Hello Sunshine

Your guide to everything under the Amber Moon, the week of 7/5/21

What happened to all these thunderstorms we were promised?

Keeping this short as I’m just getting this started on Sunday.

Walk-to-Run program

Continues! IF you know someone that would be interested, spread the word! YOU have always been my best marketing tool. I appreciate you!

Massage: The Driveway Series

  • July 7: Great Hills area – 230 & 4p are open (I’ll start sliding clients for a more efficient schedule on Tues if needed)
  • July 14: RCN Days – 315, 445 & 530 currently open
  • July 21: Great Hills area – 230 & 4p are open
  • July 28: RCN Days – 315, 445 & 530 currently open

i guess I need to start working on August & September hosts, cuz it’ll be here before I know it!

Open slots are subject to change.

If you’re interested in coming on and RCN Days Wed, and not a resident of the Rattan Creek neighborhood, let me know. If I’ve got open slots going into that week, you’re in like Flynn. I’d rather fill them then be empty.

Class schedule for this week

Update: Friday Viniyoga class time has been to 11a.






Hello Sunshine!

Your guide to everything under the Amber Moon, the week of 6/28/21

It got hot.

Yeah, I know. So I DID get the small pool to go cool off in after I get done working & coaching outside. I got the psychic “YES!” from everyone that I asked for last week.

With that said, Yes, I’m still only doing driveway massages. It’s gonna be warm. I think the carport, being metal, stores & radiates the heat downward. I found it is cooler in my garage. Got a couple fans blowing out & an air filter running full tilt. Nope, still not moving indoors.

If it’s too hot outside for you, may I suggest a Massage by YOU session. I know, you prefer someone else to do the work, but it’s what we got. It’s in your own house. It’s air conditioned. We’ve got the delta COVID coming – actually, it’s already here in TX, and it’s more contagious. We still have too many questions on the vaccine efficacy. I don’t have paid time off if I get sick. It’s already a struggle, as I’m not up to full schedule yet, therefore, not back to full income yet. I prefer to avoid any added stress that I can avoid.

Let’s talk about classes for a moment.

Are you the kind of person to put it on your calendar and do it? Or do you need the accountability? Have you been wanting to try the Studio class offerings? I can work w BOTH types! If you’re the former type – put it on your calendar, add the direct link for the YouTube class you want to do, and you’re set. Follow up. Make a comment on the class. Let your presence be known! Really like it? Get the YouTube membership, and have an all access pass. If you’re the latter – what’s it gonna take to get you to class? Is it time of day? Day of week? Variable schedule? What? Let’s chat, and see what we can come up with for YOU! Dare I challenge you to come to a 30-min class? You can totally do 30 min, right? Your choice of Viniyoga >> Meditation, DIY Reformer, or Everything Under the Moon.

Walk-to-Run program

June was a SUCCESS!!! I’m so grateful for the opportunity to bring these folks into the Amber Moon fold. I know my peeps have already noticed a significant change in their technique. Bring it! Invite your friends!

Massage: The Driveway Series

  • June 30: RCN Days – 315/330 is open
  • July 7: Great Hills area – 4p is open
  • July 14: RCN Days – 315, 445 & 530 currently open
  • July 21: Great Hills area – 230 & 4p are open
  • July 28: RCN Days – 315, 445 & 530 currently open

Open slots are subject to change.

If you’re interested in coming on and RCN Days Wed, and not a resident of the Rattan Creek neighborhood, let me know. If I’ve got open slots going into that week, you’re in like Flynn. I’d rather fill them then be empty.

For those coming to Taylor on Tues, Thurs & Fri – remember to use code TRYTAYLOR to get $10 off your next session. It’s your last few days to use it! Expires on 6/30/21.

Class schedule for this week

Update: Friday Viniyoga class time has been to 11a.






That’s it for this week. I’m proud of myself for only putting the finishing touches on Sunday. Progress! Let’s keep this up. Stay safe out there!

Good Morning Sunshine!

Your guide to everything under the Moon, the Amber Moon, for the week of 6/21/21

It’s Friday, and I’m starting this! Progress! It also helps that I slept in, took the day off from training (did a bike, a swim & the walk-to-run program yesterday, plus classes), am on my 2nd cup of coffee (ahhhhh… how i love thee). Normally, 1 cup is all I need. But when I’m sitting there enjoying said 1 cup, thinking about an oatmilk blonde latte from Starbucks, a 2nd cup just might be called for. So here I am.

oh that delightul 2nd cup

Also thinking I might need to get a small pool on the back patio to go soak in after working outside all day. Yes? Please say yes…

It’s still Yoga Appreciation Month, and I invite you to come to class on Wed & Fri, at 1030a Class is an hour, and you are totally worth that time. I’ll be incorporating sound (humming) into our practice this week, which really keys you into your breath. I focus on breath a lot anyway, but when you add sound to exhale, it really increases your awareness, your truth of breath, as it were. You’ll see what your breath is really doing. I find this the be a great gentle reminder of staying in the moment. This is honestly one of my fav add-ins.

@yourdailypinto says come join her for Viniyoga this week!

As my calendar starts to fill up, I’m re-evaluating the classes, my schedule, everything. Seeing how efficient everything is, and is it the best use of my time? I do this a couple times a year. That said, I’m going to be doing some class shifting for July. Stay tuned for more details. I’m doing my best to keep my work day to 8h, start to finish. I’m close. Maybe 9h is a better gauge. From T/Th Pilates class (11a) to the end of Walk-to-Run (715p), its just over 8. Wednesday starts at 7a, ends at 6p, with a very broken up day – it follows it’s own rules 🤣. Fridays are still short, but I’ve added on as needed, and it easily stays within 8. With the addition of the Saturday run, I’m making sure I’m done early so I’ve plenty of time to unwind & get a good nights sleep before I rise & shine, and thoroughly enjoy eating my #hillsforbreakfast.

I am starting to look for an office space near the old neighborhood for bringing the Driveway series indoors. Not there yet, as I am still overly cautious, and want to see the research on how effective the vaccines are on the delta COVID strain currently entering the country. I can see Wednesday afternoons & another partial day in town. Stay tuned.

Walk-to-Run program

The first week was a SUCCESS!!! I’m so grateful for the opportunity to bring these folks into the Amber Moon fold. There were 6 & 8 people, and more starting over the next few weeks. I know my peeps have already noticed a significant change in their technique. Bring it!

Massage: the driveway series

  • June 23: Great Hills area – 230 is open.
  • June 30: RCN Days – 315/330 & 545 are open (let me know if 545 gives you trouble)
  • July 7: Great Hills area – 230 & 4p are open
  • July 14: RCN Days – 315, 445 & 530 currently open
  • July 21: Great Hills area – 230 & 4p are open
  • July 28: RCN Days – 315, 445 & 530 currently open

Open slots are subject to change.

For those coming to Taylor on Tues, Thurs & Fri – remember to use code TRYTAYLOR to get $10 off your next session. I’ve bought a portable misting system and am going to figure out how to use it effectively this weekend. It’s supposed to cool it down about 20 degrees. I’d take even 10. Also, been setting up in the garage as it tends to be cooler than even under the carport. And lots of breeze from the fans. It’s ever evolving.

Class schedule for this week





Hello, Sunshine!

Your guide to everything under the Moon, the Amber Moon, for the week of 6/14/21

I’m finding that the more I work, the less I’m on the computer, and the later this gets done. So it maybe become a much simpler format than some in the past. Here it is, Monday 4p, and I’m just getting started. Being outside, hiking, was a requirement this morning. My soul is now settled. ‘Til next week. It’s good that my schedule is filling. I appreciate YOU for that.

I’ve decided that I’m going to have the Friday Run on Saturday every week. My personal training schedule is shifting. I’m adapting, and will see how this goes. We’re also starting at 7a now – last week, we started at 8a, and well…. let’s just say it was brutal by the time we finished. Summer has definitely arrived! Please sign up in advance so you get the starting location & route before the close of biz on Friday.

My new Walk-to-Run program starts THIS WEEK! And it’s gonna be a lesson in heat management for sure. There’s still plenty of space for you to join.

Yoga Appreciation Month

This week’s Yoga Appreciation is a video. Well, ok, 2 videos. The first discusses my yoga appreciation & journey a bit. The second is the class from last Friday. Some classes are just special. This was one such. Enjoy.

Class schedule for this week






Massage: the driveway series

  • June 16: RCN Days – full
  • June 23: Great Hills area – 230 is open.
  • June 30: RCN Days – 315/330 & 545 are open (let me know if 545 gives you trouble)
  • July 7: Great Hills area – 230 & 4p are open
  • July 14: RCN Days – 315, 445 & 530 currently open
  • July 21: Great Hills area – 230 & 4p are open
  • July 28: RCN Days – 315, 445 & 530 currently open

Great Hills area 30 min session link

Like I said, short, sweet, and I’m off the computer! Later, gator!

Hello Sunshine 🌞 (6/7/21)

Another week… More Viniyoga inspiration.

As part of my 500 hour yoga training, we’re required to do a minimum 30 minute practice per day and log it. Now understand I’ve been in fitness for a while (15y) even with the chronic pain. So I was moving all day long. You want me to add more in? We had teaching assistants, and I got to work with Mirka, since I was one of the ones that had physical issues, and we came up with a little practice that we knew worked and I did it. Every Day. 30 min. Tapas. Discipline. Persistence. I really do think it laid the foundation for my journey out of chronic pain. It was simple. It was doable. It was just what I needed. It developed the discipline to do what I needed for me everyday. It made me really prioritize myself, which I know is a challenge for a lot of people. But trust me you’re worth the time. I was worth the time. What my practice did was stabilize my SI joint. None of these big extreme moves that you see in magazines and everybody’s doing on YouTube these days, cuz that’s really not what most people need. The beauty of any yoga asana is that you get to adapt it for you, not just what you want, but really what you need. Knowing how to adapt is the key. All the people that are currently in my online classes have been with me for years, and I don’t necessarily need to see them, they don’t necessarily need to see me, to know what’s going on, we can do it through audio cuz they know my cues, I still encourage you to come and see.

Try a few private lessons to kind of see what’s going on with you that really needs to be addressed. These can be done online, or on the driveway as a Movement: the driveway series session. And for the rest of this month, there’s a Learn You: VINIYOGA package which includes (4) 30 minute sessions, or (4) 1 hour sessions so we can really delve into you, what you need, how you need to move.

Walk-to-Run program – start moved back to 6/15/21

Getting all the cats in a row, relying on others, and then getting people to sign up – it’s just gonna be easier to move this back 1 week. Then I’ll be golden. You’ll be golden.

Class schedule for this week


  • 530a: Tuesday Track/Speed work
  • 11a: Pilates Mat


  • 1030a: Viniyoga
  • 1145a: DIY Reformer


  • 11a: Pilates & BOSU
  • 145p: Viniyoga >> Meditation – new day/time


  • 530a: Friday Run
  • 1030a: Viniyoga


  • 8a: Friday Run on Saturday ** new **

Massage: the driveway series

  • June 9: moved to Friday, June 11.  Full.
  • June 16: RCN Days – if you’re in Rattan Creek, be looking for a separate email with your dedicated link. 315 & 445p are open as I type this.
  • June 23: Great Hills area – but kind of in Rattan Creek area too. As I type this, 230 is open.
  • June 30: RCN Days – 315/330 & 545 are open (let me know if 545 gives you trouble)
  • July 7: Great Hills area – 230 & 4p are open
  • July 14: RCN Days – 315, 445 & 530 currently open
  • July 21: Great Hills area – 230 & 4p are open
  • July 28: RCN Days – 315, 445 & 530 currently open

Great Hills area 30 min session link

Th-th-th-that’s all I got this week, folks… Looney Booney signing out…

Walk – to – Run program, Taylor TX

I recently had one of my athletes ask if I was going to do any coaching out here near the new house (Taylor). Initially I wasn’t, cuz most people don’t start running in the Summer – especially here in TX.

But then I thought, what if I start w those that want to “Walk-to-Run” – learn good technique walking, build your endurance there, and then start running as you’re ready, as you see fit, maybe even as it cools down in the Fall. A whole lotta technique work. Maybe you just want to learn to walk more effectively. Maybe you can figure out why your knees start to hurt at 3 miles. Maybe you want to start smart. Maybe you’re already running & want to be more efficient. I gotcha covered either way. Get the knowledge I’ve gleaned over 30+years, AND from my current 2-y-o knee cantankerousness.

We are good to go!!!

I’m so excited we’re finally moving on this! Literally! Courtesy of COVID, I’ve missed coaching in person. Please keep in mind that we’ll still need to maintain some distance and keep our groupings small – and I’m immunocompromised, which doesn’t go away, even with vaccination. So please bring a mask with you. You hopefully won’t need to wear it, but ask for your help in keeping me safe.

Your Walk-to-Run Program will start on Tues, June 15, and continue every Tues & Thurs beyond that. This will be a continuous program – it doesn’t stop, as long as we have people coming. You only get better. I’d like to start at 6:15 for now – so plan on being there a little early so I can get every one checked in. I like to start on time. Be forewarned. As we roll into late July & August, we might slide it a little later.

When: June 15, 2021 onward!

Tues & Thurs, 615p


  • Memorial Field Track, south end near the parking lot, old entrance gate & bathrooms. 
  • There is 1 working bathroom there. 
  •  I’ll be there, near the purple car (aka “The Blueberry”), wearing an Amber Moon Studio jersey. And I’m a redhead. Trust me, you’ll see me. 

Please come prepared for moving in the heat – typically the humidity is going down by evening. Loose comfy clothes, light colors, bring water, bring a sweat or cooling towel (wet a towel, stick it in a baggie in the freezer, bring it with). 
You will get hot. You will sweat. No excuses except lightning.  Or temps over 100. If it rains (lightly), you’re gonna get wet. (In these instances, you will receive credit for next month). Safety first.
Payment options:

  • Monthly pay (best price, $7/session) – you’ll need to sign up each calendar month for a new package – $56/mo – includes the whole month of at least 8 sessions – no make ups. June will be prorated, and I’ll send a direct invoice to you via PayPal for $35. Be proactive – you can Paypal me or Venmo (@Sharon-Boon)!
  • drop in rate: $10/session, pay when you sign up.
  • 5 session package: $47.50 ($9.50/ssn)
  • 10 session package: $85 ($8.50/ ssn)
  • 15 session package: $112.50 ($7.50/ssn)

If you’re still not ready to commit, there’s one more package: a “Trial Run” as it were – 2 weeks, 4 sessions, $20. No make ups. You only get to use this one once.

What’s next:

  • email me if you want the monthly sign up, or
  • sign up for the package of your choice.
  • get some good shoes for walking/running
  • mark 6/8/21 @ 6:15p on your calendar & be there early!
  • remember – start from where YOU are. You got this.

What else?

  • Please make sure you’ve completed the intake form prior to attending your first session. 
  • If you have questions/concerns, please ask.
  • Feel free to forward to your friends.
  • Listen to your body, tell me what’s going on (aches, pains, injuries, limits, etc)
  • Bring your sense of adventure, your sense of humor, and be ready to have fun while learning & moving.

Hello Sunshine! Happy… Tuesday???

Studio updates for the week of 5/31, yet delivered on 6/1…

Oh, jeez… Here’s it Monday, and I’m just getting started typing this. Yeah, it was busy last week – started 1 new program – Friday Run on Saturday – and had a full load of contact hours with my clients. My biggest week since COVID started. Plus that 8a session on Saturday. I’m glad things are picking back up.

Speaking of when COVID started, at this time last year my garden was providing a significant veggie contribution. When HEB & such had the long lines around the building, I was good. I think it was 2 weeks after the shutdown before I had to go to the grocery – and then, it was cuz the chicks were out of kale. I’d stocked up right before it happened. Food stuffs did get creative at the end, but I’m good with that. And now, this garden – producing again. I’ve got 3 pepper plants that wintered in the green house, and they’re going crazy. The Tower Garden is being a little slow to produce, but I need to move it. Got the stuff to place it in much better sun, just need to clear the space & do it. Maybe tomorrow????

Looking back, how’d you manage this first bit of COVID shutdown? How’d you fare? What did you learn about you?

Yoga Appreciation Month

Yoga. Viniyoga. Ahhhhh…. this has been my favorite class to teach for years. It was a Wednesday staple for… years. Maybe even a decade at the Northwest Y. Yeah, a good long while. It’s the one class I always looked forward to teaching. And I taught from a chair. The way I was trained, yoga is about your intepretation of the movement, vs. mirroring what the teacher is doing. Yes, I’d demo as needed, and more importantly, I was able to go assist my students as needed. Viniyoga is about really connecting with your body, your breath, your sense of atha (“now”). My class has evolved as I’ve transitioned it online, and I’m moving the whole time now – but my people don’t necessarily need to see me do it. They understand my cues, my movements. Now, movement helps me keep timing, as its a challenge to know where people are in class.

My journey with yoga, with viniyoga, started in 2004 or so. And it greatly helped me get myself out of chronic pain.

to be continued next week…

Group run/walk & class schedule – updates start on 6/8/21


  • 530a: Tuesday Track/Speed work
  • 11a: Pilates Mat
  • 430p: Everything Under the Moon – new time
  • 615p: Walk-to-Run Program (Taylor) ** new **


  • 1030a: Viniyoga
  • 1145a: DIY Reformer


  • 11a: Pilates & BOSU
  • 145p: Viniyoga >> Meditation – new day/time
  • 430p: Everything Under the Moon – new time
  • 615p: Walk-to-Run Program (Taylor) ** new **


  • 530a: Friday Run
  • 1030a: Viniyoga
  • Every other Saturday
  • 8a: Friday Run on Saturday ** new **

Walk to Run program – pricing will be same as for run coaching. Still waiting on final word from City of Taylor to start. If you’re interested, drop me a note and I’ll add you to the contact list.

Hello Sunshine! (5/24/21)

Studio updates for 5/24/21

I think I’ve toasted my ability to type with the length of last week’s updates, so I’m doing my best to keep this one short!

Firstly, I’ve decided to not take my planned June time off. While part of it is a financial, the other part is I just don’t feel the need for a break yet. Having had a February lull (thanks winter), my week off to move in March (woohoo!), my schedule has shifted to a so I’m off for a larger chunk of Friday, I’m good. I’m totally planning on my September vacation though!

If what I talked about last week – Preparing for success really called to you, I’ve got something else for you! My friend Ryan Lanier has created The CALM Method:: A Guide to Ditch Last Minute Living. She goes even further into this concept. I highly recommend the book. If you feel disheveled bc of your schedule, ADD/ADHD, or what not… you’ll totally benefit from this! Free on Kindle! Prefer an audio version? She’s got that too.

This week’s Everything Under the Moon is gonna take a twist, and be done with BANDS. So, if you’ve got a set lying around, and want to know how to use them, come join us at 415p on Tuesday & Thursday. This week only. And this class time will be shifting for June. It’s also your last week to May BOGO!

Walk-to-Run program, Taylor TX. I’m trying to get this out, and waiting on info from the City of Taylor so I can use their track. Was hoping to start June 1, but maybe the week after. Also another reason to pass on my vacation – start a new program, and then take a week off? Yeah, no….

Massage: the Driveway Series in Austin

  • May 26: Great Hills area (near Yaupon & Spicewood Springs) **FULL** #YAYME
  • June 2: RCN Days. 315p, 5 & 545 open. If you are an RCN area, check your RCN Days separate emails for direct link, or email me
  • June 9: moved to Friday, June 11. Please check the schedule for times – they’ll be different. Email me if you are wanting to schedule but don’t see anything.
  • June 16: RCN Days – if you’re in Rattan Creek, the calendar is messed up at the moment. Email me OR be watching for a specific note from me if you want to book!
  • June 23: Great Hills area – I’m not taking my vacation, so this will be open soon.

Reminder – openings are subject to change!

That’s enough. I’m toast. I’m outta here. Have a great week, and go be Sunshine!

Hello, Sunshine! (5/17/21)

Studio updates for the week of May 17, 2021

Last week I talked about persistence. For me, of late, it’s been minding my walking technique. Previously, it’s been doing my neck exercises, my hamstrings exercises, going outside every evening (when COVID started). It shifts based on what is going on. Based on what I need, my goals, my dreams. I’ve even used it to save money so I could get debt down, so I could increase my savings account balance going into buying this fabulous house. Persistence. It is your Rockstar friend.

Let’s delve a little further, and help you prepare for success. Part of this is gonna be finding what works for you, but here’s some ideas to get you started:

  • Put things out where they can be seen, even in your way. These types of reminders keep us on track. “Oh yeah, my shoes & clothes are out, I will get my walk/run/bike in at X time”. I leave any exercise equipment out for whatever I might currently be working thru. It used to be really easy to ignore that when I was at the previous house. This one – exercise equipment in the living area is uncommon. I remember to do it.
  • Set timers. And follow thru. Name them. We’ve got these fabulous smart phones that do all sorts of things. Use technology! Set timers for… taking meds… getting up from the computer…reminding you to eat lunch/snack/drink water. Get the idea? I use timers remind me that I put water on to boil (oops, how’d that pan get almost dry? I just started it…30 min ago…hmmmm), to take my herbs, to give myself a 5 or 10 min break before my next session. Even to take the dumpsters to the curb – after 10y of it being on Monday, I just don’t remember to put them out on Thursday evening!
  • Look at your schedule the evening before. When are you going to get your persistence activities in? Schedule them. Wake up & go forth into the day with a plan! Review the plan before you go to bed, so it’s in your mind when you get up. I still do this so I can prep for whichever clients I’ve got coming, any personal appointments, and of course, when am I getting my training in – when do I need to start and when do I need to be done?
  • Leave yourself notes. Write stuff on a paper calendar (I’m old fashioned like that). I currently am working on rotating my Tower Garden 1/4 turn every day for sunlight. While I am getting in the habit, it gets written on my calendar afterwards every day: “TG1/4 “. That way I know I did it. It also helped me figure out when in my day I need to do it (when I go let the chickens out & refill the bird feeders).

Massage: the Driveway Series in Austin

  • May 19: RCN Days. **FULL** #YAYME
  • May 26: Great Hills area (near Yaupon & Spicewood Springs) **FULL** #YAYME
  • June 2: RCN Days. 315p, 5 & 545 open. If you are an RCN area, check your RCN Days separate emails for direct link, or email me
  • June 9: moved to Friday, June 11. Please check the schedule for times – they’ll be different.
  • June 16: RCN Days
  • June 23: no sessions. I’m on “vacation” aka “home improvement time.”

Reminder – openings are subject to change!

Lots of updates here this week, so here’s a preview:

  • Try Taylor
  • May BOGO
  • June is Yoga Appreciation Month
  • Do You BOSU? Thursday 11a Pilates class evolving
  • Walk-to-Run program for summer
  • Saturday run coaching in Austin

* * *

Try Taylor for your Massage: The Driveway series and get $10 off your session. Use promo code TRYTAYLOR (or put it in the notes when you book). See how awesome the new location is for this. Good for single sessions only. May not be combined with other discounts. Valid thru June 30, 2021.

* * *

May BOGO still going on! Only 2 weeks left. Get it while you can.

* * *

June 21 is International Yoga Day... so I decided to make the whole month about Yoga Appreciation. I’ll be bringing you personal stories of all that viniyoga has done for me – and of course, there will be extra YouTube viniyoga & viniyoga>meditation classes available via facebook during this time.

* * *

Do you BOSU? You know, that half ball thing. If yours been sitting there waiting to be used? This is your chance! I’m converting the Thursday 11a Pilates Mat class to Pilates & BOSU– making it all about the core, in different ways. The Pilates principles are a great tool & will make your work on the BOSU more effective, so it’s a perfect combo. Need to get one of your own? It officially starts in June, but I’ll be playing with it the next 2 weeks, depending on who is in class. Also, great place to use that May BOGO, right?

* * *

I volunteered at a Duathlon (run-bike-run) on May 8, and it was awesome – I was stationed on the bike course, the middle of nowhere. No people around, just me, the cows (and a baby cow!), the dogs that constantly forgot I was there (they were fenced at least), and then 38 duathletes zipping by on their bikes. Somewhere in our communication, Camille (director) got me thinking… she asked if I was going to do any coaching out here near the new house. Initially I wasn’t, cuz most people don’t start running in the Summer – especially here in TX.

But then I thought, what if I start w those that want to “Walk-to-Run” – learn good technique walking, build your endurance there, and then start running as you’re ready, as you see fit, maybe even as it cools down in the Fall. A whole lotta technique work. Maybe you just want to learn to walk more effectively. Maybe you’re already running & want to be more efficient. I gotcha covered either way. Get the knowledge I’ve gleaned over the years, AND from this 2-y-o knee cantankerousness.

So, would YOU be interested? Details would be worked out for those that are once I know I’ve got enough people: 1-2 days per week (and you’d have some to do on your own); could be morning (8a) or evening (6 or 630p). Yes, it’d be out this way. Let me know if you are interested. Are YOU ready to become an #AmberMoonAthlete? They come in all, shapes, sized, interests & fitness levels.

* * *

Starting May 29, and every other Sat from there, I’ll be coming in to Austin to coach the Friday route my athletes run. Start time will be about 8a. RunFun will last anywhere 75-90 min, and may start earlier as we get into summer. This will be offered thru the punch system I’ve currently got going. You’ll need to have Training Peaks and MapMyRun to have access, and be able to play, plan hydration, location, etc.

Been missing your #hillsforbreakfast? Starting at #crackofridiculous not your thing? Ready to get stronger with some #Drillsonhills? Need to get your run form looked at?

Package options are drop in, 5, 10, or 15 sessions (click on individual number to go direct to that package).

Got questions? Ask! 🙂

Hello, Sunshine!

Studio updates for 5/10/21

Good Morning!

Welcome to Monday!

Who’s gonna make the most of this week with me???

I’ve been rehabbing this knee since 6 weeks before my Glacier Half Marathon (6/22/19). And on Sunday (yesterday), I finally RAN over 3 miles. With no knee pain. It was broken up in the midst of 6.3 miles of time on feet (walking, running, etc). And can I tell you just how GOOD it felt? I miss running. I love running. It was back in Sept 2020 that I found the root cause of the knee issue, and have been faithful since then on getting my personal work in. While all the stuff helps, it was when I was moving & didn’t get my walks in that my knee regressed. So, the most important thing I need to do – WALK. Which leads to RUN. It’s not just walking, it’s walking with awareness of technique, how I need to adapt from where I was, awareness of reaching the heel back. That reaching the heel back – I was taking a Pilates online workshop and something clicked. See, all the stuff I do really integrates. There is so much crossover. It’s why I love what I do. <3

So, let’s take a look at YOU! What do you need to do to get to where you wanna be, to what you wanna do? Doesn’t matter the goal. Consistency, persistance… that’s what counts.

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NFL Football starts in 122 days.

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I’m working on getting the massage & COVID form into the reminders that my scheduler sends out. So please start minding them! I’ll still be sending via Google Drive until that time, and probably a little after, as I’d rather you have it twice then none at all.

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Massage: the Driveway Series Austin updates

  • May 12: Great Hills area. One slot remains – 230p. We’ll be off Anderson Mill near Tin Cup
  • May 19: RCN Days. **FULL** #YAYME
  • May 26: Great Hills area (near Yaupon & Spicewood Springs) **FULL** #YAYME
  • June 2: RCN Days. 315p, 5 & 545 open. If you are an RCN area, check your RCN Days separate emails for direct link, or email me

Reminder – openings are subject to change!

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vCita, my scheduler, is also in beta testing for a waitlist option. Stay tuned – I signed up to be a guinea pig!

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Did you sign up for your May BOGO yet? 2 classes for $15. Try a new class! 

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Until I see you next, stay safe, be persistent, and spread some Sunshine!