet, make them feel better & be stronger. Equipment suggested – golf ball, flat resistance band, yoga block or such, tennis ball, but it can all be done without toys. Will be Live on Facebook, or register via Zoom – use code FANTASTIC to get it for free, or if you prefer to pay (for accountability), it’s $4/session, $20 for the month. They will be posted to YouTube as well.
Taylor openings
Thursday, 1/27 at 230p
Thursday, 2/3 at 3p
Openings subject to change
Austin Massage
Next 2 weeks, these slots are currently running on full. Subject to change.
Friday’s in Austin is currently off the schedule thru end of February, then I’ll re-evaluate.
Classes & Group shenanigans for weeks of Jan 24 & 28, 2022
Tuesday 11a: Pilates Mat 5p: Everything Under the Moon 535p: Awesome Arms (FB Live & Zoom) 615p: Taylor Track Time! (Memorial Track, Taylor)
Wednesday 10:45a: Viniyoga 1205p: Fantastic Feet (FB Live & Zoom), starts Feb 2
Thursday 11a: Pilates & BOSU 5p: Everything Under the Moon 5:35p: Awesome Arms (FB Live & Zoom)
Friday 10:45a: Viniyoga 1205p: Fantastic Feet (FB Live & Zoom), starts Feb 4
Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, January 10, 2022
Wow, what a week. I admit I was ready for some time off, but wasn’t expecting the COVID time off. That said, I’ve adjusted my ‘planned’ mini-vacation a little, just to 1/20 (230p) -1/21… Things back to normal on 1/24.
Starting this week, I’ll be sending a Monday email if you’ve got an appointment during the upcoming week. You’ll need to respond. This will continue while Omicron in dominant. I’m reading that it’s gonna be here thru mid-February, so this will probably be the protocol thru end of February. I’ll start to re-evaluate as we get closer to March. I appreciate, as always, your understanding as well as your taking the time to keep us all safe.
I’ve been on the computer enough that I’m gonna copy/paste the COVID guidelines here – applies to any in person session. Keep in mind you’ll probably need to do a little pre-planning in case you need to take a COVID test. They are updated/refined since Jan 4 email/post.
Updated appointment requirements:
Masks. Ditch the cloth and surgical masks! Aim for NO GAPS, CLOSE FIT, ELECTROSTATIC LAYERS, and NO VALVES. Click here if you want to read more.
If you don’t have such a mask, I’ll be glad to provide you a N95 for a $5 fee. Bring a baggie, keep it safe, isolated.
Been traveling or had out of town guests? You’ll need to wait 14 days (full quarantine) before returning. AND you’ll need to take a COVID test prior to coming. You will need to show it to me before you come (pic is fine).
Have allergy symptoms? Take a COVID test (day of). Send me a pic of the results.
If you go into stores andd/or are out & about without a mask, I’m strongly suggesting you postpone. Remember, I’m high risk. I’m immunocompromised. If you’re unmasked, I’ve basically gone wherever you go. I don’t go indoors anywhere without a mask, and only if I can be in & out in 15 minutes.
For 45 min & 1 h sessions – Vaccination AND Booster required. No exceptions. I can bump an hour session down to 30 min easily. Vaccine must be Moderna or Pfizer as they are proven effective against Omicron.
Had COVID? If you still have any signs/symptoms, you aren’t ready to return. I’m still researching WHEN you are able to return, as you can test positive for several months afterward. Deep massage not recommended for at least 3 months after having COVID (so no massage cupping).
New addition to Taylor Massage: Massage Cupping (aka my pet Octopus)
Taylor: Pilates, Massage, online sessions & more (M, Tu, Th, every other F)
With requiring myself to have 30 min between clients, I’ve shifted some times a little bit. So that affects openings a bit. We ARE INSIDE now for Massage. There are exhaust fans in the windows, blowing out, and I’m on top of the cleaning.
Openings for these 2 weeks:
Monday, 1/17, 530p.
Tuesday, 1/18 @ 330p.
Please keep checking calendar for updates.
Please be entertained by the state of the massage room. It’s gonna look way better, but I’ve got other priorities at the moment. I’m still figuring out where things go throughout the whole house.
Austin: Massage (W, every other F)
It’s running full these next 2 weeks. I’d keep checking if you’re looking for an Austin session. Last minute openings do happen. And I can create a waiting list.
Awesome Arms
Come join me at 535p on Tuesday & Thursday, Facebook LIVE (just head on over) or via Zoom (you need to register). For those of you that prefer a little financial incentive (let’s call it “paying it forward”), there’s a drop in & a package created for just that. It is also included in the new Unlimited Live Stream package. Want to do on Zoom, but prefer not to pay? Use code ARMS2022 to get it for free.
Equipment for the next 2 weeks:
Jan 11 & 13 – resistance bands
Jan 18 – TRX
No session on Jan 20
Don’t have the recommended equipment? Come join with what you have – and let me know so I can give you modifications
If you join via Zoom – don’t worry! I can make it so no one sees you on Facebook.
After class, feel free to drop me some feedback – did this meet your needs, was it what you were expecting, etc.
T3: Taylor Track Time
One more week of Thursdays – and then we go to just Tuesdays.
This Tuesday (1/11/22), we’ll be off track since COVID got in the way last week – meet at Bull Branch Park.
So much going on as we embark on the new year – programs to get you moving forward, updates on existing programs, and more. This is a long one, so be prepared. Ready? Let’s gooooooooo!
Short Studio closing (ie vacation)
I’m gonna take a small vacay from Thursday, Jan 20 at 230p thru Tuesday, Jan 25 at 1p. I’ve already got something scheduled for me that weekend, so I’m expanding “me time”.
Wellness journey starting points to get you going in 2022 – develop habits & learn more about YOU
Existing program & NEW ones, just for you!
Wellness coaching – a weekly 15 min chat to get you on track, on task, and establishing habits to achieve your goals. Initial appt is 30 min – included in the monthly rate. Monthly price: $120.
Weekly LIVE chat with Organizing4Good on Facebook. We’ll be covering a broad spectrum of fitness, wellness & organizational topics. More info to come. Free.
A Movement Journey – your chance for deepening your understanding of my class formats (new participants only). Get involved, be curious, explore the different options.
First, sign up for a class package for January – minimum of 1 class per week.
Second, sign up for 2-4 private movement sessions in February, 30 or 60 min, online or in person, to go over what YOU need, your adaptations for your preferred formats, answer any questions you have, and really focus on learning you, learning more of what you need to know for the class(es) you prefer.
Third, in March, if you did 2 private sessions, get 50% off the package you did in January; or if you did 4 private sessions, get 100% off the package you chose in January. I’ll send you a code once February is completed.
Other guidelines: Your video must be on during classes – I need to see you move. Must sign up online. Must be completed in the month stated. Sign up now for February (my schedule fills), and we can decide the topics later.
With the increase of Omicron in the area, and it’s apparently higher transmission rate, I’m going to require those of you coming for 45 or 60 min sessions be boosted. If you’ve already vaccinated, and sent me your vax card, you’ll need to resend once you receive your booster. You be restricted to 30 min until 2 weeks AFTER you’ve received it as well. Thank you for understanding and helping keep me, and YOU, safe.
Depending on the estimates used for vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic infection from the Delta variant, this translates into vaccine effectiveness estimates against symptomatic Omicron infection of between 0% and 20% after two doses, and between 55% and 80% after a booster dose. Similar estimates were obtained using genotype data, albeit with greater uncertainty.
If you are currently doing 45 & 60 min sessions, some updated requirements:
You must be vaccinated AND boosted. Can’t get your booster for medical reasons? We can talk. Otherwise, no exceptions.
Must have Pfizer or Moderna (effective again Omicron).
If you traveled over the holidays by plane or had out of town guests in, you’ll need to get a COVID test before your appointment. Home test is fine. I had my mom here, I’ll be testing as well.
I’m contemplating COVID test prior to all future appointments while Omicron is dominant.
If you’ve received your booster since you were last in, please send me a copy of your updated card.
End of Year Survey
If you’ve not yet completed the End of Year Survey, please take a moment to help me mold my 2022 offerings. You only need to complete it once. Thank you!
With that said, here’s what I’ve learned so far from survey results:
People didn’t realized Awesome Arms was FREE.
My schedule and that of people wanting classes doesn’t match
People don’t understand the need to recirculate the air between sessions. I’ll do more education on this in the next few Hello, Sunshine‘s.
Livestream prices & class package updates
Unlimited monthly class package – $139 – I’ve also included Awesome Arms in it (though it’s free anyway, might motivate you to sign up!). Tier 1 only.
2 tier package system
Tier 1: the existing price structure – for those that can “Pay it Forward“. 4 & 8 class packages are good for 5 & 9 weeks respectively.
Tier 2: for those thinking the price is too high (info from the End of Year Survey) or on a strict budget, 25% off Tier 1 pricing. *Packages are only good for 1 month from date of purchase.
Taylor: Pilates, Massage, online sessions & more (M, Tu, Th, every other F)
Openings for these 2 weeks, subject to change. If you go to book & their not there, ask… it may be a tech issues on my end. It’s been happening.
Tuesday, 12/27 @ 215p.
Tuesday, 1/4/22 @ 215p & 330p
Thursday, 1/6/22 @ 245p
Oh, did I mention massage has the option of moving INDOORS when weather turns inclement? As of January 1, it will be an option if the weather necessitates. Due to Omicron, I prefer to keep these sessions on the driveway/in the garage. I’ll let you know if we need to move indoors, as I’ll be upping the mask requirements – must be non-cloth (N95, KN95 & K95 acceptable). I’ll have surgical masks if yours is a poor fit. Room won’t be updated yet, but you are ok with that, yes? With that said, I will need to shift WHEN sessions are offered – I can’t have 2 Pilates or 2 massages in a row once we are indoors – not enough time for room air recirculation. Which reminds me I need to get more window fans. *sigh* Always something.
Schedule update for 2022
I’m condensing Mondays down to just 1 opening – 530-630p. I’m finding I need more office time – more time to work ON the studio, versus always being IN the studio. It’s gotta be on Mondays, cuz the rest of the week is rocking. Mondays are light.
Thursdays – as of 1/15, I’ll be ending my day after Awesome Arms at 545p (read below for Awesome Arm updates). After 3 really full days, I just need to be done early. I know I mentioned to some of you I’d be opening up an evening slot, but looking at how my day is now filled, and the totality of the week, this is the best decision so I keep myself fresh & eager to work. I’m also still very much a morning person, and working all these evenings is just getting to me. I can handle 2.
Austin: Massage (W, every other F)
It’s running full these next 2 weeks, and the slot that is not always filled up is Wed, 330p, subject to change. I’d keep checking if you’re looking for an Austin session.
This week – Awesome Arms is as scheduled – Mon 5p & Fri 1215p.
Starting 2022, these sessions are shifting to 535p on Tuesday & Thursday, it’ll still be free, but for those of you that prefer a little financial incentive to get you involved (let’s call it “paying it forward”), there’s a drop in & a package created for just that. It is also included in the new Unlimited LiveStream package. It’ll still be broadcast live on Facebook or you can join via Zoom. You’re choice. Want to do on Zoom, but prefer not to pay? Use code ARMS2022 to get it for free.
A Glimpse of the Moon
This program is being shelved for the time being. As topics come up, I’ll do them.
T3: Taylor Track Time
Moving into 2022, the Tuesday session will remain as is (coached in person), the Thursday session will become a “hold each other accountable” session. If we get enough people, I can start providing a Thursday workout.
Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for December 13-26, 2021.
Oh, Omicron. Just in time for the holidays.
Some of you have asked what Omicron means for me & the studio. It means safety. If you’ve traveled, been around people that have traveled, been around people that have tested positive… I’m gonna ask you to consider how safe you’ve been. If you used a mask, quarantined, use the nose spray that kills COVID, or just stayed away from people, we should be good. Remember that I need your help to keep me safe. To keep my other clients safe. If you have any allergy/cold/flu like symptoms, please take a COVID test before your next appointment. I’m constantly reading about people that take a COVID test 5 days after exposure and think they’re in the clear. The incubation period is 5-14 days. You need to test negative at day 14 too. The test is only accurate for that point in time. When Omicron get here, I will tighten up on protocols again. With that, I’ve also been reading up on N95 type masks vs cloth masks (nice article from Scientific American). Some main points:
If you’ve traveled/been around people/don’t wear a mask regularly, please get a few N95 type masks, and a plastic bag to keep it in. If the only time you use it is for your session, you can reuse.
I’m also going to get a little more strict on HOW your mask fits. It must fit securely. If it’s loose, I’ll hand you a surgical mask (non-N95) to wear under it. So consider, if your nose comes uncovered regularly, expect me to comment. And I’ll hand you a mask.
If in doubt, reschedule. Cancellation policy is still on hold, though if you no-show without a call, I’ll charge you.
Remember, I’m immunocompromised & high risk (3 different factors). Would you be comfortable with your activities & level of safety if YOU were immunocompromised AND high risk? Keep in mind, I’m overly cautious.
As you consider all this, keep in mind – I still curbside/order online. Unless I’ve only got a few items, in which case I go at less busy times and can be in & out in under 15 min. I wear a mask when indoors. Period. Non-negotiable. I’m better outside – in very small crowds & with some distance. I don’t eat out. Drive-thru on rare occasion (more cuz I need food NOW).
As we get deeper into the holiday season, please take care of you!
Taylor: Pilates, Massage, online sessions & more
Openings for these 2 weeks, subject to change. If you go to book & their not there, ask… it may be a tech issues on my end. It’s been happening.
If/when you do a session – either on FB (either during or after Live has ended), or on YouTube, would you please leave a comment? As I continue to evaluate programs, I ask for feedback on where to spend my time.
Theme for this week is “A deeper understanding of the breath” and on 12/21 “Ooooo Sharon’s favorite – Side Leg Series (Pilates)” all over on Facebook.
Your input please – I’ve got these scheduled thru the end of year, and ask your input for January & beyond. What topics would you like to have me discuss, movements explained, previews of various classes, etc. Your input is requested. I’m doing these as an educational tool for YOU. Please email, text, PM, etc me with your thoughts.
T3: Taylor Track Time
Yes! We’re still on. As you prepare to be outside in colder weather, here are some tips:
Dress in layers.
Avoid turning the heat on in your car on your drive to the track. It’ll be a bigger temp differential, and you won’t enjoy getting out.
Bring lights. So others can see you. So I can keep track of you.
A hat & gloves help tremendously. Ear covers if you’re not a hat person.
If you have exposed skin, put lotion on it before heading out. It creates a moisture barrier, thus less drier skin later.
Group classes & activities, weeks of 12/13 & 12/20/21
Everything you need to know about happenings at Amber Moon Studio, November 29-December 12 , 2021.
The first person that came for Massage: The Driveway series when it started July 2020 pointed out recently, as I was talking about what I needed to do to be ready to move it indoors, that we’ve been thru all FOUR seasons on the driveway/in the garage. We can handle whatever. I think this garage (Taylor) is better insulated, and I’ll be paying attention as the weather gets below 40 degrees to see if it stays warm enough, and at what temp would I need to cancel any sessions. And I’ll have to see how quickly it reheats after I open the garage door. Do I need to hang dividers so the heat stays in the massage area? Yes, the heating component on the table still works, and I think i know where the blankets are… So many questions to investigate the answers too.
And then for the Pilates, I’ll have the window fan going. Again, does the insulation around it keep the room warm enough? It’s always something.
Taylor Pilates & Massage
Openings for these 2 weeks, subject to change:
Thursday, 12/2, 130p & 330p
Monday, 12/6, 530p
Tuesday, 12/7, 1215p (30 min only), 330p
Thursday, 12/8, 330p
Austin Massage
The sessions are starting to get filled with regular clients – so grab your slot ASAP if you’re wanting one. The next 2 weeks, Austin sessions are booked. Subject to change.
I had said I was adding a 5p on Fridays in the last update. I changed my mind. By Friday, I don’t want to work that late.
Awesome Arms
I had someone not active on Facebook say they wanted to join Awesome Arms, so I’ve reformatted a little – you can join me via Zoom! Please be prompt, as once I get going, I’m rolling to the end. You’ll have to catch it on YouTube if you miss. I’ll figure out how to cast just me to FB, but be warned, you might be there with me while I’m learning!
A Glimpse of the Moon
Theme for this week is “Give you neck a little love” and on 12/7 then next level of my knee program, all over on Facebook.
Your input please – I’ve got these scheduled thru the end of year, and ask your input for January & beyond. What topics would you like to have me discuss, movements explained, previews of various classes, etc. Your input is requested. I’m doing these as an educational tool for YOU. Please email, text, PM, etc me with your thoughts.
T3: Taylor Track Time
Yes! We’re still on. As you prepare to be outside in colder weather, here are some tips:
Dress in layers.
Avoid turning the heat on in your car on your drive to the track. It’ll be a bigger temp differential, and you won’t enjoy getting out.
Bring lights. So others can see you. So I can keep track of you.
A hat & gloves help tremendously. Ear covers if you’re not a hat person
If you have exposed skin, put lotion on it before coming.
Group classes & activities, weeks of 11/29 & 12/6/21
Everything you need to know about happenings at Amber Moon Studio, November 15-28, 2021.
Things are definitely on the upswing. Studio is getting busier. I’m moving things indoors slowly. The house is coming along. Just in time for the holidays, and to be rocking the new year in.
As things get busier, I’m focusing on planning my stuff out better. Like food. I started tracking what I was eating – just to get the patterns, details – in mid-October. It’s been insightful, even with my food issues! Part of being an athlete is getting in the KIND of calories I need for training and for maintaining my intensity. Which means I need more carbs. Yet I’m grain-free, and a lot of the other carbs are also on my “Sharon unfriendly” list. So as you can imagine, it takes planning. And I’m learning. You’ve gotta start somewhere, and then make the small changes.
MapMyFitness (MMF) has improved significantly since I last used it. I like being able to barcode scan my foods, input my own recipes, and they’ve got more diversity in what foods are in their system. A huge improvement – it frustrated me in previous years cuz what I ate typically wasn’t listed. This is one win for technology.
What I have learned:
My calorie base is about 1800, and goes up with exercise.
I need to get in at least 1200-1300 calories by lunch, otherwise, I’m in trouble. Most my foods are low-calorie, so I gotta stay on task.
I had a hard time initially getting enough protein. I started planning it out, and am up to endurance athlete levels (1.2-1.4 g/kg BW). Most days.
I easily get enough fiber.
I get more fat than I need – it’s my replacement for carbs.
I get a lot of saturated fat but majority of it is vegetable based, as in coconut, avocado, olive oil. My meats are lean, so they add only a little. My registered dietitian says it’s ok, the body can break down veggie saturated fat better than animal. I’m still working on reducing it.
I need to be mindful to be able to get my carbs in, and watch my fat intake.
I feel better with veggies for breakfast.
While it’s a task to enter food into MMF daily, it really does keep me on target. It keeps me honest. I’m also learning how to tweak my recipes to improve nutrients.
And every now & then I DO try foods on my “Sharon unfriendly” list. It seems in small quantities, infrequently indulged, nuts are ok. The occasional (say 1x/month) grain is tolerated. Nightshades still out. Beans are still out.
Taylor Pilates, Massage, & all online sessions
For the week of Thanksgiving I’ve opened up 11/22 Monday morning from 1030a-1245p to make up for time off. These slots still open. I’ve set the sessions so I can get (2) 1-h sessions in. I may adjust appointments to maximize efficiency if shorter sessions are scheduled.
I’m officially opened for 30, 45 & 60 min in person Pilates, with a few COVID based rules:
masks must be worn unless face down
must be vaccinated for 45 & 60 min in-person sessions
online sessions still available
I’ll be adjusting my overall schedule slightly as my schedule fills. My “free” slots are getting fewer & fewer. #YAYME
Austin massage
Every other Friday that I’m in town – I’ve added a 5p slot since the other 2 have been filling up.
Openings at this moment (subject to change):
Wed, 11/16/21 – 315p (30 min) is open
Fri, 11/19/21, 5p is open (60 min only)
Mon, 11/22/21, currently full
Awesome Arms
Missed the start of this series? It’s on Facebook, and I’ve uploaded them to their own YouTube playlist, where I’ve also listed the equipment, so if you have a preference, you can easily find the right workout for you! If you do them, leave me a comment, let me know what you think. I’d love feedback!
Go ahead and put these next 2 weeks on your calendar! If you’re on Facebook, I’ve also created events for this to help you remember AND prep you for the equipment needed. Please go for the Studio Events page & RSVP!
Mon, 11/15/21, 5p
Friday, 11/19/21, 1215p
Mon, 11/22/21, 1p ***changed for the holiday week only**
No session on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, or December 23, 28 & 30.
I’ll continue with the Thursday session on Jan 6 & 13, then I’m gonna take a break. Several athletes have events on the weekend of January 15th, I’m getting them thru that, then we’ll see. I may end up shifting that Thursday time for Studio clients.