My knee is going to affect the schedule, again…


Saw my orthopedist on Tuesday, and he finally took x-rays of the ankle that has been bugging me since I came out of surgery. My fibula (2nd lower leg bone) is somewhere on the spectrum of “jammed” to “displaced”. So I’ve got an appt with an ankle specialist coming up. 

And cuz my knee isn’t where it should be, the knee Doc wants to do manipulation under anesthesia (end of Feb), and I’m required to have PT daily for 2 weeks after that. 

Needless to say, this is all going to have to take precedence. If I can schedule these PT sessions without affecting the studio schedule, I will. Alas, I’m sure I’ll need to make some adjustments. The good news is that I’ll need to have these scheduled before he does the manipulation, so we’ll have advance notice & should be able to shift. I know Friday will be affected, cuz the place I’m going is only open Friday til 12. 

The knee will get inflamed again. I don’t know if I’ll be able to drive, or how long I’ll be out. 

This has certainly not been the recovery I expected. I genuinely appreciate your patience and understanding as I continue to go thru this process. 

And then we’ll have to see what the ankle doc says…

Ice storm, power outages, and extreme glam camping, and Cousin Amy went home

What a week.

lLooking back on my calendar, my original surgery date was Jan 30, I got in on a cancellation for Dec 7. I am so grateful. Not sure I’d like to be in the initial stages of recovery with no power. I was freezing right after surgery as it was – for about the first 2 weeks. That on top of no power. No. Thank. You. As it is now, the house is about 60 degrees with no power, which is just camping for me. My worst part is that I need to move – just my nature and it helps me keep warm. My knee is protesting as I write this (Saturday), saying I’ve been on it too much. Once I get power, I’ll gladly show hole myself with Discovery+ and catch up on my home improvement shows. Evidently I should get some power saws… I would have been able to work on more projects. The oscillating tool has its limits.

The storm hit on Tuesday, I lost power Wed morning ( 6-8a or so), the really lost it at 8p… as of this writing (Sat noon), I’m still without power. Having almost 3 full days off due to lack of power – no bueno. I had just been thinking how grateful I am to be able to do virtual sessions since COVID started. Depending on the week, about half my sessions are virtual. I love it. It just adds to my variety. But I need power to do those. Generator just moved up my list of home improvements.

Neighbors had said they heard (you know, that grapevine thing), that we should have power back by Sunday at the latest. Everything will hopefully be as scheduled. If I’m still powerless, I’ve got a few local friends that do have power that I might be able borrow a little space from for work.

AND #cousinextraordinaire Amy went home on Thursday. Yeah. Happy. Sad. Grateful. Even with no power that morning, the roads were clear once out of Taylor, and she got to the airport, managed an earlier flight (her original one was delayed, but ohhh… this one was too and it’s leaving soon!). She arrived Dec 4, left Feb 2. Neither of us expected her to be here this long, and grateful, again, that she was available.

Next appt with the surgeon is Feb 7 (Tues). We’ll see what he says on this knee, and if we get to schedule the other one yet – if I can get it in before end of April, I’ll be good. Otherwise, I’ll probably wait until Oct to do the left knee. Having to wear a compression stocking at any point in summer would trigger a hot flash way too often. The heat does it enough any way!

On to studio stuff.

Taylor & updates

  • For Personal Pilates sessions, I’ve already started being back in my wheelie chair. I’m going to have to see day by day if how many I’m able to do. I might end up back in the red chair if I’ve got more than 1 in person session per day.
  • for traditional massage clients I’ll be doing 1 per day. I’ve got a lot of medical massage & CST sessions, so hopefully I’ll be able to do your session as scheduled. I’ll let you know if not, of course. Again, too much time weight on my knee makes for an unhappy & swollen knee.

openings for the next bit:

  • 2/9, Thurs, 245p
  • 2/14, Tues, 215p-330p
  • 2/16, Thurs, 330p

Austin updates

So the fun part – since driving the distance in is still a challenge, I need time to ice after I arrive. I’m not sure if I need to get there any earlier yet or not. But I should be able to start expanding the schedule out again. I’ll need to limit to 1 traditional massage per day (need to build time on the leg slowly) but I think I’ve got enough variety w clients that I should be good. I’ll be in touch, fear not!

Please let me know if you’re looking for a slot here. Nothing at the moment, but you know how my schedule changes.

Class schedule

My PT Chris said to add in some weight bearing activity, so I’m gonna start doing a little bit more of classes. This month I’ll be doing more of the Tuesday EUTM & Thursday vini-chair-yoga.




Slowly back to reality, knee cooperation, and the loss of a fluffy

I’m almost 6 weeks out. Daily life is getting much easier. I can drive short trips (Hutto is my limit as I write this). Eighty percent of daily activities I can do easily. It’s the small things that get me. I was watering the front plants the other day and got wound up in the hose. There was a scary moment when I was trying to lift my right foot out of the hose area that I felt very unsteady, unsafe. I paused, set the foot back down, calmed the panic, refrained from calling Amy for help, and after a few breaths, got myself out.

I can go up & down the step stool very carefully now. I can carry the laundry basket, full, out to the line & put it up. I am walking 0.3 miles almost daily. It’s nice to get outside. Could I do more? Very like, but I don’t want to push it yet. It’s working, Maybe after physical therapy this Thursday, I do the full block up & back, instead of half way -I’m in the middle of it. I tried the indoor bike once. It didn’t go well. Physical therapist said to wait until we did it in the clinic before trying again.

Because of limiting my weight bearing (and hence swelling) of my knee, I’ve taken traditional massages off the scheduler for now. Please see previous post/email for more details & what IS available during this time. I’ll get you an update on 2/7/23 after I see the doctor again. I’ve blocked off any open slots thru 3/1/23 so I can manage this day better. I’d gotten up to 6 clients on Wed. I’m going to have to build back in to that slowly.

RIP Gypsy, my heart. You are loved, and you are missed.

Some of you may have seen over on Facebook that Gypsy passed away on Jan 7, 2023. Stomach cancer took her quickly, unexpectedly. We’re all still in the grieving process, with Allister being affected the most. He & Gypsy were adopted together over 11 years ago. He feels her absence, we all do. He’s always been my ‘sensitive’ cat.

Taylor openings

  • Tues, 1/17, 1-330p
  • Thurs, 1/19, 115-3p
  • Fri, 1/20, 1230p (30 min only)
  • Thurs, 1/26, 345p (30 min only)

Wednesdays in Austin

I’m still limiting the number of client here for a bit as I still have to see how I do on the drive in. I can feel myself getting better, not as worn out as compared to the first week. I’ve got a few people I still need to get in for make ups.

Class schedule update

In my effort to stay off my leg, I’m teaching from the chair until my next doctor appt. So if you’ve been wanting someone to really keep an eye on you, this is your chance! Come join us!




  • 11a: Vini-chair-yoga, 30 min
  • EUTM is cancelled on Thursdays ONLY for thru Feb 9 at the moment. More updates as they come in.

and the orthopedist said…

Knee update 1/10/23

to continue limited weight bearing on my new knee.

Why, you ask?

It’s got more swelling that “normal” for 5 weeks out. My range of motion is still limited, in part due to swelling. 

So I’ve got another month of taking it easy. Of non-weight bearing. 

The good news

Personal Pilates sessions, classes & all online sessions are good to go!

The ‘hmmmmm’ news

Traditional massage is still out.  I’ve taken it off the list of services for the time being. If you’ve got a traditional massage between now & Feb 7, I’ll be in touch the week or so before to ask what you want to do – change format, cancel, etc. 

If you have a more ‘medical’ type massage, where I’m working on specific issues, you’re good to go. I can work seated for these.

Craniosacral therapy sessions are good to go. Again, I can work seated.

Wednesdays in Austin

This also means I still am not able to drive. As long as Amy is here, I can come in town on Wednesdays. We’ve not yet decided on her leave date. Stay tuned. 

If you prefer to change your format now, please let me  know. If you’ve got questions, ask!

This was important enough, I felt it warranted being sent out on it’s own.  I appreciate you so very much. 

My bionic knee, working thru rehab, and continuing to adapt life & work

It’s been 4 weeks since the last Hello Sunshine! Wednesday will be 4 weeks since I became bionic. I think I’m progressing quite well. I had a week between home health PT ending & outpatient starting, and in that time, left to my own devices, I progressed the foundation exercises I was given, and gained 12 degrees of knee flexion when lying on my back. Around the house, I’m free walking, if I go out, I take the cane or make sure I use a cart. It’s been a real blessing having #cousinextraordinare Amy here – I think I’ve healed quickly because she’s been my personal chef, gotten me all the ice packs, pain meds, and then of course, I had a ton of fluffy love. Every cat got in on the action, with Pinto being my main lap warmer.

The surgery itself was “textbook”, and I’ve not really been in pain – mind you, I’ve also kept up with pain meds. First 24 hours were the worst, and probably more because the hospital was not equipped to handle my special diet, so no Sharon friendly food for about 36h was no bueno. We’ve learned lots for Bionic Knee #2 and made copious notes. Considering it’s in much better shape than #1, I should fly the recovery. That’s the intention at least!

Amy & I have had fun during my rehab time. We’ve tried 2 new recipes (will be posted at some point), gotten some house projects done, started on her project list for Knee #2. These past few days we’ve spent a lot of time on the back patio, just enjoying.

Overall, I think the worst part for me, even before surgery, was being COLD. It started when I had to go off pain meds 7 days before surgery. Movement = warmth, and moving hurt, so I got cold. The colder weather during December certainly didn’t’ help. I’m slowly trending warm again. Bonus – I either didn’t notice my hot flashes or I enjoyed them during this time.

So what are sessions looking like?

Online & personal Pilates continue as is. That’s easy. Any bodywork session is still more like a CST session, where I stay seated. You’ll be on TOP of the sheet, fully clothed. I don’t want to tempt myself with standing. Bone takes 6+ weeks to heal, so I’m giving it that time as I’m able. Being on it will slow recovery time. I’ll send out an email Sunday or Monday each week for a while to my massage clients, confirming this is still the case, and making sure you are OK with the updated/modified format.

I’m also tweaking the schedule a little (you shouldn’t notice) so I get my mid-day rehab exercises in, and have time to move/ice my knee in between.

Taylor openings

  • Fri, 1/6, 11a
  • Thurs, 1/12, 245p/3p
  • Tues, 1/17, 315/330p

Wednesdays in Austin

I’m limiting the number of client here for a bit as I still have to see how I do on the drive in. Right now, the knee is not happy with it, and I’m just the passenger. Those with appts are honored first, and I’ve got a few people I still need to get in for make ups.

Class schedule update

Classes continue, with me doing a little bit of the movements with you – it feels GOOD to move. I’m behaving, promise. I am, at least for the moment, requiring there to be a minimum of 2 people in class as I work thru my knee rehab. Thursday’s EUTM class is delayed restarting as that seems to be the best time for me to go see my physical therapist.




  • 11a: Vini-chair-yoga, 30 min
  • EUTM is cancelled on Thursdays ONLY for January. Will see what my PT schedule looks like for February.

Becoming Bionic, December shifts

you guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for December 2022.

For those of you that were immediately impacted, I’d already sent this info below. If you were on my schedule after 12/15 this is for you: my knee replacement surgery is Wed, Dec 7, 2022. Yes, THIS Wednesday.

As such, all sessions are canceled from Dec 7-14 (Wed – Wed).
Read below to see what happens after that. I’ll communicate with you as much as I can, and knowing the home-based physical therapy will also be on my schedule, I don’t know what it’s going to look like.

For Taylor clients: I’m gonna get thru this time frame, and then take it 2 days at a time as I recover.

  • I’ll decide on the 14th if I can work any on the 15th or 16th,
  • then on Mondays if I think I’m able to work on Tuesday & Wednesday, and notify those clients either way.
  • Then I’ll decide on Wednesday for Thursday & Friday, and continue as needed.

Wednesday in Austin: I’ll have to see how I’m feeling for Dec 21 & 28. Cousin Amy can drive me in if I’m feeling up for it. I’ll decide on Dec 19 for the 21st, and Dec 26 for the 28th. If I opt not to come in, you’re welcome to come to Taylor for your appt. I know some of you won’t come all the way out to Taylor, and I understand that. Some of you might, and you’ve never seen the house, or it’s been too long since you’ve seen the cats. You’ll get first choice if you want to come out at your usual time.

I may ask my Taylor clients if they are willing to shift days to slide over to Wednesdays and spread my work out more evenly while I continue to recover, try to avoid wearing myself out, and still have an income. I’m grateful that most of what I can do can be done sitting

I’m going to say I’m “becoming Bionic”. Anyone remember the Bionic Woman? Six Million Dollar Man? I’m talking the original series here. I’ve not seen the new ones. I could have decided to become Borg, but not really sure I want all those other people in my head too. Besides, Bionic folks make a really cool sound when they run. Considering that walking is uncomfortable, I’m gonna feel so much better when I can “just” walk. My goal is to be able to run a little after both knees are done.

I’ve had several people ask if they can do anything, if I need anything. I’ve got my cousin Amy here with me, so I’m good on daily things. What would help, since I’m out a week of work, is gift cards – HEB, Amazon, Visa – to help cover other expenses. The only nice thing about the Jan 30 surgery date was I had time to get finances a little more in order.

With that said, I’m making a few changes to the Group schedule:

Class schedule update

I’ll be teaching group stuff without doing, so the “old” way. I’ll need someone’s video on for zoom sessions so I have some idea of pacing. Also look online for details if this is confusing. Just note classes will go on if I’m mentally with it enough to be coherent in teaching.

Monday, Dec 5 ONLY

6p: Taylor Track Time! 1h

Tuesday, Dec 6, 20* & 27*

Wednesday, Dec 21* & 28*


  • 11a: Vini-chair-yoga, 30 min Dec 15*, 22*, 29*
  • EUTM is cancelled on Thursdays ONLY for December. Will return in January.

*subject to how i’m feeling. I will cancel via vCita if needed.

Hello Sunshine will return…

January 2nd. If I’ve got anything important to tell you before then, I’ll send it on directly.

In the mean time, let me know what you think of these Hello Sunshine updates. Do you read them? If so, where? If every other week enough? Too much? Is the content valuable to you? Which section do you like the most?

12 days of Fitness

Round 1 started on Thurs, Dec 1. Did you start? Do you need to play catch up?

Day 1 – Awesome Arms video
Day 2 – 2 miles of continuous walking (note time for future rounds) – or bike, run… push a stroller… you choose. Just be consistent with it in Rounds 2 & 3. Also note your route (outdoors), or other variables that can show improvement (time, resistance, etc. )
Day 3…Plank exercises, Sharon style – do a Planksgiving video
Day 4…4×8 min of cardio (same mode, or mix it up – “cross train” – do all in one fell swoop (1 min recovery in between), or break them up across your day – just make sure to get them in!
Day 5… 5 min of a viniyoga class – you can even fast forward 5-10 min into the class and start there – open up the body! Prefer vini-chair-yoga? That works too.
Day 6 – 6×6 min of alternating cardio modes (types of movement – “cross training” – pick 2 modes minimum)
Day 7 – Lucky #7! Do an Everything Under the Moon video
Day 8 – 8×4 or 8×6 cardio sets, 1 min recovery or break it up thru the day
Day 9 – 9 min of a Pilates Mat video
Day 10 – 10×5 min sets of cardio – increase intensity w each 5′, same mode all the way thru – a short 1 min break in between – decrease intensity or stopping
Day 11 – 1 Awesome Arms video AND 1 Planksgiving video. Pick new ones.
Day 12 – 12×3 or 4 min of cardio intervals. You can break them up through out the day, or do a 1 min recovery in between

Holidays, Planks, 12 days of Fitness

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for starting 11/21/22

Happy Holidays! Let the festivities begin!

I admit, instead of festivities, I’m prepping for surgery. All these things to complete beforehand, prepping for what Cousin Amy is gonna need to know while she’s here making sure I behave myself & recover quickly. Lists, spreadsheets, house projects, Planksgiving videos. And in case I get a spot from someone else cancelling, I need to be ready. I just passed the 3 month mark from the injection that didn’t work, so I want to be prepared. I’m 10 weeks from my scheduled date. I’d really rather not wait that long.

Luckily, I’m a planner. This stuff makes me happy. I can plan the heck out of it.


Two more weeks to go! I admit, when I started this I only thought it was 4 weeks of Planksgiving, but since we are going ALL MONTH… and I’m getting feedback that people are more aware of their “rectangle” and enjoying the workouts. I would love your feedback too! You’ve still got plenty of time to start and work at your own pace. You are totally worth 10 min dedicated just for you. Get going now. As I mentioned last Hello Sunshine it’ll be part of the 12 Days of Fitness, plus it’s open on my YouTube channel. You got this. It’s starting that is important!

12 days of Fitness

Because consistency and doing something is important, especially over the holidays. This is a 12-day cycle, rotated thru 3 times, to get you into the New Year. It alternates cardio of choice (walk, run, push the stroller, swim, etc) and strength/stretch – using my YouTube channel for a well balanced plan. If you’re just starting a fitness program, the first 4-6 weeks is all about consistency, about showing up. Follow this plan, and you’ll be golden. Already into your fitness routine? Hopefully this offers you something new, something different.

On day 2 of each round, you’ll have a 2 mile walk that you keep track of – track time, whatever your route was so you can repeat it, weather conditions (see the effect). Not a walker – and let’s be honest, I’m not at the moment (sad emoji) – you can choose a different mode – bike, swim, roller blade, and use that on each day 2.

There IS a prize at the end of all of this – for those that report the time from Day 2s there will be a drawing. Report by emailing me, noting on a social media post. I’d also like to know you are also participating, so commenting on YouTube or Facebook/Instagram is the way to do that. More details to come.

If you are following me on Facebook or Instagram, these will be posted there. If you do better with daily emails, let me know. There’s no “registration” this time. I’ll just note those that want it emailed and get you set up that way.

Ready? Here it is:

Day 1 – Awesome Arms video
Day 2 – 2 miles of continuous walking (note time for future rounds) – or bike, run… push a stroller… you choose. Just be consistent with it in Rounds 2 & 3. Also note your route (outdoors), or other variables that can show improvement (time, resistance, etc. )
Day 3…Plank exercises, Sharon style – do a Planksgiving video
Day 4…4×8 min of cardio (same mode, or mix it up – “cross train” – do all in one fell swoop (1 min recovery in between), or break them up across your day – just make sure to get them in!
Day 5… 5 min of a viniyoga class – you can even fast forward 5-10 min into the class and start there – open up the body! Prefer vini-chair-yoga? That works too.
Day 6 – 6×6 min of alternating cardio modes (types of movement – “cross training” – pick 2 modes minimum)
Day 7 – Lucky #7! Do an Everything Under the Moon video
Day 8 – 8×4 or 8×6 cardio sets, 1 min recovery or break it up thru the day
Day 9 – 9 min of a Pilates Mat video
Day 10 – 10×5 min sets of cardio – increase intensity w each 5′, same mode all the way thru – a short 1 min break in between – decrease intensity or stopping
Day 11 – 1 Awesome Arms video AND 1 Planksgiving video. Pick new ones.
Day 12 – 12×3 or 4 min of cardio intervals. You can break them up through out the day, or do a 1 min recovery in between

Studio hours update & openings for the next 2 weeks

It’s getting a little crazy over here, in the best possible way. I am opening up a few slots from now til surgery just to get people in. So, if you need something that’s not listed, let me know. I might be able to make it open.

Taylor openings

  • Fri, 11/25, 8a-130p
  • Fri, 12/2, 9a -1030a

Austin openings

Next openings listed below. Subject to change, please check online regularly.

12/7 & 21 at 545p, 45 min.

Class schedule update

If you’re wanting to get the most of your class, and if you’re new to me, I recommend a few personal sessions either in conjunction or before attending classes. I’m also finding I’m doing less, so I get to focus more on YOU right now. Which translates to more feedback during classes. I’m also offering more options & variations – again, might be a good time to start!




EOY class special

Now thru EOY, pay for a 1h class, get a 30 min class free. Good for packages and drop ins, but you’ll need to buy the package just for these specials. Will run thru end of year. Why? I want you to try new things!

Links for the following EOY Specials (drop in rate – give it a try!) – $18 for 2 classes. These packages good for 2 weeks from date of purchase.

Links for packages are here, and I’ll add the equivalent 30 min class package to your account. These packages good thru EOY.

  • Decide if you want Tier 1 or 2 (differences in price & how long you have to use them)
  • Decide if you want 4 or 8 Livestream classes
  • Your account will have an equal number of 30 min classes added

Afternoon biking, setting intentions & more!


I admit, there are times when this knee thing gets me down. I’m accustomed to putting in the work and healing, getting better. A lot of me IS getting stronger with what I’m doing, but I can’t fix the knees. I need help with that. Three more months of this is going to challenge me.

I’m reading a book, “How do you make them thirsty?” by Phil Weber, and he’s always saying to himself following ‘negative/bad’ things “this is good, but why?”. A very positive approach. Much like I do. He goes on to explain that is the secret of his success. Learning & growing from every situation. I’m totally okay with that. I’ve definitely learned MORE about knees. I’ve definitely gotten stronger thru the core & deep hips, and am finally able to focus on regaining upper body strength. I’ve spent so much time on the knees these past 3 years, I admit the upper body kinda went to the side for a good bit.

I’ve even adjusted my schedule so I bike in the afternoon when my knees are more warmed up. This is a total shift from doing it at o’dark 30 (pre-COVID), or 8a (since COVID started til now). Yeah, it’s weird.

planksgiving fitness education

I would greatly appreciate this whole knee stuff progressing sooner rather than later. Please join me in my intention that I get a call that there’s been a cancellation (with no harm/negative impact to the person that canceled) and they can get me in before January 30, 2023.


One week in, and I’m getting feedback that people are more aware of their “rectangle.” You’ve still got plenty of time to start and work at your own pace. You are totally worth 10 min dedicated just for you. Get going now. And it’ll be part of the 12 days of fitness, plus it’s open on my YouTube channel. You got this.

Studio hours update & openings for the next 2 weeks

Please remember that I’ll be more open over the holidays than usual, taking off only Thanksgiving day. If you’re looking for something & don’t see it, please ask. I *think* I got it all updated correctly, but there were a lot of services to add to those days.

Taylor openings

  • Fri, 11/11, 915a 30 min movement or online session only – contact me to schedule; 1230p
  • Fri, 11/18, 9a 30 min movement or online session only

Austin openings

Subject to change, but nothing open thru November at the moment. Please check in on the scheduler or with me if you’re wanting a session there. Reminder that 30, 45 & 60 min sessions are available – if you don’t see the length you want, try a shorter one.

Class schedule update

If you’re wanting to get the most of your class, and if you’re new to me, I recommend a few personal sessions either in conjunction or before attending classes. I’m also finding I’m doing less, so I get to focus more on YOU right now. Which translates to more feedback during classes. I’m also offering more options & variations – again, might be a good time to start!




EOY class special

Now thru EOY, pay for a 1h class, get a 30 min class free. Good for packages and drop ins, but you’ll need to buy the package just for these specials. Will run thru end of year. Why? I want you to try new things!

Links for the following EOY Specials (drop in rate – give it a try!) – $18 for 2 classes. These packages good for 2 weeks from date of purchase.

Links for packages are here, and I’ll add the equivalent 30 min class package to your account. These packages good thru EOY.

  • Decide if you want Tier 1 or 2 (differences in price & how long you have to use them)
  • Decide if you want 4 or 8 Livestream classes
  • Your account will have an equal number of 30 min classes added

Planksgiving & the 12 days of Fitness; Personal training; CST; & more!


Planksgiving, CST, Awesome Arms, 12 Days of Fitness, handcrafted

Planksgiving. I oopsed the registration link somehow. So here’s the correct one. I’ve just recorded the first 3 – please keep in mind I’m teaching the movements as we go, so feel free to pause, repeat/hold the movement to your satisfaction. Then let it run again. Feel free to repeat them. Workout will be progressed each week, so Week 1 is building a foundation. Want a refresh on what this entails?

In December, I’m going to take another twist on the holidays – 3 rounds of the 12 days of Fitness. Like Planksgiving, it is free. It’ll run thru the holidays, and end in January. Lot of things will be included – cardio, YouTube videos of various formats, and accountability. Planksgiving is the lead in, so this program will have prizes for those that complete everything. For those that show improvement. More info to come.

Awesome Arms videos will be included in 12 days, and then resume in its updated form in January 2023.

Personal training now an option, specifically for those not interested in movement from the Pilates or Yoga points of view. Some weights, the TRX, bands & bodyweight exercises will be utilized to handcraft your session.

For Craniosacral Therapy sessions, I’ve increased the price to more in line with industry standard. If you want to give it a try, use discount code CST2022 before 12/31/2022 for 15% off. Good for Austin, Taylor and virtual sessions. For those already scheduled, you have the previous price thru the end of the year. Remember, this is a great time to try it, as I’ll be able to do this much more easily while I’m healing from knee replacement. I’ll need to limit standing on my surgery leg as much as possible so it heals faster.

Studio hours update & openings for the next 2 weeks

Back to the idea of working when I can, I’m extending Wednesday hours in Austin to be 1:15p – 630p, through 1/30/23. I’ll have to see how well I do after surgery. Three months after knee #1 gets done, I can do #2.

Also remember that I’ll be more open over the holidays, taking off only Thanksgiving day, and Christmas Day (it’s a Sunday, and I’m off Monday anyway).

Be consistent. Get your workout in. Be awesome.

Taylor openings

  • Tues, 10/25, 315 or 330p
  • Thurs, 10/27, 330p
  • Thurs, 11/3, 330p

Austin openings

Subject to change, but nothing open thru November at the moment. Please check in on the scheduler or with me if you’re wanting a session there.

Class schedule update

Holding steady with this schedule for now – all virtual until further notice. Just gonna be easier on me than trying to move the equipment with a wanky knee.




EOY class special

Now thru EOY, pay for a 1h class, get a 30 min class free. Good for packages and drop ins, but you’ll need to buy the package just for these specials. Will run thru end of year. Why? I want you to try new things!

Links for the following EOY Specials (drop in rate – give it a try!) – $18 for 2 classes. These packages good for 2 weeks from date of purchase.

Links for packages are here, and I’ll add the equivalent 30 min class package to your account. These packages good thru EOY.

  • Decide if you want Tier 1 or 2 (differences in price & how long you have to use them)
  • Decide if you want 4 or 8 Livestream classes
  • Your account will have an equal number of 30 min classes added

Planksgiving, done Sharon Style

Welcome to a month of the Planksgiving, and doing it “Sharon Style”. It’s gonna be different.

Please take a moment to watch my video on WHY I’m doing Planksgiving (finally?).

You choose the option that works for YOU

You can do full plank, kneeling plank, hands on chair/counter, or at the wall. On the hands or on the elbows. Toys or no toys. Options EVERYWHERE to create success for YOU.

Within this month, get stronger, learn more about your body, and learn how to progress planks for the future. Additionally, I’m leaving this YouTube playlist open, so you can continue to use them as part of your regular fitness program. Maybe even part of your wellness journey?

What’s the plan?

Starting Nov 1, 2020, I’ll release 3 videos/week, and you do them as you works for you. Everything will be linked back to YouTube email, FB, IG. The first week they will be released on Nov 1,2 & 3, the next 3 weeks on Mon, Tues & Wed. Why this way? So you have the freedom to choose. So you have… dare I say it?… OPTIONS on when you do it. Additionally, if you want a program you can stick to, it needs to fit into your regular schedule. Start it now, continue it later.

So, go ahead and schedule this in to your day now. The plan is 10 minutes max per video. Get your workout in, get on with your day.

There is no requirement for how many days you do this, however I’d like you to do all 3 work outs each week. If you want more, go for it. Repetition breeds familiarity, breeds intensity. You may find want to stick with week 1 for another round. All good. You do you.

Did I mention it is FREE? A free month of training with me!

I do ask 1 thing in return. When you do the workout, leave me a comment (FB, IG, YT). You’ll need to be logged in to YouTube to leave a comment. Thumbs up are great, comments drive content.

Maybe you have a question. Ask it. I’ll reply on the feed, or in the next week’s video, as appropriate.

Maybe there was a lightbulb moment. SHINE IT.


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