Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for the week of 9/13/21.
Just a reminder – the Studio is CLOSED this week after Tuesday. I need a real break. Not an “I’m moving to my new house” break. I’m gonna be off the grid. I’m disconnecting.
So, to keep you moving, I’ve created a YouTube playlist to keep you entertained while I’m out. While I try to balance out the viniyoga & Pilates on such playlists, it’s a little more viniyoga.
Want to get a $10 credit on your account? Watch one of the videos – it can be this playlist or any others on my YouTube channel, write a brief description, give it a title, send it to me. If I use it, you get $10 toward any future service.
Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for the week of 9/6/21.
Firstly, Y E S! I’m getting this out early cuz I’m WORKING on LABOR DAY. It’s open on my calendar but you may need to email me to book your session if it doesn’t show up. Try booking on line first, please. I’m open from 2-6p, with 415 and later already filled. Taylor sessions only.
Studio updates
I’m working on Studio updates – and that includes small price increases. These changes will take effect 9/14/21. While I’m hesitant to do so in these COVID times, I need to be able to make ends meets better. Small changes – hopefully a big impact for me. Book your sessions NOW before the prices change; even if your session is after 9/14 as it’ll change once I change it in the system. Here’s a list of the price changes:
Cost the issue? Financial assistance is available, please send me an email/text/PM.
Austin – Massage: The Driveway series
This is now transitioned into ONE SERVICE on my scheduler. This list below is included in the description so you know each week’s location.
Sept 8: Rattan Creek neighborhood – 245p & 545p are open
Mon Sept 13: Great Hills area – time is adjusted to 230-6p
Please note Studio will be closed 9/15- 24.
Sept 29: Great Hills area
Oct 6: Rattan Creek neighborhood
Oct 13: Great Hills area
Oct 20: Rattan Creek neighborhood
Oct 27: Great Hills area
All dates are Wed unless otherwise noted.
While I had been intending for an indoor Austin space for October, I’m gonna keep it on the driveway while our COVID cases stay up. Being inside is just not appealing at the moment. I’ll revisit once we are IN October.
Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for the week of 8/30/21
Yeah, totally just starting this now. I was in Houston learning more distance healing & having fun over the weekend. This morning, I was missing my mountain bike, and had a list of things to do in Austin, so I combined the 2 instead of getting this out. #priorities
Let’s make a deal – if you’ve not yet tried an online class, what would it take to get you there?
Please note the Studio will be closed Sept 15-24.
Austin – Massage: The Driveway series
This is now transitioned into ONE SERVICE on my scheduler. This list below is included in the description so you know each week’s location.
Sept 1: Great Hills area – 230 & 4 p currently open Sept 8: Rattan Creek neighborhood Mon Sept 13: Great Hills area Please note Studio will be closed 9/15- 24. Sept 29: Great Hills area Oct 6: Rattan Creek neighborhood Oct 13: Great Hills area Oct 20: Rattan Creek neighborhood Oct 27: Great Hills area
All dates are Wed unless otherwise noted.
While I had been intending for an indoor Austin space for October, I’m gonna keep it on the driveway while our COVID cases stay up. Being inside is just not appealing at the moment. I’ll revist once we are IN October.
If you’re interested in coming on an RCN Days Wed, it is now open on my scheduler.
Your guide to everything under the Moon, the Amber Moon, for the week of 8/23/21
I made it through quarantine, still taking it easy & limiting exposure til next test on Tuesday, and clients on Wed this week. Rattan Creek Neighborhood driveway sessions are happening this week! I really gotta say, I learned a lot about COVID this week. And I’m probably gonna be even more overly cautious.
It’s here – what some of you have been waiting for – 60 min Massage: The Driveway Series
Of course there are stipulations & stringent requirements, since prolonged exposure increases the risk of passing COVID along. And I’m about to get out of quarantine. I’m still willing to give it a shot. If you are interested in booking this 60 min session:
This will initially be for existing clients only (at least thru end of September);
This is only if you have an issue that may not be resolved in 30 min. This is not for “oh, a 60 min session would be so nice.” If 30 min is currently working for you, please stick with that;
You have to “apply” (ie lots of questions when you book) to see if you meet these criteria;
Must be at least 4 weeks since full vaccination;
Must send me a copy of your vaccination card;
If it is outside normal business hours (it happens), I will open the slot on the scheduler and you will need to complete these questions;
You need to take COVID seriously. I do;
Please watch for your confirmation. I do read what you write, and I’m all about staying safe; especially after this exposure. I have the right to refuse an appointment or decide it does not meet the criteria;
There is also a 45 min option available in case the 1h slots are full. All the same applies.
They are ONLY available in Taylor.
Got questions? Ask!
Want more than 30 minutes? Try the new Distance Healing session —>>> read on!
Distance healing sessions now available
It’s known by many names – Reiki, Shamanism, etc, and I bring in all my training in massage, craniosacral therapy (CST), and most recently Star Magic, and I work on you from a distance. It keeps us all safe, and provides you with a deeper level of healing – on the quantum scale. It’s just totally different than a massage. CST is getting there.
During your session, you need a quiet place to relax & lie still while I work. We’ll chat before hand to see what’s going on with you, text during the session to see what’s changing, and then talk again afterwards. Ready to feel the Star Magic?
Sharon has done a couple Star Magic sessions on me shortly after I had surgery. I was struggling with restful sleep, an important component for healing. During and after the sessions I found myself sleeping very deeply. I’m looking forward to more sessions as we work on nerve issues and improvement.
Every session is different, depending on what YOU need at the time. Sometimes what you think you need is just the symptom, and I work on the root cause instead. It’s much like Craniosacral Therapy in that it goes beyond the physical, into emotional, past lives, energetic connections with other people, and so much more.
Star Magic is such a joyous release of energy and helps a person to feel grounded and connected. When I finish a session with Sharon, I feel like more of my world makes sense and falls into place in the universe. I trust Sharon to leave me and our pets better off than when entered into the session. It is all about thriving and finding our true path in this world!
Austin – Massage: The Driveway series
This is now transitioned into ONE SERVICE on my scheduler. This list below is included so you know what location each week has.
Aug 25: Rattan Creek neighborhood Sept 1: Great Hills area Sept 8: Rattan Creek neighborhood Mon Sept 13: Great Hills area Please note Studio will be closed 9/15- 24. Sept 29: Great Hills area Oct 6: Rattan Creek neighborhood Oct 13: Great Hills area Oct 20: Rattan Creek neighborhood Oct 27: Great Hills area
All dates are Wed unless otherwise noted.
While I had been intending for an indoor Austin space for October, I’m gonna keep it on the driveway while our COVID cases stay up. Being inside is just not appealing at the moment. I’ll revist once we are IN October.
If you’re interested in coming on an RCN Days Wed, it is now open on my scheduler.
Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for the week of 8/16/21
Last Friday started like any Friday. Except that I was waiting for the plumber to show so I would have water back in the house after 2 days without. And I got the text that a client I worked on Wednesday tested positive for COVID.
That’s not a text you want. Especially when you are immunocompromised and asthmatic.
I was on and off headachy for days. When we got back from the beach with my parents [7/31] my anxiety was high so [that] makes sense. On Thursday (8/5), we went to College Station and I was hoping that would “reset” me and it did – some. I still had jaw stuff and the slight headache was still there so that’s why I asked you for help. Tuesday afternoon, I got really tired. So much that I laid down for like 30 min. Then it all left and I was fine. All good Wed [the day of her massage] and Thurs except little headachy off and on, but allergies, stress, hormones maybe? Thursday evening I went for a walk and started sneezing and getting a little congested. Weird. Allergies? Through the night another headache came on, still a little snotty and little achy. So at that point I really sensed something was up, although had felt “a little off” for like a week. But sometimes I’m just “off.”
So got up Friday morning and took the test. The line showed up almost immediately. At 15 minutes (official time to check it), it was still there.
Why home test? I had it. It was fast and from what I’m reading and heard is just as accurate as tests given at pharmacies. I’ve tried to schedule tests and there are never same days openings, you have to wait days to get in, it’s really frustrating. I wanted to know now because we had stuff going on this weekend and things are ramping up for school. It was easy, convenient, High percent of accuracy, accessible, and I could know in minutes.
My Wednesday client’s telling of events leading to a positive COVID test
Note – there was a good bit of stress & lack of sleep on her part, which can weaken the immune system. Maybe that’s what allowed COVID to slip in? We’ll never know. She’s got no idea where she picked it up. She’s good about wearing her mask in public. She’s vaccinated. I’ve known her almost since I moved to Austin in 2006, and I know she knows my immunocompromised status. I trust her. She’d would have cancelled if she had any inkling of her status.
Her Wed driveway massage session was only 15 min, and we were both masked. Duration & proximity increase risk. I’m so glad hers was a short session that day.
The good news – masks work. Outside works. I attended a virtual seminar in June on massage & COVID, and they said that you needed 2 of these 3 things and you’d be safe: mask, outside, social distancing. We had 2 of 3. Which is why Massage: The Driveway series was originally started – to keep us safe, and to get me safe income. This dominant Delta variant… is scary. At least for me.
A fellow immunocompromised friend called on Friday, and she suggested getting the COVID home test for myself. With my status, if I’m positive, I need to start treatment right away. I informed my doctors (PCP & immunologist) on Friday as well. Good news: test #1 (Saturday) – I’m negative for COVID. I’ll do the 2nd test on Monday morning, and then I’ve got an “official” one on Tuesday. After that, we’ll see where things go.
I cancelled in person clients thru my Tuesday COVID test, and have the rest of this coming week’s clients on “heads up”. All online sessions are still on. I appreciate everyone’s concern & understanding during these unprecedented times.
Keep in mind vaccination doesn’t mean immunity. I hear a lot of people thinking it does. It means you’ll have a better chance of ‘only’ a mild case. You can still get the virus, be with or without symptoms, and pass it along to others.
Please wear your mask. You may not know is the person next to you is immunocompromised. Protect others. And if you are coming to the Studio, masks are required for a good while more. I know vaccination is a touchy subject, but it something you could do to mitigate your risk.
In the mean time…
All online sessions are open – Massage by YOU, classes, privates, wellness coaching, athlete training plan. A whole plethora. Take advantage! My Monday evening & Tuesday are pretty open at the moment!
Tuesday Track will be starting here in Taylor in conjunction w the Walk to Run Program.
Austin Massage: The Driveway series
I’m working on transitioning this to one service on my scheduler, and in the description I’ll have the dates of the area of town for each week. With all going on this weekend, and I’ve got enough other stuff to do on the computer, it’s not happening this week. I’ve re-opened 15 min as an option as well.
Your guide to everything under the Moon, The Amber Moon, week of 8/9
Once again, it’s Monday, and I’m not even started. So, short. Sweet. Bullet points.
In Austin – I’ve got 230 & 5p openings this week for Massage the Driveway series in Rattan Creek (the old hood). Grab your session while it’s still open!
Bullet point. That’s it. Maybe I should start next week’s NOW??????
Massage: The Driveway Series
For my regulars, I’m going to stop requiring the COVID & Massage form. I think you get it by now. You’ve been good. If you’re an irregular, or once a month, I’ll still have you do it. Please keep in mind that even though folks are using the phrase “post-pandemic” – we are not. At least at Amber Moon Studio. All COVID protocols remain in place.
Aug 11: RCN Days
Aug 18: Great Hills area
Aug 25: RCN Days
Sept 1: Great Hills area
Sept 8 RCN Days
Mon Sept 13: Great Hills area.
Please note Studio will be closed 9/15- 24.
All dates are Wed unless otherwise noted. Open slots are subject to change.
If you’re interested in coming on an RCN Days Wed, it is now open on my scheduler.
Your guide to everything under the Moon, Amber Moon, the week of 8/2/21
Even in the midst of a continuing pandemic, time is flying, isn’t it? We’ll be thru August before we know it, and on to some cooler mornings in September. I keep wanting to find nice small triathlons to do, and yet…. I hold off. I want to open up and go back to a regular schedule, go back to my previous income, and yet… I hold off. There are things more important than racing, then my income. I’m managing. I’m training, I’m working. I can pay my bills, albeit w a little extra help some months. Staying healthy. Keeping my health, and yours, that’s the priority for me right now. I’ve been fortunate to be able to buy this fabulous hose, work on it, and work with my clients. Oh the creativity I’ve had to come up with, the adapting to technology.
Yeah, I admit, I did not get much done on this last week. I’m even late getting this out. I’m ok with that. Sometimes things show up on Sunday or Monday that I feel are important to tell you.
Opening up some Monday evening times.In continuing to evolve my schedule, I’ve acknowledged I don’t have much evening availability for massage or movement sessions, so I’ve opened up Mondays from 5-645p out here in Taylor & online. Once it gets a bit cooler, I’ll still be able to get a good day of hiking in before you come. You are welcome.
RCN Days update. Its been getting a little bit lighter as we progress into the heat of summer (it’s Monday, and 74 degrees, 1;45p, as I type. *snicker*). If this continues I’ll shift the scheduler so that I’m only there once every 4 weeks instead of every 2 weeks. And open up slots here in Taylor as it happens. Wednesday is my long day anyway, so it’d be nice to have a short day on occasion. If you’re looking for a once a month morning slot, Wed might be your opportunity if this happens. Stay tuned.
Slight shifts in regularly scheduled appts may be coming. As my schedule fills, I’m looking to see if I can shift things a 15 min block or so to get more slots in on various days – ie make my schedule more efficient. I’ll hopefully get that tweaked here soon – like this week. With this in mind, I’m finding I’d do better w 30 min between a massage client & some classes. It really depends on what type of session is scheduled when. I’m adjusting for that too.
To recap the whole studio schedule (which includes classes)
Monday: 5-645p
Tuesday: 11a-715p
Wednesday: 7-8a, 1030a – done with in town Massage: The driveway series sessions.
Thursday: 1015a – 715p
Friday: 11a-130p
Massage: The Driveway Series
For my regulars, I’m going to stop requiring the COVID & Massage form. I think you get it by now. You’ve been good. If you’re an irregular, or once a month, I’ll still have you do it. Please keep in mind that even though folks are using the phrase “post-pandemic” – we are not. At least at Amber Moon Studio. All COVID protocols remain in place.
Note: RCN Days has been running very light of late. I may opt to change the frequency to once every 4 weeks so everyone is consolidated.
Interested in having your session in Taylor? Now available on MONDAY, Tue, Thurs & Fri.
Aug 4: Great Hills area
Aug 11: RCN Days
Aug 18: Great Hills area
Aug 25: RCN Days
Sept 1: Great Hills area
Sept 8 RCN Days
Mon Sept 13 & 27 – If you want an AUSTIN session on either day, let me know ASAP, and I’ll then schedule hosts based on interest. Sept 13 would be in lieu of Great Hills, 27th in lieu of RCN. But anyone can do either.
All dates are Wed unless otherwise noted. Open slots are subject to change.
If you’re interested in coming on an RCN Days Wed, it is now open to everyone on my scheduler.
Your guide to everything under the Amber Moon, the week of 7/28/21
I recently returned to a weekly mountain bike session – and it’s just what I needed. Outside, amongst the trees. Very present in the moment. I think I was last on bike trail before I moved. It’s taken my schedule a while to settle down and create a block of time to come in to Austin for this. I missed it.
I consider myself a “fledgling” – not a newbie, just someone that understand the limits of herself, her bike, and what she does for a living. If I get hurt, it can affect my work. No bueno. My bike – my beloved Hunts with Hawks – is a Trek 800 that I won while still living in Oxford MS (thank you Power Bar) and commuting up the NSA Mid-South (north of Memphis) for my job as Fitness Director. As a free bike, there are no bells and whistles. Most good mountain bikes have shocks. Nope, not on mine. So I pick routes that I can complete and not be in serious need of them. There are a few that are bumpy, courtesy of stones (I call them “bones” cuz they look like them as they get worn down with bikes & people & nature). I’ve learned where I need to dismount, walk thru, and then go again. I’m OK with this.
I find that mountain biking really improves my bike handling skills when I’m on the road, and I know my knee has gotten stronger because of the variability. It just seems to complete my training. As does hiking – same idea – more stabilization & variety required to get to where I’m going.
It’s a VERY fun way to cross train.
Massage: The Driveway Series
For my regulars, I’m going to stop requiring the COVID & Massage form. I think you get it by now. You’ve been good. If you’re an irregular, or once a month, I’ll still have you do it. Please keep in mind that even though folks are using the phrase “post-pandemic” – we are not. At least at Amber Moon Studio. All COVID protocols remain in place.
July 28: RCN Days – 315 is currently open
Aug 4: Great Hills area – 230p is open
Aug 11: RCN Days
Aug 18: Great Hills area
Aug 25: RCN Days
Sept 1: Great Hills area
Sept 8 RCN Days
Mon Sept 13 – PENDING: Great Hills area. Studio will be close 9/15- 24; debating addition of Monday to make up for that Wed.
Mon Sept 27 -PENDING: RCN Days to make up for previous week.
All dates are Wed unless otherwise noted. Open slots are subject to change.
If you’re interested in coming on an RCN Days Wed, it is now open on my scheduler.
Your guide to everything under the Amber Moon, the week of 7/19/21
I’m figuring this out. Slowly.
If I start w the standard weekly stuff that’s at the bottom (Group schedule, Massage: The Driveway Series), and work my way UP, and try to do it in small chunks, I get more written. Now I’m thinking that for those that read it on FB/IG, I’ll start splitting this up over the week so it’s not such a loooooong (yet very informative!) post. More work for my awesome Karen VA (virtual assistant). And I’m sure some week’s it’ll still be bare bones, bare minimum. It’s how being self-employed rolls. It’s working. For this week.
Birthday hills – Friday #crackofridiculous run
We got us some BIRTHDAY HILLS coming up….Fri July 30 at 530a. If you’ve not normally been running with us, and want to join, use the code BDHILLS to get $3 off the drop in rate. Yes, I save some special hills & repeats saved just for birthdays… And this time it’s my celebration. One repeat for each decade. Starbucks afterward (dutch treat). Oh, and YES I’ll be there… Traditions, after all. Meet at Ready to Run (Far West & Hart, across from post-run Starbucks). We start at 530a, so be early!
Movement Sessions: what you need it to be
I’ve added Movement: the Driveway series to the listing of services and is available in both Taylor (T, Th, F) and Great Hills/RCN (Austin; on Wed). I decided to keep them separate for now, so we are both clear on location.
So, what are these sessions about? Pilates. Yoga. Rehab. Issue specific strengthening. Learning how to do the exercises. Make notes. Videos as needed on your phone. Or maybe it’s a whole 30 min workout. You get to choose. You’ll need to bring your toys if you’re doing Wed sessions. We can use yours or mine if you’re in Taylor.
Prefer online movement sessions? 30 & 60 min sessions are available.
Here’s some thoughts from Denise on doing both online private sessions and classes. She’s been with me as a participant in both for at least 10 years.
No driving: save lots of time and gas – plus, better for the environment
Don’t need to worry what you look like – you can always turn off your video [for classes]
Can do other things right up to the time of class – frees up your time
You can set up your computer so you can see yourself and instructor at same time.
Sharon provides excellent verbal cues, so you know if you are doing exercises correctly
You can easily add or delete the number of repetitions, depending on how you feel
Sharon provides excellent suggestions for variations to many of the exercises
Walk-to-Run 411
So why SHOULD you walk like you run? Efficiency. Effectiveness. Injury prevention. If you do both with the same technique – and in good form – it’s just easier on your body. You don’t have to “switch” into running mode. You’re already there. Not in Taylor, and want to know more? I’m available Saturday mornings after the Friday Run on Saturday for individual run or walk form work. It’s now available on the calendar as a Run Form Analysis session.
Massage: The Driveway Series
Looks like we might actually be getting to some more normal temps for Texas Summers. Maybe. The weatherman can’t be sure. The good news for these appointments – it actually tends to be a bit cooler in the garage. Especially here in Taylor. under the metal carport, yeah, it gets toasty. Great for the rest of the year, maybe not summer. All my Austin hosts have the capability of letting us use their garage too (but did you see the back porch 2 weeks ago? that was perfect!) Fear not, I’ll always have at least 1 fan circulating air. I also keep bug spray, just in case those skeeters want to cut in on your session. If the heat index gets overwhelming – and keep in mind we’re in shade, I will cancel. If you feel it gets too warm, likewise. I get it.
For my regulars, I’m going to stop requiring the COVID & Massage form. I think you get it by now. You’ve been good. If you’re an irregular, or once a month, I’ll still have you do it. Please keep in mind that even though folks are using the phrase “post-pandemic” – we are not. At least at Amber Moon Studio. All COVID protocols remain in place.
July 14: RCN Days – 315, 445 & 530 currently open
July 21: Great Hills area – 230 & 4p are open
July 28: RCN Days – 315, 445 & 530 currently open
Aug 4: Great Hills area – 230 & 4p are open
Aug 11: RCN Days
Aug 18: Great Hills area
Aug 25: RCN Days
Sept 1: Great Hills area
Sept 8 RCN Days
Mon Sept 13 – PENDING: Great Hills area. Studio will be close 9/15- 24; debating addition of Monday to make up for that Wed.
Mon Sept 27 -PENDING: RCN Days to make up for previous week.
All dates are Wed unless otherwise noted. Open slots are subject to change.
If you’re interested in coming on an RCN Days Wed, it is now open on my scheduler.
Group schedule for this week
Please keep in mind some of the classes are small. Or people forget. Or life happens. If there’s no one in class, I wait 10 min for late comers, and then log out. I also tend to start class, and teach from sitting near the laptop until everyone I’m expecting to attend has arrived. I like to start on time – which means the movement part may start a few min after start time, as I like to see what everyone attending needs before we begin.
Your guide to everything under the Amber Moon, the week of 7/12/21
In June, I started swimming again. Taylor has a lovely outdoor pool. 2 pools in fact – one with all the play stuff for kids, and then one that is open swim & lap swim. I’ll admit, it’s been quite lovely. There aren’t many lap swimmers here, so I’m pretty much guaranteed a free double lane. I regularly go up and ask the guards questions that trigger a “huh? Ummm…” response. The day that I’m writing this, I asked the guard going to her stand if she wanted me to practicing my drowning act (“red ball drill”) so that she could practice her lifeguard skills. She laughed, said she was good. Then walked a few paces farther, and mentioned that maybe I could come to one of their practice sessions, and they can get real life experience. Courtesy of the snorkel & being an athlete, I have really good breath control. We shall see what comes of it. Yeah, I like to keep it entertaining. They know me asking questions. And paying in $3 bags of coins (only a few quarters).
I think I’ve been pool swimming once since COVID started – and just wasn’t comfy, so didn’t go back. A year makes a big difference. I appreciate that the pool is relatively empty, the kids are divided between the 2 pools, and I get to be outside even more. I’ll cross the swimming after Labor Day bridge when it arrives. I miss that my old ‘hood had a year round heated outdoor pool. *sigh*
So what did you drop with COVID started? You ready to get back to it yet? What do you need to do – how do you need to prepare for success? Also, what’s keeping you (real or potential) from restarting? Maybe starting something brand new is on your horizon. Why wait? Do it NOW. Prepare for it NOW. Get your ducks in a row. Practice herding cats. Whatever you gotta do…so you can take care of YOU!
Support local food producers – Farm House Delivery
Who’s been wanting to try FARMHOUSE DELIVERY??? Locally sourced food, organic, and brought straight to your door. They also have meal kits. This is where I get the meat I’m currently eating – it just tastes that much better. During the COVID shutdown, I also got a good chunk of my produce from here. Saved me a trip to the store, being around people, and feeling unsafe. I am truly grateful for them. Totally worth spending a little more & supporting local business.
Use that coupon code BOON, and it will waive your membership fee AND give you $10 off your first order of $60 or more. You get perks for using the code… and I get some too! I know you want to help keep me fed!
Another reason to come to Taylor – Curio Mrvosa
A just-opened vintage bookstore & more at 302 N. Main St. in downtown Taylor. One of my Walk-to-Run program participants owns it. Come on out for your driveway massage, some book shopping. I mean really, is there anything better?
Everything Under the Moon
Everything Under the Moon (EUTM) is the class I created during last September. Something for my non-yoga & non-Pilates people. Have you given it a try yet? There are classes on the YouTube channel you can access, or come join me live online – Tues & Thurs 430-5p. A 30 min class. You are totally worth it.
EUTM combines stretching, balance, and strength. I have always been active and am now dealing with arthritis. Sharon is helping me to maintain and extend my range of motion with movements that are fun and challenging. EUTM is exactly what I need to improve flexibility and core strength without pain.
– Sarah Jane, participant since its inception in September 2020
Walk-to-Run program
So why SHOULD you walk like you run? Efficiency. Effectiveness. Injury prevention. If you do both with the same technique – and in good form – it’s just easier on your body. You don’t have to “switch” into running mode. You’re already there. Not in Taylor, and want to know more? I’m available Saturday mornings after the Friday Run on Saturday for individual run or walk form work. It’s now on the calendar as a Run Form Analysis session.
Massage: The Driveway Series
July 14: RCN Days – 315, 445 & 530 currently open
July 21: Great Hills area – 230 & 4p are open
July 28: RCN Days – 315, 445 & 530 currently open
Aug 4: Great Hills area – 230 & 4p are open
I guess I need to start working on August & September hosts, cuz it’ll be here before I know it!
Open slots are subject to change.
If you’re interested in coming on and RCN Days Wed, and not a resident of the Rattan Creek neighborhood, let me know. If I’ve got open slots going into that week, you’re in like Flynn. I’d rather fill them then be empty.
Class schedule for this week
Please keep in mind some of the classes are small. Or people forget. Or life happens. If there’s no one in class, I wait 10 min for late comers, and then log out.