Hello Sunshine!

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 4/14/2024

Recently I’ve had several client compliments, which I thought I’d pass along, with WHY these are important topics:

Her new personal trainer complimented her on her body awareness as she did an overhead press, lifting her chest UP – thoracic extension – instead of swaying low back. I do my best to teach how to move correctly in life, not just during a Pilates or personal training session. I want you to have tools you can then take anywhere, so you get the most out of whatever you are doing, thereby decreasing your risk of injury, and increasing your functionality, your enjoyment of life.

My Pilates client asked if I design each session for the individual (yes, I do!) as it seemed like everyone got the same routine at her previous Pilates studio. You have your own unique needs. Everyone does. Your program is designed around your goals, and what you mentioned upon our check in for that day. It continues to build your overall goals, as well as addressing current issues.

You cue better than my previous person. So important so that you, again, get the most out of your session, get the right muscles to activate, and increase your own self-knowledge.

Change in credit card processing

Just an update on how I take payments. YES, I still take credit cards, they just go thru PayPal now. Again. And I cannot take them in person. If you’re paying by credit card, please pay off the invoice I send.

Other means of paying – Zelle, Venmo, PayPal (direct), good checks, or cash. Ask me next appointment how to set one of these up, quick and easy after your appointment. They also don’t have the usual credit card transaction fee. We all win.

New clients: Until established, you will need to pay by a means other than credit card, OR use your credit card to pre-pay for your session.

Blueberry reads

Finally finished Next Level. And working on a few things I caught better this time:

Creatine: I remember when this first became a hot supplement (1997ish). There’s been a lot more research on it since then. I’m being drawn to it now because it is taking me longer & longer to recover from daily things – a hard or long workout leaves my legs toast for 2 days; being at one of my middle school track meets – an all day thing – wipes me out for about 2-3 days. As I’ve gotten older, it’s been getting worse. In addition to improving recovery, creatine, in combination with strength training, “may help counteract muscle, bone, and strength loss by reducing inflammation, oxidative stress, and bone resportion, while increasing bone formation” due to being post menopausal (p 273).

Tart Cherry Juice: It contains natural melatonin, which we know helps with sleep, and being post-menopausal, I’m not producing what I was. I can take 20 mg in capsule form and sleep may still allude me. Tart cherry juice also has anti-inflammatory products, is high in natural anti-oxidants & polyphenols, so “checks all the boxes for what you need for the reparation process as you sleep” (p 210). While Dr Sims recommends a glass, I also have to be careful with the amount of carbs I intake, as it can set of heart palpitations and hot flashes for me. HEB carries this product.

If these sound like something that might help you, I strongly recommend you read up on it for yourself. The more you know, then better you’ll be able to ask if it’s right for you.

I also got a new book on sleep for my audible adventures: Why we sleep, by Matthew Walker. It’s already added. I don’t even remember hearing about it the first time thru! Yay for re-reads!

Had a client also refer me to another menopause book – so it’s also on my list. I’m gonna be well read on this subject so I can give guidance to those starting this phase of life. There’s a lot of info out there about pre- and peri-menopause, and only a little for those of us post-menopausal. I would have appreciated ALL this info when I was going thru it.

For now though, I’ve gone SciFi and am listening to Maze Runner, book 1. Originally published in 2009, I’d regularly heard about it, but hadn’t read it. Might be for teens, but it’s a nice light book while I’m driving.

Taylor & virtual updates

Not seeing a time slot you need? Ask, please. I can add you to my waitlist.

  • This week is currently full. Please ask to be put on waitlist.
  • I’m out of the office 4/22-26 for a well deserved rest.
  • 5/3, Fri, 11a

Openings subject to change. This is a reflection of this exact moment in time!

Austin updates

With vacation updates coming in, as well as some personal travel, commitments and a July 4 long weekend, Fridays in Austin are a bit of a mess. I’ve got some longer Fridays in Austin, but I’ll also be missing some Fridays… I’m gonna list out the Fridays I’ll be in town just so you’re in the know, and on the 2 days with longer hours, there is overlap… so if a Taylor appt gets scheduled first, Austin slots decrease. I’ve gone ahead and added/adjusted Wednesdays and Fridays thru EOY2024 in the scheduler, for as things stand now.

Fridays I’ll be at the Austin studio:  5/24 (full); 6/7 (full), 21*; 7/19; 8/2… and then back to normal every other week until end of October. * = appointments available starting at 12n instead of usual 130p.


  • Wed, 5/1, 445p (30 or 45 min)
  • Wed, 5/8, 145 (30 min)
  • Wed, 5/15, 530p

Yep, that’s it for a bit. I’ve also got a waitlist for Austin appointments – contact me to get on it.

Online & in-person group shenanigans

You can register for Track thru the City of Taylor.

Viniyoga, Pilates & EUTM are online & thru the studio.

Thank you!

I really appreciate you reading all the way through! If something caught your eye, made you think, made you laugh… drop me a note – I always love to hear about it!

Hoppin’ down the bunny trail!

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 3/31/24

What a gorgeous weekend!

No track meet, so I got to be outside all weekend! Backyard is slowly getting organized. Seeds & seedlings are in the ground. Chicken ez-up is in place, so they’ll have shade when it gets hot. Pool is slightly repositioned. Still needs a good clean, but that’s for another weekend.

Also did some more work in my front flowerbeds & got a few more things in the ground. It’s so nice feeling productive.

And I pulled the last of the cabbage and fed it to the chickens. They’re lovin’ it!

Amber Eats: nut butter parfait, of sorts

For snacks, I typically have a nut butter blend on hand for pairing with apples or dark chocolate… or sometimes, by itself. A few weekends ago when it was over 80, I got to thinking I’d like something a little cooler for summer.

Let the playing begin!

So I looked in my frig… what do I have that would go well… oh, plain coconut milk yogurt. Hmmm…. then people were posting a kind of “peanut buster parfait” using yogurt on my IG feed, and that got the wheels turning.

Each batch has turned out a little different, and I’ve liked them all. Two parts yogurt to 1 part nut butter = much creamier, lighter. As the ratio gets to 1:1, it almost becomes a dense cookie of sorts (the kind you’d need to keep in the frig bc of the yogurt).

And then there’s the different forms of chocolate: melted from a bar or chip, or made from powdered cocoa and a liquid. Both are good, just a different texture.

As for what you use to form them… I’ve used a silicone muffin pan (pictured), as well as ramekins. Lined muffin tin would probably also work. The frozen ones (muffin pan) you’d need to set out for a bit to let thaw before eating. The ramekins, no such wait is necessary. (You also can’t turn the ramekin out like the pic above.)

Nut butter blend

Back when my food issues were at their peak, the only nut butter I could eat was cashew. A small amount of coconut butter also worked on occasion. I got in the habit of combining the 2, and preferred them that way. In the past year or so, I’ve been able to add other non-peanut butters back in – almond butter has become the mainstay, although walnut butter makes me happy. So I’ve made almond butter my base, and then add cashew & coconut. Way better than straight almond. Blah.

The other part of this blend is the “good stuff” – per roughly 1 c of nut butter I add:

  • 2T ground flax,
  • 2T Toasted quinoa – cuz none of my nut butters are crunchy, and I prefer texture,
  • 2T egg white protein powder, cuz being post-menopausal, I need more protein,
  • agave or liquid sweetener to taste – you need more liquid after all that dry stuff,
  • MCT oil – if I’ve got the agave taste right and still want it creamier.

You can totally use your own protein powder. Egg white is the only one I can do, and it doesn’t add flavor. So keep that in mind when trying other varieties.

How creamy really depends on you and what you want to do with it. Creamier is better for the pic above, and that’s the recipe we’re starting with here. So just a little bit creamier than regular nut butter.

Toasted Quinoa

Measure & rinse thoroughly your quinoa, then toss it in a pan on medium until it starts popping. Ta-DA! It’s toasted. While warm, add to nut butter. It makes stirring everything in easier.

Putting it all together

So, pick your nut butter of choice, and blend in all the good stuff.

Which yogurt will you use? I suggest starting with plain, and then you can try vanilla your next batch. Let the nut butter flavors come through. The yogurt I’m using, Higher Harvest Plain, is 5.3 oz., a little smaller than usual. It makes 3 servings for me. If you’re using an 8 oz cup, you will get more. The proportions are still the same.

Add to medium bowl:

  • Plain Yogurt (e.g. 8oz)
  • 1/2-2/3 the yogurt amount worth of nut butter (e.g. 4-5oz)

Stir/whisk until well blended. Taste. How’s the sweetness? How’s the nut buttery-ness? What does it need? Add more liquid sweetener if needed. Add a tablespoon more nut butter if not nutty enough. Mix again. Taste again. Adjust again, if needed. Good to go? Spoon 3T into each ramekin/silicone muffin cup. Put in frig (ramekins) or freezer (muffins). Let set for about 30 min.

The chocolate

I can only do 100% dark chocolate. You can totally use whatever level you prefer.

What’s your Chocolate skill level?

Easiest – cocoa powder (2T for every 3 ramekin/muffin until you start playing on your own), 2 T butter. Bitter? Cut down on butter (1.5T), and add some liquid sweetener. Nuke it a few seconds, blend it, pour over the nutty part. Start with about 1 tsp per ‘muffin’, and then go back thru til evenly coated and you are out of chocolatey goodness.

Higher skill level? Shave your baking chocolate bar (2 squares per 3 ramekin/muffin, or to taste), do the melty thing, keep in from seizing, and top your ‘muffin.’


I posted a pic of this food on social media. and after hearing the ingredients, my registered dietitian commented “love the omegas!”. So not only does it taste good, its got omegas, protein, and 3 pre/pro-biotic foods to help your gut flora.

If you try this, let me know, please! I’d love to hear how you vary it for your taste.

Taylor & virtual updates

Not seeing a time slot you need? Ask, please. I can add you to my waitlist.

  • Tues, 4/2, 12-2p open
  • Thurs, 4/4, 1130a & 2p
  • Tues, 4/9, 1245 (45 min only)
  • Thurs, 4/11, 315p

Openings subject to change. This is a reflection of this exact moment in time!

Austin updates

With vacation updates coming in, as well as some personal travel, commitments and a July 4 long weekend, Fridays in Austin are a bit of a mess. I’ve got some longer Fridays in Austin, but I’ll also be missing some Fridays… I’m gonna list out the Fridays I’ll be in town just so you’re in the know, and on the 2 days with longer hours, there is overlap… so if a Taylor appt gets scheduled first, Austin slots decrease. I’ve gone ahead and added/adjusted Wednesdays and Fridays thru EOY2024 in the scheduler, for as things stand now.

Fridays I’ll be at the Austin studio: 3/29; 4/12; 5/24*; 6/7*, 21*; 7/19; 8/2… and then back to normal every other week until end of October. * = appointments available starting at 12n instead of usual 130p.


  • Wed 5/1, 445p

Yep, that’s it for a bit. I’ve also got a waitlist for Austin appointments – contact me to get on it.

Online & in-person group shenanigans

You can register for Track thru the City of Taylor.

Viniyoga, Pilates & EUTM are online & thru the studio.

Thank you!

I really appreciate you reading this far! If something caught your eye, made you think, made you laugh… drop me a note – I always love to hear about it!

Well Hello there, Sunshine!

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 3/18/2024

Who else is enjoying our weird weather? Makes for a challenge to get some of my outdoor tasks done, but I’ve also got several plants that need repotting… so that’s where my focus is currently shifting.

Since last update, I did a thing… I slipped and fell on my left knee. On concrete. It did not go boiiiiinggg, sadly. It was one of those mornings where I got back from my walk, at 930a, and wondered why the flock was making so much noise. Oops. They’re still cooped up.

My first thought after I fell, after I sat up to make sure the knee was ok, was ‘well, at least I can’t damage my meniscus‘ (they took all that out). The chickens were disappointed they didn’t get breakfast, as the oatmeal I was taking out for them went flying into the yard. It’s still there. They were, however, glad to just be out.

The knee has a little egg on it, but I did a compression wrap the first few days, and it got better. Yellow/green bruise came up. A little stiff, but that is working its way out quickly. Just getting all this stuff ‘done’ while I’m still in physical therapy, so when it happens in real life, I’ll be calm, cool & collected about it!

My pollinator flower bed got done before our current rainy weather started. The garden beds have 1 more thing to be added before my seedlings go in. I got 6 plants put into the ground in the backyard. Still have several non-food seedlings & various other plants to get in the front, once this round of rain passes. Starting to feel like my place around here.

Summer Vacation, anyone?

Well, it’s almost time to travel.

When you know your summer travel plans, please let me know ASAP so I can get other clients into your slots, or find other ways to fill my schedule…

… such as maybe taking on a few in-person classes out here in Taylor, just for the summer. Stay tuned!

Oh, and I can already tell you there are 2 Fridays where I’ve added more time for Austin appointments. See below for details.

Blueberry reads

I’m realizing I’ve not gone back and finished those meditations from Earth Magic. Of course, that also implies I’ve stopped long enough to do that…

I’m doing a re-listen on Next Level: Your Guide to Kicking Ass, Feeling Great, and Crushing Goals Through Menopause and Beyond. Now that I’m able to be active again, time to start doing some long-term work so my future self will thank me. Gut health. LHS. SIT. Plyometrics (for every levels!). Adaptogens for symptoms.

This book was awesome the first time thru, and just as good this time. Already heard a few things I don’t remember from the first listen… cuz when you’re driving, sometimes you have to focus on driving.

BTW, if you’re already thru menopause, you really should still read this. If you’re in your 40s, same thing. Start prepping NOW.

She’s also got a book, ROAR: Match Your Food and Fitness to Your Unique Female Physiology for Optimum Performance, Great Health, and a Strong Body for Life, for those of you not yet to peri-menopause. I’ll be actually reading it on my Kindle when I go see my mom in Raleigh NC in April.

Guess I should let my lifting partner know we’ll be adding some plyometrics, huh?

Taylor & virtual updates

Not seeing a time slot you need? Ask, please. I have a few slots I hold in reserve as I don’t want a client there regularly, yet will schedule there if needed. I’ll add you on my end.

Tues, 3/19, 12-145p open

Tues, 4/2, 2-415p open

Thurs, 4/11, 2p

Openings subject to change. This is a reflection of this exact moment in time!

Austin updates

With vacation updates coming in, as well as some personal travel, commitments and a July 4 long weekend, Fridays in Austin are a bit of a mess. I’ve got some longer Fridays in Austin, but I’ll also be missing some Fridays… I’m gonna list out the Fridays I’ll be in town just so you’re in the know, and on the 2 days with longer hours, there is overlap… so if a Taylor appt gets scheduled first, Austin slots decrease. I’ve gone ahead and added/adjusted Wednesdays and Fridays thru EOY2024 in the scheduler, for as things stand now.

Fridays I’ll be at the Austin studio: 3/29; 4/12; 5/24*; 6/7*, 21; 7/19; 8/2… and then back to normal every other week until end of October. * = appointments available starting at 12n instead of usual 130p.


  • Wed, 3/20, 415p for either 30 or 45 min only
  • Wed, 4/17, 245p for either 30 or 45 min only
  • Wed, 5/1, 445p (track has ended, so late slot is again available!)
  • Wed, 5/8, 145p for 30 min only

As always, subject to change. This is accurate at the time of writing. I’ve also got a waitlist for Austin appointments – let me know if you want on it.

Online & in-person group shenanigans

You can register for Track thru the City of Taylor.

Viniyoga, Pilates & EUTM are online & thru the studio.

Thank you!

I really appreciate you reading this far! If something caught your eye, made you think, made you laugh… drop me a note – I always love to hear about it!

Spring, real sunshine, flowers, baby bunnies & track season

your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 3/3/2024

Outside! I get to finally be OUTSIDE!!!

You don’t even know how much joy this brings me.

Outside with decent temps.

Outside with my hands in the dirt.

Outside enjoying the breeze.

not actual pic, but pretty darn close… down to the white mark on the forehead!

Laughing at the chickens.

Expanding & planting my garden.

Repotting & sticking plants in the ground.

With all this outside time, I’m reminded of the Massage: The Driveway Series days of COVID, where I realized just how much I like being outside. Those were the perfect summers for that (2020 & 2021). Summer temps these past few years, not so much.

I’ve noticed 3 rabbits in my backyard this winter, and this past weekend found a nest of baby buns. A neighbor was mowing a small section of my yard for me & heard them before anything happened. Don’t worry, they’re ok. Four lil buns. So so cute!

No, I’ve not named them.

The adventure of middle school track has begun! We’ve had 1 quasi-meet so far – no awards, just come get a time and see where you are. Our best 8th grade male miler broke the school record. Next up, he’s gonna break 5 minutes. I’m coaching the distance kids (800, 1600, 4×400) – right up my alley, and also what I ran in high school. Also working with relay hand offs, and helping the kids with a lot of leg aches & pains. I’ve even got a few roll out clinics for them on the calendar so they can help themselves more.

I’ve also been cleared to get on with life – no restrictions per my surgeon. My PT has upped my rehab program to get me ready for the demands of running. A doable and welcome challenge. Until she says “run”, I’m walking more, continuing with biking, and joined Clay Madsen Rec Center so I can get back to swimming while waiting for my outdoor pools to open.

I’m just grateful to be able to be outside, to finally get some outdoor projects moving, to have energy to do them, and to start getting back into a multi-sport athlete mode.

Now I just need to remember the sunscreen on my knee scars!

What is this Spring bringing for you? I’d love to hear.

Admin note

I’ll be putting the 2nd quarter’s regular appointments & classes in soon. Be on the look out. Let me know ASAP if you need to change any regularly scheduled sessions please. You’ll know I’m working on it, cuz if you are regularly scheduled, you’ll be getting lots of emails…

Blueberry Reads

I’ve been working thru 2 audio books of late. Earth Magic explores our early connections with Mother Earth, that loss, and the more recent revival of Wicca. It’s got some meditations in Part 4 that specifically say “do not do while driving”, so I had to start a 2nd book until I could do those at home.

Similar in topic, I chose Wicca Magical Deities. It’s ok. Not going as in depth as I would like, but a nice review of the Roman, Greek & Egyptian cultures along with 3 of their main deities. I took Latin in high school, and my first go at college I was an architecture major, so I love this kind of stuff. Should be wrapping 1 or both of these up soon, and then on to next!

Taylor & virtual openings

Last minute openings happen. Keep an eye on my schedule or reach out if you are looking for & not seeing something that works for you.

  • Tues, 3/5, 3p (may not show, reach out if you want to book this slot please)
  • Tues, 3/12, 2p **Spring Break**
  • Thurs, 3/14, 1130 – 1245 start times available **Spring Break**
  • Tues, 3/19, 345p (may not show, reach out if you want to book this slot please)

Austin openings

Last minute openings happen. Check back on the calendar regularly, or reach out and let me know you’re looking. I also post on FB & IG when these happen, since they are more infrequent. At the moment, Austin is booked solid.

Class schedule

It’s BACK! We’re back at the TRACK! Yes! Taylor Track Time returns with a 3 fold emphasis, encouraging you to get out & move!

  • Walk your way fit – for those of you that just want to walk. Improve technique and understanding of how to maximize your benefits.
  • Walk to run – for those currently walking that want to run, or those that have run before and seem to consistently get injured. Form, technique, and appropriate intervals of running are on your agenda.
  • Taylor Track Time – for those runners that want to improve – get faster, feel better, and enjoy running more.

You can register for Track thru the City of Taylor. Viniyoga, Pilates & EUTM are thru the studio.

And so here we find ourselves, again, at the end of the post. The end of Sunday. I’ve got a lot of things accomplished today, yet dishes & folding laundry are not on that list. *sigh*. I need a break first. What’s still on your list to do?

I’m all sunshine & kale

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 2/18/2024

Recently one of my Austin office suite mates referred to me, in discussion with her husband, as “all sunshine & kale.” She looked sheepishly at me as she told me this. I broke out into a broad smile.

I love it. It’s very accurate, in my opinion! Made my day, and I’ve used it in various conversations since. Today, I ask you to join me in the humor of it.

And when you think of me, think of sunshine & kale.

Last week was busy. Middle school track season started. I had several medical appointments. I had 8 trips into Round Rock, Austin, or Cedar Park. See below for Blueberry Reads and how I’ve made all that driving enjoyable.

I am grateful for this next Monday, President’s Day, where I don’t have to leave the house if I don’t want to. I get a little down time, a little grounding, and time to replenish of my soul. I’m ready to go stick my hands in dirt & plant my seedlings.

And I really shouldn’t go by Lowes if I’m filling in an empty time slot when in town. Anyone wanna guess what I ended up coming out of there with? Be specific!

Amber Eats: Artichokes

Since this past fall, I’ve been working on incorporating more healthy gut food into my diet. One of these foods is artichokes. Of late, this is has the food with which to I play.

It started out in a kind of chicken alfredo (alfredo more for the sauce than the pasta – cuz there was none), then I got curious about artichoke-spinach dip sans the spinach… substitute in kale.

What about artichoke dip on it’s own? Good, but too heavy for what I wanted.

Hmmmm now let me roast them & see what happens.

Let’s now combine everything into one recipe. My favorite dish, at this writing, has a blend of these taste tests. All in one pan. No baking required.

There’s no official recipe here, rather I’m giving you a peek at what I’m trying, and you can experiment on your own. I’m using frozen artichokes. Why frozen? I prefer less processing, and it’s easier for me to portion out a single serve. Plus, only 50mg sodium vs 350.

The base

Garlic, red onion or leeks, chicken (2-3 tenders or 1 thigh, cut up), artichokes. I’ve tried it with mushrooms & kale as well, and as long as you leave the artichokes dominant, they work. Cook all this first, then add in the sauce. You could totally make this vegetarian. Artichokes are considered a high-protein vegetable with 4.8g per 1 cup.

The ‘alfredo’

  • chicken broth/bone broth (veggie if going vegetarian)
  • Violife Vegan cream cheese (2T or 1/4 container) – I get the kind with chives for more flavor. Cooking more than 1 serving? Make it 2T per serving, a little more if you want thicker, a little less if you prefer thinner.
  • Adams Reserve White Wine & Garlic Butter seasoning. I happened upon this at a sample station in HEB. Also really good on steak with a small dallop of butter. Yum.
  • Dill (pairs well with artichoke)
  • Parmesan – again, I went vegan here – happened upon it when cousin Amy was here last over at the Hutto HEB. Good. Stuff.
  • salt/pepper to taste
  • some sort of thickener – the Adams Reserve will do it some, but I add a little cassava flour/broth blend just to thicken it a bit.

Let it heat through, pour into a bowl. Enjoy.

If you give this a try, let me know how it goes. I’d love to hear your variations.

Blueberry Reads

Since I’ve been zipping thru books while driving Blueberry, I thought you might be entertained by my reading selection. No, it’s not all fitness. It’s a variety. Kinda like everything I do.

I finished 80/20 triathlon. I started this one as I published the previous Hello, Sunshine. It was so good. Not a lot of new info, but refining, tweaking, and a better definition here & there. It’s even influenced MY training as I re-laid out my plan to get ready for my 2 aquabikes this summer.

Another one I started – and just finished – is Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art. Again: So. Good. I highly recommend this for everyone. It shows us how our current state of the breath is damaging us, and explores a whole variety of ways to improving your well being by changing your breath. It was a well researched easy read. Luckily, I was in & out of Austin a lot this week, so I got it done quickly. I mentioned it to 2 people, and they’d already read it. I’m behind the curve!

I don’t know what book is next… I think something a little off topic from the previous 3.

One thing I DO know: I’ve missed reading. Part of my immune issues affects my ability to sit & read for long periods (except for flights – I can totally finish a Kindle book then). Maybe these books are so good cuz I’ve been reintroduced?

Have a book you’d recommend? Let me know! I’ll take a look at it.

Taylor & Virtual openings

Last minute openings happen. Keep an eye on my schedule or reach out if you need something not showing.

  • Thurs, 2/22/24, open from 1245p, then open 315-445p
  • Thurs, 2/29/24, open 2-4p
  • Tues, 3/5/24, open 245-430p

Austin openings

  • Wed, 2/14/24, 145p (30 min only)
  • Wed, 2/21/24, open from 1-315p
  • Wed, 2/28/24, 1 or 115p

Last minute openings happen. Check back on the calendar regularly, or reach out and let me know you’re looking. I also post on FB & IG when these happen, since they are more infrequent.

Coaching middle school track affects my late appointment (after 5p) on Wednesdays only. Some track meets are on Fridays when I’m in town, but should not interfere.

Virtual Classes

Two weeks until Taylor Track resumes on Thursdays…. are you ready?

It’ll be virtual classes until then – sign up online, and purchase your package for the best pricing.

Rental car, audio books, PlaySpan & other updates

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 2/4/24.

Blueberry, my car, recently had a little boo-boo and got a little body work done, during which I had the “luxury” of a modern rental car (as opposed to my 2010 low tech car). My favorite thing about this rental was that I got my Audible account linked to the in-car system and was able to listen to a book. In the 9ish days I had the rental, I got thru most of 1 book – The Cyclist’s Training Bible: The World’s Most Comprehensive Training Guide.

And then I got Blueberry back. I can hook into the stereo system with an AUX cable, but I have to take the phone case off to get the cable to sit correctly. It was a pain.

I start looking at the case and WHY it doesn’t work.

I have an impact driver, drill bits, and I know how to use them.

I enlarge the AUX hole. A lot. And now it works! I can keep the case on AND listen to books.

It’s a 35-40 min drive each way to the Austin Studio. While I now plug the phone in vs the automatic wi-fi connecting in the rental, it’s a small step that I don’t mind, and I get to listen to books. I’m already on to next: 80/20 Triathlon: Discover the Breakthrough Elite-Training Formula for Ultimate Fitness and Performance at All Levels.

And now I’ll be driving a little more as track season starts up. More books. YAY.

Getting your PlaySpan to equal your LifeSpan

One of my continuing education sessions from 2022 was presented by DotFit. Nutrition, research based, that is designed to help you increase how long you are active – your “playspan”, and increase it to where it is close to your lifespan. We all want that, right? The one thing that impressed me during the presentation was their multivitamin. It’s updated with new research on keeping the mind healthy, active, attentive.

Especially their over 50 one. I’ve got my mom starting on it. Other family have been on it. We’ve got some dementia in the family, so I’m doing what I can to minimize our risk. With research.

If you’re looking for a new multivitamin, take a look at this one. Read their research. See what you think.

Taylor & Virtual openings

  • Fri, 2/9/24, open from 11a-1p
  • Tues, 2/13/24, open from 2p-430p
  • Thurs, 2/15/24, open from 2-315p

Last minute openings happen. Keep an eye on my schedule or reach out if you need something not showing.

Austin openings

  • Wed, 2/14/24, 145p (30 min only)
  • Wed, 2/21/24, open from 1-315p
  • Wed, 2/28/24, 1 or 115p

Last minute openings happen. Check back on the calendar regularly, or reach out and let me know you’re looking. I also post on FB & IG when these happen, since they are more infrequent.

Coaching middle school track affects my late appointment (after 515p) on Wednesdays only.

Virtual Classes

I’m taking off from coaching Taylor Track Time until March – I don’t like standing out in the cold, to be honest. It’ll be virtual classes until then – sign up online, and purchase your package for the best pricing!

Oops. It’s winter after all!

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 1/18/24.

Yes, you’re right.

I’m a week late with this Hello Sunshine. I was outside prepping my gardens, chickens, & house for that winter weather we had last week. I didn’t even realize until Tuesday I had missed it.

Everyone survived! I’ve still have a garden! Except for the 1 chicken that was molting (she was about half naked), they managed. That one, Angel, got to spend about 2 days in the garage with a little higher protein food & a heat lamp to help her with the molting. She’s been good outdoors since.

I harvested my first ever broccoli crown right before that arctic blast (hand in inset pic for size reference), and I’ve got 3 more growing, waiting for me. I’ve still got onions, cabbage, swiss chard, and some mystery plants from last spring growing (likely brussels, more broccoli & …. uhhh…) as well.

A little about YOU, my clients

Last update I mentioned that I had 10 new clients – let me tell you a little more about YOU, my existing clients:

  • A few of you have been with me since I started at the Y (2006) – with personal training, then Viniyoga & Pilates classes.
  • I asked for guinea pigs among the Northwest YMCA staff as I started massage school in 2007. Many of those guinea pigs are still with me.
  • Sometimes, you opt to change the service you use at Amber Moon Studio. Or do more than 1 thing at a time. Massage becomes Pilates. Pilates becomes CST. How about Personal Training AND Massage? It depends on what YOU need.

Knee update

The biggest thing I’ve noticed the past few weeks is that my creativity is back. My knee isn’t taking so much attention & energy.

During the arctic blast, I was out creating more wind block for the flock, and managed to slip on a slick cinder block stair coming out of my shed. I landed on my side more than my knees – I know because I had 2 eggs in that pocket that got crushed. My SI joint got a little tweak, knees were good, no bruises. Everything was a little tender. Took it easy the rest of the day, got a chiropractic adjustment once everything opened again, & I’m good now. That was a big *whew*. I’ve since leveled the block, and cousin Amy got me some anti-slip tape to put on top. That’s not gonna happen again!

I switched physical therapy facilities with the new year/new insurance, so it’s taken a little bit to get that going. Every physical therapist sees things differently, so I’ve a few new daily exercises added in that have been making a difference. I’m doing short intervals biking & walking, keeping it about 35-40 min. Beyond that total time, I’ve noticed my knee doth protest. My strength training (therapy & beyond) is coming along quite nicely. Loving playing with my training & progressions.

Amber Eats: Playing with my food. Again.

I happened upon a new single serve “bread” recipe. It’s pretty much fiber, protein & seasoning. Depending on how you make it, this could also be a muffin. The original recipe called it an English muffin.

You decide.

Flax bread/muffin recipe

  • 1/4 c ground flax
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • options: sweetener (just a touch), seasonings

Mix all together, choose your container – I actually mix in the one I choose – and microwave for 90 seconds. Prefer a sammich? Pick a flatter container (I use a shallow bowl). You a muffin person? Use a mug or 3 cup ramekin. Maybe divide it in 2 smaller ones. With the high flax content it stays moist. Remove from container & enjoy immediately!

I’ve used a small amount of agave & a few berries for a muffin.

For bread, I typically add garlic & black pepper. Pictured above it’s an egg salad sammich (slice the shallow container bread in half the easy way).

Be creative. You do you!

Taylor & Virtual openings

  • Tues, 1/23/24, 4p (30 or 45 min), contact me to schedule
  • Thurs, 1/25/24, 1p (30 or 45 min) or 315 (30 or 45 min)
  • Tues, 1/30/24, open from 2p-430p (contact me if you don’t see an opening)

Last minute openings happen. Keep an eye on my schedule or reach out if you need something not showing.

Austin openings

  • Wed, 1/24/24, 445 or 5p
  • Wed, 2/21/24, 230p (30 or 45 min)
  • Fri, 3/1/24, 315p

Last minute openings happen. Check back on the calendar regularly, or reach out and let me know you’re looking. I also post on FB & IG when these happen, since they are more infrequent.

Virtual Classes

I’m taking off from coaching Taylor Track Time until March – I don’t like standing out in the cold, to be honest. It’ll be virtual classes until then – sign up online, and purchase your package for the best pricing!

Thanks for reading all this way down here!

If you read something that inspired you, or you tried the recipe, I’d love to hear – drop me an email, text, DM.

Onward & upward to a new year, new adventures!

No, that’s not snow. That’s sulfur deposits at Mammoth Springs in Yellowstone (Sept 2023).

It’s here! A new year! Time to start fresh, maybe to renew, process & learn from 2023, & move forward.

2023 was a very good year. I finally got that 2nd new knee. The first knee started behaving and now they are almost equal. I’ve started walking again. I am finally able to bike with no limits except fitness. I’m beginning to feel progress back to being me – active, athletic, and able to do things without pain. I completed 2 aquabike events and 1 Mamma Jamma ride before the left knee said “less please”. One room in the house finally got done (except flooring). The garage got organized, the Blueberry (my car) can come in AND have all the plants inside AND have room to move around. I got to spend quality time with #cousinextraordinare Amy in Yellowstone & during knee #2. I lost Gypsy in January, and finally don’t tear up every time I see a pic of her.

As for the Studio, I had 10 new clients join the energy of what I’ve created. I took over the Austin Studio space & made it my own. I coached middle school cross country for the first time, giving back to those that helped me embark on my love of running & future fitness career. I’ve typically have limited openings most weeks, and income is finally back up to pre-COVID levels. *whew*

The athletes I coach have done some amazing things. One ran Boston. They’ve podiumed. They’ve competed at new distances. They’ve laughed & learned. As have I.

I got back into educating myself:

  • Systems Informed Therapy: The Body
  • Systems Informed Therapy: The Mind
  • Postural Corrective Exercise Certification
  • FloridaMania
  • The Enteric Brain (craniosacral therapy)

My biggest take aways: Do what you love. Be an active participant to get back to it, if needed. It won’t just happen on its own. Create an environment where you thrive, then those around you will too. You’ll attract those of similar energy. Learn. Always learn. Laugh more. Love more.

Art by Vicki Miller

Vicki’s Art

I’ve had several people comment on the art in the Austin studio. It’s from a client, and if you’re interested, she’s now got her art available online.


We are back to normal, and I’ve actually been doing most of the Pilates & Viniyoga classes since early December. Depends on when I have physical therapy as to how much of EUTM I am willing to do. All this sitting just not cutting it. Had to move. Come join me in having fun again! Packages are available.

Just a note that track will run thru 1/18 (Th), and then take a break until March. This program is now run thru City of Taylor – $5/session or $40 for 10 on their fitness punch pass.

Personal sessions are available during the break time.

Taylor & Virtual sessions

As always, subject to change, and last minute cancellations happen. Book early, book often, and LMK if you need help finding what you need.

  • Tues, 1/2, 1245-3p open
  • Tues, 1/9, 330p (30 min)
  • Tues, 1/16, 315 (up to 45 min)
  • Wed, 1/17, 1145a (contact me to schedule)
  • Tues, 1/30, 145-4p open

Austin Studio

Ditto from above: As always, subject to change, and last minute cancellations happen. Book early, book often, and LMK if you need help finding what you need. There is a waitlist for Austin sessions on occasion. Yeah, my expanded Fridays are booked for January – but there are a few openings on Wed! Quick – grab your time slot!

  • Wed, 1/17, 1-315p open
  • Wed, 1/24, 230 (up to 45 min) & 445p
  • Wed, 1/31, 1-315p open

Thank you!

For reading this far, for contributing to the energy of Amber Moon Studio, and for just general awesomeness on your part. I’d love to hear your reflections on your 2023.

Tis the holiday season, and next year looking merry & bright!

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 12/17/2023

I’m officially into outpatient PT. I’m so far ahead of the curve, she’s having fun with me. My first day was evaluation, and there was a 6 min walk test – “we’re gonna run out of sidewalk” and “we won’t need to retest this at the end”. They were impressed that I’m already walking a mile and biking outdoors for 30 minutes. Upon finding out I was a runner/triathlete, she did asked me if I tried running yet. Ooooo…. don’t tempt me!

Alas, no I have not.

I’m 7 weeks out as of 12/18. I think that’s a little early to be running. My bones are still healing. I do have to regularly remind myself regularly that I’m only “X” weeks post-op.

I feel I’m doing a pretty good job balancing getting my home rehab, the cardio, work AND rest in. I’m ready for the next short break that Christmas brings, and at the moment Dec 27-29 are light (I’ll gladly fill it though!), so I get some down time, and time to prep for 2024.

So what’s on my agenda for 2024? Get stronger at walking & biking. Keep swimming. 1-2 Aquabike events. Expand my horizons with coaching middle school track, and coach cross country again in the fall. Get a better spring & fall garden than last year. Grow more of my own food. Finish painting tasks in the house. Keep up with my accounting. Get the hall (studio) bath updated. Play more. Hike more (likely a fall endeavor). Continue to grow the studio. Maybe a return to teaching an in-person class or 2. Get ready to start running in 2025.

What’s on your list? I’d love to hear!

Holiday hours

I’m taking off December 25 & 26, and January 1. Otherwise, studio is open as usual. Yes, I’ll be in Austin on Wednesdays, 1-6ish.


Except for Tues, 12/26, classes run as normal. No track 12/26 or 28. Everything resumes 1/2/24.

Just a note that track will run thru 1/18 (Th), and then take a break until March. This program is now run thru City of Taylor – $5/session or $40 for 10 on their fitness punch pass.

Personal sessions are available during the break time.

Taylor & Virtual sessions

The week of Dec 18 is currently running FULL. Last minute openings happen. Please check my scheduler or reach out.

Upcoming openings

  • Wed, 12/27, I could be talked into a 1145a if the 1P in Austin doesn’t get booked.
  • Thurs, 12/28, 330p
  • Fri, 12/29, 145 or 2p

Austin Studio

It’s almost here – more Austin studio days/times! Starting Jan 5, I’ll be there every other Friday 130-4, or so. Some weeks it’s already flexed a little based on what else I’ve got going on. So if you are looking for a regular slot (or an irregular one!) and not seeing an opening on Wednesday, here’s your chance. I’ve got Fridays in the scheduler thru March 1, so you no longer have to go thru me. It is a bit of computer work for me to get Fridays in, so I’m only going to have 1-2 months open at a time. Act now and get your Friday slot ASAP!

Upcoming Austin openings

  • Wed, 12/27, 1p, 330p
  • Fri, 1/5, 345 or 4p (30 or 45 min only)
  • Wed, 1/17, 1-3p
  • Fri, 1/19, 230-415p

Happy Holidays to all!

Thank you for being a part of Amber Moon Studio! I genuinely appreciate each and every one you.
May your holiday season be merry & bright, how ever you choose to celebrate.

Night & day, slowly returning to me…

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for the 2 weeks starting 11/26/23

It’s been 4 weeks since knee #2 got replaced, and I’m so far ahead of the curve on this one. Even my PTs are amazed where I am. My range of motion is from 0* to 120*. At 6 months, the right knee (#1) was still at 110. It really is a night & day difference between the 2. I managed to get out on my road bike briefly this past Saturday. Yes, range of motion is really good, and I’m still reminded I’m only 4 weeks out. I am still healing. My endurance is still low. I still need lots of sleep. And the amazing #cousinAmy is going home on Wednesday. I’ve been gradually taking over home duties, and I know my kitchen counters are not going to stay clear!

So what does this mean for the studio?

  • Classes will still be taught from a chair through end of year. Then I’ll re-evaluate.
  • Massage sessions – I’m starting to stand a little in each, so it depends on how many sessions I’ve got in a day as to how much standing/sitting I’ll be doing. Too much standing at once affects me the next day. No bueno.
  • Everything else is pretty much normal.

Class schedule

Classes are on! Please take some time for YOU and join me! It’s also a great time to get some eyes on how you are doing.

Register here. Drop in rate and packages available.

Taylor & Virtual openings (Tu, Th & F)

  • Tues, 12/5, 2-4p
  • Tues, 12/12 2-4p
  • Tues, 12/19, 315p (30 or 45 min)
  • Thurs, 12/28, 1245p & 4p (30 min)
  • Fri, 12/29, 1215p

Last minute openings happen. Please keep checking in – both online and with me. I can add you to my waitlist.

Austin openings (W & F)

  • Wed, 12/6, 145-3p
  • contact me for Friday, 12/8. No other Friday options til January after this.

Last minute openings happen. Please keep checking in – both online and with me. I can add you to my waitlist.